Chakra System

Chakra System: How Your Body’s Energetic Pathways Affect You

Our chakras are our energetic pathways in our body that align with certain aspects of ourselves and in turn our lives. While there is much to say about them, one thing is of utmost importance. To live as abundantly and peacefully and pleasurably as possible, it’s important that our chakras are open, empowered and balanced.

Chakra meditation

Each of the chakras I’m going to cover are part of a whole. You can have your Crown Chakra open, for instance, and your Solar Plexus Chakra closed. If this is the case, you won’t operate or feel as good as you could if all was balanced.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head. This is a funnel-like pathway to Source/The Light/The Other Side–in particular the Angelic Realm. This is your chakra that allows you to “download” important messages and information from Spirit, such as your soul/life purpose and messages from the Light meant to help you and heal you and enable you to fulfill your life purpose.

If your Crown Chakra is closed or blocked in some way, it will be difficult for you to receive and understand messages from the Light. If, however, your Crown Chakra is open, you will be able to communicate with The Other Side and those there.


The Crown Chakra often opens up exponentially when a person is ascending. At this point of spiritual enlightenment, communication from Spirit is strong and gets stronger every day. As this occurs, the Crown Chakra opens up even more, and the flow of Spiritual epiphanies does flow in as if an avalanche.

Those who are particularly claircognizant generally have their Crown Chakra open an optimal amount. Additionally, the Crown Chakra opens up a pathway that allows us to have premonitions about things to come.

When Your Crown Chakra is Closed

If a person’s Crown Chakra is closed, that is often an indication that the person is shut down to the Spiritual realm. This may have occurred because of a trauma that made the person lose faith, or it may be that the person has had the Crown Chakra opened in the past, but he or she “knew” too much from the downloads from Spirit and thus closed it down so as not to get the downloads, which were just too unsettling.

It is possible if you’ve closed down your Crown Chakra to have it opened again. In fact, it is possible to re-open and empower and balance all your chakras. It is when your chakras are operating in tandem, as mentioned prior, that you will feel your best and get the information you require and desire from Spirit.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is our seat of clairvoyance. This is the chakra that allows us to see in our mind’s eye and to even see outside of ourselves. For instance, you may see a person or animal across a room or in a stairway that isn’t “physically” there. Or you might see something in your mind’s eye that gives you a message. For instance, you may see colors or see a person doing something. Or you could see repeating angel numbers or get a message in the form of a sign. For example, a message on a license plate.

Third Eye Chakra

Our Third Eye Chakra is quite sensitive. While doing a healing on the Third Eye, for instance, many healers find that they need to keep their hands further away from that chakra than when healing other chakras. Otherwise, the person might get a sudden headache or feel pressure or an unusual sensation in this area.

The sensitivity is the result of this chakra being rather close to our senses. While it is the seat of clairvoyance, the Third Eye Chakra is also aligned with our seat of clairsentience, to some extent. Our Heart Chakra is also aligned with clairsentience, but clairsentience, since it is an overall feeling that one gets in one’s body, is something that affects various of our chakras.

Take Special Care of Your Third Eye Chakra

That being said, it’s a good idea to take extra care of your Third Eye Chakra, much like you take care of all other chakras. However, you may find that this chakra will close suddenly if you see too much. It might close up for a time, or it might just close up momentarily. I’ll give you an example from my experience.

One night I awoke suddenly to see a man standing at the foot of my bed holding a giant book. This, not surprisingly, startled me. I sat up in bed and yelled. This was despite the fact that I knew it was my Life Guide, Evan. But there is something about being woken up by a Spirit that is a bit unsettling!

As soon as I yelled, Evan disappeared, as if dissolving in front of my eyes. At that point, I was more awake, so I cried out, “No, don’t leave!” But he was already gone. I found out afterward in conversation with him that he came to show me a page out of my book from the Akashic records that he had checked out for the night.

Your Third Eye Chakra, as seen in this example, can be quite powerful, delivering to you illuminating messages. To keep this chakra and all your chakras clear and balanced and empowered, it’s a good idea to exercise this chakra. As you go about your days, notice and acknowledge the many messages Spirit is sending you via your eyes, including your mind’s eye. The more you notice, the more Spirit will communicate with you in this manner.

