
Expect Delays

Do You Fall into The Expectation Trap?

I’ve found that a common source of discontentment for people is living in expectation. It’s an easy trap to fall into. 

Before we talk about what I mean by living in expectation, let’s take a look at the word expectation. 

Expectation has the word expect as its base. And when you expect. What happens? Well, you could get what you expect, but you might not. In fact, we often don’t get what we expect. We may get more than we expect. Or we could get less than we expect. But the bottom line is that our expectations often don’t line up with our reality.

Is that a “good” or “bad” thing? 

It’s truly neither. On the surface that is.

But underneath, something else brews when we have a lot of expectations. Especially “high” ones. And that is this.

We begin to live our life directed by our expectations. We take left or right turns, so to speak, based on expectations. We don’t do certain things because of expectations. And while we are avoiding doing certain things, we do more of other things, even if we don’t really want to do them. Because of expectations.

You will likely see that a lot of our disappointments in life and our irritation and depression and anger centers around our expectations. Expectations can ruin an otherwise pretty good day, week, month or even year.

Wonder Wheel

Does that mean we should avoid expectations?

We could most certainly try. Of course, we won’t be able to do so completely, as we’re human. But if we try to change our expectations to anticipation, we may find that rather than being disappointed and irritated, we begin to find ourselves delighted and filled with a sense of wonder and excitement.

You may be thinking, but what is the difference between expectation and anticipation?

Though the difference may seem minor. It truly isn’t. When we expect something and it doesn’t appear, we are disappointed. But when we anticipate—that is a much broader, open-ended type of thinking.

Generally, with anticipation, we really have no idea what is coming up in our near or distant future. Like a baby set to spring from the womb, we have no idea what he or she will look or be like, but we anticipate with excited curiosity.

The same goes for getting a present. Unless you were consulted about what you wanted, you have no idea what lies under the wrapping paper, do you? And that gives you a giddy, excited sense of wanting to see what treasure lies beneath.

Going a step further with the present analogy, think of those times when you did ask for something specific but didn’t get it. You were probably miffed because you didn’t get what you asked for and may have discounted what you did get because of your irritation. This is yet another example of how expectation can ruin an otherwise good experience.

My advice? Try as much as possible to stay in a state of anticipation. Because when you do, you begin wondering what fun things lie ahead. By being in such a state of awe and wonder, you elevate your vibration and attract towards you delightful and surprising events, circumstances, and even people.

It is by anticipating that we invite magic and amazement into our lives. And the more you anticipate, the more magical, delightful occurrences come to you. They can’t help but make their way to you, because by anticipating, you have become a magnet.

When you anticipate, you allow. And when you allow, your life becomes much richer, more fun and much more interesting than when you were wallowing in expectations.

Inner Adolescent

Are You in Communication with Your Inner Adolescent?

We often hear about our inner child. In fact, much is done to access our inner child and to love him or her. While I think tending to your inner child allows you to heal on a deep level, if you are working to manifest the life of your dreams, your inner adolescent is equally, if not more, important.

Who is your inner adolescent, and how is he or she different from your inner child?

Your inner adolescent represents a very different time of life than childhood. You are technically in adolescence from ages 10-19. That is a stage when you explore the wonders of life and are excited about the experiences to come. It’s that time in life when you can’t wait to grow up so your life can “begin.”

Your inner adolescent is ready to explore—in fact eager to do so. She has inspired idea after inspired idea, and the energy to explore those ideas and even carry them out. 

We often hear about our inner child. In fact, much is done to access our inner child and to love him or her. While I think tending to your inner child allows you to heal on a deep level, if you are working to manifest the life of your dreams, your inner adolescent is equally, if not more, important. Who is your inner adolescent, and how is he or she different from your inner child? Your inner adolescent represents a very different time of life than childhood. You are technically in adolescence from ages 10-19. That is a stage when you explore the wonders of life and are excited about the experiences to come. It's that time in life when you can't wait to grow up so your life can "begin." Your inner adolescent is ready to explore—in fact eager to do so. She has inspired idea after inspired idea, and the energy to explore those ideas and even carry them out.

Think back to when you were 10-19. What excited you back then? What made you want to explore your world? What did you look forward to doing when you “grew up?”

You may recall wanting to do things that were exciting, creative, daring, even. True, the pursuits you considered back then may not have been realistic. (We can’t all be astronauts, for instance.) But thinking about what you found exciting back then made you feel like flying, didn’t it?

