Transform Your Life with Full and New Moon Ceremonies
New and Full Moon Ceremonies
I discovered full and new moon ceremonies a few years ago. If you haven’t tried such ceremonies, I would highly recommend doing so. There is something practical yet at the same time ethereal about the process. These rituals by moonlight are something that can change your life and mindset significantly.
Why Full and New Moon Ceremonies?
While they are fun and a bit trendy, I have to say that new and full moon ceremonies can be especially cathartic and empowering. When you participate in such a ceremony—which doesn’t have to be particularly complicated, and I don’t suggest it is—you will experience changes in your life.
Each type of ceremony has a different overall reason. Full moon ceremonies are meant to enable you to shed that which no longer serves you. On the opposite end of the spectrum, new moon ceremonies are designed to call in what you truly want in your life.

It’s a funny thing about life. There is a tendency to move along at the status quo. We get busy and get the “if things aren’t broke don’t fix them” mentality. Along the way, we adopt the “someday” mentality, and the “this is good enough for now” thought process.
But the fact is, as Dr. A., my psychology professor now in the Light who I channel says, “Today is Someday.” Yes, we never die—our souls live on forever—but this incarnation of ourselves will not.
So, why not create the life you truly want right now? A full moon ceremony followed two weeks later with a new moon ceremony can help you do just that.
I’m going to discuss full moon ceremonies first, followed by guidelines for new moon ceremonies.
Full Moon Ceremony Tips
As mentioned, a Full Moon Ceremony is designed to shuck off that which no longer serves you. This frees you up emotionally, mentally, spiritually and even physically to live the life you truly wish to live and manifest the desires you wish to bring forth.
When it comes to deciding what to get rid of in a Full Moon Ceremony, I suggest tackling just one area of your life at a time. There will be another full moon next month, so there is no need to stuff everything you want to get rid of into the same ceremony. In fact, it can dilute the effects and confuse things.
You also want to be very specific during the ceremony. Determine what you want to release—be it an emotional or material way of being—a mindset.
For instance, lack mindset is very broad. Try to drill down on such concepts. What particular lack mindset do you wish to release? The idea you will never make enough money to live a comfortable life? The belief you won’t ever own a home, or find the perfect partner?
What about Releasing People or Circumstances?
You may wish to release the effects from a certain experience or relationship in your life. The instinct with this is to try and release the person or a period in your life. But that isn’t advised or possible.
Instead, list the lessons that came from the circumstances or experience with the person. Take your time with this. Rather than proclaiming, “I learned to never let anyone make me feel small and insignificant again,” dig deep.
Ask yourself why the person made you feel small and insignificant. And then look this truth squarely in the face: You allowed yourself to feel this way. And may I go a step further and say, you welcomed it.
Before you balk and click off, let me remind you of something. Free will is the Law of the Universe. We plan our lives on Earth with willing souls who agree to collaborate so we can all learn lessons. Often, those lessons are different for each of us. Sometimes radically different, especially when there is an antagonistic nature to the lessons.

But this is the thing. We are inextricably tied to those souls with whom we learn lessons. Because they are often part of our soul group or soul DNA cohort. That means if you try to cut the cords and throw them out with the bathwater, you have missed the point completely. The lesson is much deeper than, I need to steer clear of narcissists, abusers, breadcrumbers and the like.
And when you miss the lesson, it lingers.
Here is what to do instead. Thank the people you’ve collaborated with for helping you learn the lessons and send love and light to their higher selves. Then let go of the lessons. Nothing more. By doing this, you will assimilate the lessons and act in a manner that is good for the higher good.
This is not to say you return to tolerating poor behavior. In fact, when you release the lesson, such behavior will often suddenly repel you.
It also doesn’t mean you should forgive the person, because that isn’t your job. You’ve carried enough of that burden. It just means that particular “class” is over.

New Moon Ceremony Tips
Ideally, it is good to follow a Full Moon Ceremony release with a New Moon Calling in Ceremony. Once you’ve done the release of something like a lack mindset surrounding something you wish for in life, you can use the New Moon Ceremony to invite in what you truly want.
For example, say you release at the Full Moon the idea that you will never have a fulfilling job where you are appreciated and able to thrive. At the New Moon Ceremony, you want to call in your dream job. To do so, list the top attributes you wish for in your ideal job.
As with the Full Moon Ceremony, don’t attempt to call in a certain person, place or circumstance. For instance, don’t ask for a relationship with a specific person or a certain position at a company. Instead, put in your order for the perfect job or a reciprocal relationship and trust that Spirit/The Divine will bring you what you want in the Divine Right Time.

Full and New Moon Ceremony Steps
The following will help you with the process, but feel free to make tweaks as you see fit.
Since I am in Southern California, I often go to the beach at sunset for my ceremonies, but not always. Sometimes I do them next to my pond. You could find yourself drawn to different elements. This can be affected by whether it is a full or new moon and what astrological sign the moon is in.
- Have your intentions for the ceremony written down or on your phone so you can read them.
- If guided to bring a candle and/or sage, do so.
- When you arrive wherever you have decided to go, sit peacefully, get centered and light the candle and/or sage.
- For a Full Moon Ceremony, say what you wish to purge 3-5 times. Once done, visualize the burden being burned up and dissolved.
- For a New Moon Ceremony, say what you wish to call in 3-5 times and visualize it becoming a part of your consciousness and way of being.
- Blow out the candle and extinguish the sage.
- If possible, go to the water and submerge your feet. I generally stand in the surf for a while.
- When the ceremony is done, thank your Higher Self, Life Guide and the Universe/Divine. Breathe deep and feel the lightness envelope you.
- Over the next few days, notice how you feel about whatever it is you got rid of or called in.
Check here for timing of New and Full Moons.