Pineal Gland Chakra

Our Pineal Gland Chakra is located to the right of our Third-Eye Chakra on our forehead. Housed within the Pineal Gland Chakra is our Higher Self, which is that part of ourselves that remains in the Light and knows exactly what we intended to do and learn in this lifetime.

Pineal Gland Chakra

If you think about it, who would you rather gain insight and wisdom from than yourself? Who would you rather ask questions of, and who would you like to be guided by? Yourself, of course. For your Higher Self is that part of you that knows what is perfectly, exactly just right for you during your journey on Earth.

Pineal Gland Chakra and Your Higher Self

Our Pineal Gland Chakra is directly in touch with our Higher Self and our Soul Purpose. It is through our Pineal Gland Chakra that our goals and wishes regarding what we planned to do and learn when we came here are passed through and translated. It is through our Pineal Gland Chakra and its connection with our other Chakras—especially our Crown and Third-eye Chakras—that we keep heading along our soul path toward our soul missions and the many learning lessons our soul wished to experience along the way.

Maintain a healthy, open, balanced and empowered Pineal Gland Chakra, and you will find that you feel and know that you are on your right path at all times. If the Pineal Gland Chakra becomes closed or limited or imbalanced, you will find that you aren’t sure where you are supposed to be going or even if you are supposed to be going anywhere. You will likely feel unbalanced and unsure about your life in general, and in particular about your Soul Purpose.

Higher Self

So what can you do to keep your Pineal Gland Chakra healthy and happy and balanced and empowered? You can start by also maintaining your Crown and Third-Eye Chakras, because as mentioned, they are all interconnected. You can also do your best to trust your intuition and the messages coming from Spirit, and then take the actions you are being guided to take.

If you feel as if you are meant to immerse yourself in an area of learning or look further into an aspect of your life, that is your Pineal Gland Chakra calling out to you. If you wish to keep this Chakra healthy, you would be wise to hear “your calls to you” and answer them.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is not surprisingly located in our throat. It is our seat of communication, from where we can speak our truth or from where we can relay what we think others want to hear.

We have all said what others have wanted to hear quite often in our lifetimes. Some of us more than others. Does this mean that is necessarily a “bad” thing? It is neither. For saying what others want to hear, or even need to hear at a certain point in time, is a part of being a human and a part of humanity.

Herein lies the thing about this, however. It is one thing to know that you are speaking a “truth” for another, while it is quite another thing to not know what you are truly saying, because your Throat Chakra is unbalanced or compromised. Or to not be able to speak up at all because your Throat Chakra is closed or nearly closed. In this regard, it is important to take good care of your Throat Chakra, so that you can communicate as you intend, in whatever manner you choose to do so.

Throat Chakra

Our Throat Chakras when they are trying to open may even cause physical symptoms such as sore or scratchy throats or coughing. If you are ascending, you may find that your throat starts to do “strange” things. For instance, you may feel your vocal chords tighten or even tickle at times. This is especially the case if you are thinking about communicating something in particular from the Light/Spiritual in nature, or even to speak one of your truths.

As with all your chakras, it pays to take good care of your Throat Chakra. To do this, it’s important to look at what you wish to truly say, versus what you know you need to say, versus what you truly don’t want to say, no matter what. If you find that you are more often than not saying what you truly don’t wish to say, then your Throat Chakra is likely compromised in some way, such as being partially or all the way closed.

Can Your throat Chakra be Open Too Much?

You may at this point be wondering if it is possible to have your Throat Chakra open “too” much. In fact, that is possible, but this is relative. By this, I mean that it is all subjective. A person who speaks up and speaks his or her mind and is glad for it likely has a wide open Throat Chakra. To that person, it is all well and good. To the person on the receiving end, it may seem to be “too” open.

The opposite may also be true. If you find that you speak up more often than you’d like to, it may be that your Throat Chakra is open too wide or unbalanced with your other chakras.

Our Throat Chakras are closely aligned with our Solar Plexus Chakra. We do want these two to be balanced. As our seat of power, our Solar Plexus Chakra when balanced with our Throat Chakra will help us truly speak our truths in a powerful way that can potentially help us while it helps all of humanity.