It could be what you dreamed about back then isn’t unrealistic now. Perhaps you thought about creating music or art or traveling to distant locales. Maybe you wanted to have your own cooking show or to write a book. And then you went on to do something else in life to pay the bills.

But when you think about your old hopes and dreams, they spark something inside of you, don’t they? It might even cause you to think about finally writing that book or taking that Italian class and traveling to Europe.


The point is to look back and see what made your inner adolescent happy and excited. Just by accessing those memories, you call forth your inner adolescent. And when you do, you reignite dreams that may have been dormant for some time.

Even if you no longer want to do what you thought would be awesome at 13, you bring forth those feelings of joyous exploration and anticipation from that time. And do you know what happens when you access those feel-good feelings? You manifest more quickly and easily into your life what you want right now.

You see, when it comes to creating your dream life, your inner adolescent holds the keys. He knows what inspires and uplifts you and makes you feel gleeful and ready to take a leap of faith.

Your inner adolescent isn’t bogged down by the “have-tos” and “shoulds and “harsh realities” of life. She operates from a carefree and excited place that says, Why not? What if? How about if I try? Who’s going to stop me?

So, go ahead and call forth your inner adolescent. Let her run free and see where he takes you. Grab your inner adolescent’s hand and hop, skip, jump and run into your inspired life.

I dare you.

Have You Fallen into The Conditional Living Trap?

Have You Fallen into The Conditional Living Trap?

If you answered yes to the above question, congratulations, you’re human. And you’re living a human existence. In fact, this is a very common predicament and lesson for all of us.

What do I mean when I say conditional living? Let me define for you. Conditional living refers to living with conditions always playing in the background, or even the foreground for you. By that I mean that you are happy, content, satisfied, unworried, feeling fine, as long as certain conditions in your life are a “reality.”

So, what sort of conditions? Here are a few:

  • You are happy in all of your relationships and things are smooth sailing.
  • You are in a harmonious, romantic relationship that makes your heart sing.
  • Your career is going really well and you feel inspired and excited about it.
  • You live in a home you love and feel safe and secure and happy to be there.
  • Your children are all behaving well and making you proud.
  • Those close to you are doing what you’d like them to do.
  • You have a great group of friends, and you all get along really well.

I think you’re seeing a pattern here, yes?

Certainly, there is nothing wrong with wanting certain conditions in your life to be ideal for you. But here is the thing. Rarely, if ever, are all of the conditions you would like to see occurring in your life at once. You’ve probably noticed that.

So what does this mean in the scheme of things? It means if you are waiting for everything to be just as you would like them to be in order to be happy, feel fulfilled, feel alive, feel excited, well then, you’re going to have a very long wait.


When we live with the idea that all or most things need to be perfect in our world for us to feel perfect, we live in a constant state of lack. And that lack leads to sadness and depression and anxiety….You get the picture.

So, what to do about all of this, because we’re human and we want what we want. Here is another thing to consider, we are living with other humans who want what they want. And sometimes what they want is not what we want.

While we could bemoan the fact that those in our life aren’t doing what we want them to do, or situations or people aren’t presenting themselves as we wish they would, that only keeps us in a depressed, anxious loop, like the spin cycle I wrote about. It is also akin to diving into the emotional dumpster.

Here is the truth. Living conditionally only leads to misery. It might be a low-grade misery if there are only a few things on your “wish list” that aren’t there, or it can be a deep-dive into depression if many of those things aren’t on your list—especially really important ones.

The problem is, if you’re trying to manifest things into your life, this constant thrum of lack only pushes back all you truly want to have in your life.

The other thing about all of this, and probably the most important point—living a conditional life is truly disempowering. And who wants to live like that? Wouldn’t you rather live an empowered life? A life full of joy simply because you’re alive and you know that you are truly amazing and have high potential right here and right now where you are standing?


Furthermore, when we live conditionally when it comes to other people—for instance, wanting our significant other to do this or say that, or our kids to comply with our wishes, or our boss to notice our talents, we are on our knees at the mercy of their actions. Do you really want to be there?

So how to unstick yourself from the conditional living loop?