Heart Chakra

Not surprisingly, the Heart Chakra is located in the region of our heart. This Chakra is directly affected by others Chakras, and in fact is command central, so to speak, for all of the Chakras. For anything that occurs in any one Chakra does affect the Heart Chakra. Our seat of independence, for example, the Solar Plexus Chakra, and its health will affect our Heart Chakra and vice versa.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is our seat of Clairempathy. Clairempathy refers to clear feeling in terms of having empathy for others and their circumstances. In order for you to be a clear channel of Clairempathy, you must have a Heart Chakra that is clear and empowered and balanced.

Is this to say that you can’t have empathy for others if your Heart Chakra is not up to snuff, so to speak? No, not necessarily. You will be able to relate to others, but when your Heart Chakra is compromised, you may experience over-the-top feelings, if your Heart Chakra is too open, or muted feelings, if your Heart Chakra isn’t open enough.

It is imperative if you are to love deeply and fully that your Heart Chakra is clear, balanced and empowered. It is not possible to feel the full emotions of love for self and love for others without this Heart Chakra at its optimum. It is also important that the Heart Chakra is doing well in order to attract and drawn in the type of love you wish for.

Heart Sand Chakra

What to do if your Heart Chakra requires some care?

Know that all that you wish for and all that you want will come to you in perfect Divine order. When you acknowledge and take to “heart” Divine Orchestration, you do welcome in healing and upliftment for your heart. I can hear some of you thinking, what does my Heart Chakra have to do with Divine Timing?

By accepting and knowing that Divine Timing is always divine and perfect, you allow your Heart Chakra to welcome in all of the wonderful experiences and things and people scheduled to come to you.

At the same time, a full, healthy Heart Chakra allows you to be able to believe at a core level that even more riches from the Universe will be rained down upon you in an unending stream of blessings. The gratitude that automatically comes from those blessings causes your Heart Chakra to essentially bloom and continue to flourish.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus is located above the stomach under the breast bones. This is our seat of independence and power. It is from our Solar Plexus that we gather the courage to try new things and to climb the proverbial mountains that we fear climbing. It is also from this chakra that we learn to stand up for what we believe in, and most importantly, stand up for ourselves.

Often, the Solar Plexus Chakra works in tandem with our Throat Chakra. When our Solar Plexus is open, empowered and balanced, we are able to speak up for ourselves and to get our needs met in a kind and assertive way.

When our Solar Plexus Chakra is imbalanced or closed or unempowered or all three, we have a hard time standing up for ourselves and getting what is “due” us. We tend to shrink from opportunities that seem scary and even run from great opportunities, or stall so long that the opportunities retreat and disappear.

When we are not balanced in our Solar Plexus area, we tend to have a big issue with boundaries. That is, we tend to allow people who have no respect for boundaries to invade our space, either emotionally or physically, or both. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus challenges are quite common at work and in relationships and even in family dynamics. In fact, many of us came here to learn Solar Plexus challenges, such as how to be independent and to embrace our power and to succeed no matter what.
It takes courage and optimism and perseverance and belief in oneself to do that which might be considered impossible or extremely difficult to do. In order to accomplish such goals, we need our Solar Plexus empowered and balanced and clear.

When Our Solar Plexus is Empowered

A Solar Plexus that is clear, balanced and empowered is a Solar Plexus that is healthy. At the same time, having our Solar Plexus in such a state is our natural state. Some might think that we are naturally powerless, but quite the opposite is true. However, we may learn lessons when young and when we are older that teach us that standing up for ourselves—that putting ourselves first—is considered “selfish.” If we believe this, then our Solar Plexus becomes imbalanced and even closes.

A healthy Solar Plexus allows us to have a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. The Solar Plexus is where our self-esteem dwindles or flourishes. Take good care of your Solar Plexus, and you will be compelled to take good care of yourself and to reach for and grasp your dreams.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is our seat of creativity, passion and desire. It is from our Sacral Chakra that we feel joy and spontaneity and hope and the belief that all is aligned in such a way that our heart’s desires and our wishes and those things in which we delight will come to us as on a miracle path. A yellow brick road of sorts filled with gemstones and hearts and flower petals.

For joy and passion and creativity and desire are concepts that we can’t quite put our finger on if we are asked to explain these concepts, and yet we know them when we feel them, and indeed, we revel in the feelings when we feel them.

Sacral Chakra

I know this is all sounding a bit esoteric right now. There is a reason for this. Our Sacral Chakra, while it is often thought of as our seat of desire and where our desire for sex comes from, is in fact a much deeper chakra than you might think. For desire runs much deeper than sex. Desire to live and to be here comes from our Sacral Chakra. Desire to feel deeply and to experience joy and creativity is seated in the Sacral Chakra.

When Your Sacral Chakra Is Blocked

Without a clear and present and healthy Sacral Chakra, it is hard to feel joy. At the same time, it is hard to feel in general. So, if you are feeling as if you aren’t feeling as deeply as you once did, it’s likely that there are blockages or impediments in your Sacral Chakra area.

If your Sacral Chakra is balanced and empowered and clear to feel and experience, then you are likely to experience joy and deep creativity in all that you do. While creativity is most certainly the ability to be creative with the creative arts like painting and drawing and sculpting and writing and designing, you can be creative with whatever pursuit you are pursuing.

For instance, you can be creative with numbers, with the molding and matching and mixing of numbers and the concepts that do come forth with the numbers. Indeed, engineering is highly creative, as are the medical arts. I think you’re seeing here what is being said.

Sacral Chakra blocked

If you are sensing that our Sacral Chakra is quite a “deep” chakra, you would be right. In fact, it is our Sacral Chakra that is tied to our ancestral past and our Soul DNA people. It is our chakra of being.

That being said, it’s important to honor your Sacral Chakra and to ensure you feed your Sacral Chakra by honoring the creativity within you in whatever form that creativity presents itself. At the same time, it’s important to allow yourself to have fun for the pure joy of simply being and having fun as a human.

Base Root Chakra

Our Base Root Chakra is our seat of survival. It is from this chakra that we get our will to live and survive. When this chakra is empowered and strong, we feel safe in our world. When it is not empowered or imbalanced or compromised in any way, we feel disempowered and weak, and are fearful.

There are times in our life when our Base Root Chakra will feel threatened and may close down or go into overdrive survival mode. Such instances include when we are having financial difficulties and when we are ill or fear becoming ill or when someone means us physical harm.

Over the last year, many people have had their Base Root Chakra threatened and disempowered and compromised in the face of a Global Pandemic.

Base Root Chakra

So, what to do if one’s Base Root Chakra is threatened by outside influences? First, before even attempting to open or empower or balance this Chakra, do look at what is threatening it, and then do put things into perspective. The fact is that we are always backed up and protected by Spirit.

Could our physical body die from a virus or heart attack or accident or…..? Yes, we can die from something, and the fact is that is an inevitability in this lifetime. Where, how, when, etc., we may not know. What we do know, however, is that Spirit is always there. And when we do leave the EarthPlane, we will go back into the loving and protective arms of Spirit.

Putting Things into Perspective with the Base Root Chakra

Once you realize that there truly is no death and that we are always backed up, then you can begin to put what is happening to you on the EarthPlane that is affecting your Base Root Chakra into perspective. You can begin to see that what you fear and what you quake about isn’t as bad as it appears.

And if things are truly “bad,” you can know that you will be caught when you “fall” back into the Light. Or that the Light is your backup, and so you can allow yourself to walk through the muck and mire that is ahead of you without fear, but with resolve, knowing that you will get out of the tunnel and you will reach the other side, where you will bloom again, and the cycle of life will continue.

After you have come to this realization and knowing and are at peace with it, you can check to ensure that your Base Root Chakra is opened and empowered and balanced. Often, when we come through dark times and dark hours and see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, our Base Root Chakra rights itself. It won’t do so until we are at peace and know that we are protected and loved and backed up, no matter what.

Julie Bawden-Davis

Julie Bawden-Davis is a bestselling journalist, blogger, speaker and novelist. Widely published, she has written 25 books and more than 4,000 articles for a wide variety of national and international publications. For many years, Julie was a columnist with the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle and In nonfiction, Julie specializes in home and garden, small business, personal finance, food, health and fitness, inspirational profiles and memoirs. She is founder and publisher of and the YouTube channel Healthy Houseplants. Julie is also a prolific novelist who has penned two fiction series.

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