Here are some tips:

  1. Identify all the areas in your life where you are living conditionally—be this people and circumstances and things.
  2. Acknowledge that you aren’t doing yourself or even those in your life any favors by living this way and expecting things and circumstances that are truly out of your control.
  3. Vow to identify as you go through your day the various ways you are living conditionally. Record them in some way. At the end of the day, examine your list and vow to stop yourself the following day when you start the, “if only they would do this, or if only this would happen,” then I’ll feel better.
  4. When you wake up every morning, before you look at your “reality,” begin listing off all of the good things that are happening in your life. Give thanks for everything you can think of at the moment—be they small and “big” things.
  5. Tackle your day, reminding yourself that you want to be in control of your life and your feelings, and in order to do that you can’t be at the mercy of people or circumstances.

This is a good list to get you started. As I always say, growth and positive change starts with awareness. The more aware we become of our thought processes about something that is no longer serving us and may be harming us, the more our thoughts begin to change and the loop slows down and eventually stops.


I promise you. If you can get off of the conditional living loop, you will feel a sense of power and contentment like you’ve never felt before. And guess what happens when you feel that peace and power?

You begin drawing in like a giant magnet those conditions and experiences that you do want to see in your life. At the same time, you see that you draw in what is truly yours. What your soul is calling you to feel and see and experience. And that is a wonderful way to live!

Dont Give Up On Dreams

Should you just give up on a dream?

We all have dreams and goals and aspirations. But at some point, we may get to a stalling point where nothing seems to be working out in terms of our deepest wishes. Undoubtedly, at such junctures, we often ask ourselves, should I just give up on this? 

When this question occurs, we tend to look at the “reality” of the situation and what hasn’t worked or happened or fallen into place yet. We may even list off all the signs that it might be a good time to just give up. 

While giving up is certainly your prerogative, and it might look like the best option at the time, I would first suggest asking yourself the following two questions before pulling the proverbial plug.

1) Do I want this goal, dream, aspiration as much as I wanted it when I began the journey? Or has it paled in comparison to other dreams, goals, wishes, desires that might be more alluring at this time?

2) If I still want to to reach the goal, the dream, let me consider how I will feel if I don’t reach it. Let down? Disappointed? Heartbroken, even?

Question Mark

I think you can see where this is going. There are those dreams, desires, aspirations that we were meant to accomplish in this lifetime. If we don’t, we will be disappointed and perhaps even greatly disillusioned.

On the other hand, there are those dreams that flit into our life and seem like a great idea, but then the desire for them fades away. We may even find that those dreams are dreams of another that we thought we wanted for ourselves but discover that isn’t actually the case.

Determining into which camp your particular goals and dreams fall is important before deciding to just give up. If you determine that you won’t be happy until you succeed with a goal/dream, then it’s a good idea to muster up the courage and energy to plod on. When you do so, consider the following.

We can plan what we are going to do and wish mightily to reach that goal, but if we give up, we simply won’t get there. I assure you, you will get to where you wish to go if you just keep going—no matter the stones you must walk over or the storm clouds that threaten.

Yes, you will have to climb mountains at times and cross raging rivers. That’s the point of all of this, isn’t it? To experience the immense challenges to reaching your goal so that when you cross that river or traverse that mountain and come out the other side that you know deep in your soul that you did your absolute best to arrive at your destination, and arrive you did.


As long as you continue in your desired direction—grabbing life rafts and helping hands along the way—you will get to where you wish to go.

Yes, the journey WILL stretch and strain and pull you in multiple directions. At points you may feel as if the journey might break you, but you are not breakable when it comes to goals of the spirit. You are malleable. If you continue, you will arrive.

And when you do so, you will look back on your journey feeling exhilarated, satisfied and downright joyous. You will then come to the conclusion that there is ALWAYS forward momentum of the soul, and that forward momentum will win out—if you let it.

To find out more about our soul journeys, check out my book Mysteries of the Light Revealed: All You Want to Know about Life on the Other Side.


Do You Make Assumptions about Other People?

Do You Make Assumptions about Other People?

I often find when I’m doing spiritual coaching that many problems arise when clients make assumptions about other people.

This can occur when they are expecting to hear from someone and they don’t, or when someone has done something they don’t agree with. The list could go on—but suffice it to say, they decide why a person is not responding or acting the way they would like them to act, and then pass judgment. This is usually followed with anger and frustration that disrupts their serenity and gets them off-course.

All of this could be avoided, if they just stopped assuming and took the time to consider that there could be something going on in the person’s life. And then instead of continuing to focus on the other person, refocus on themselves and let Divine Timing and
Divine Orchestration play out. All will generally be revealed at some point. 

Walking in the shoes of another….or many others.

While I’ve always taken the above sentiment to heart, and remind myself of this whenever I am interacting with others, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I saw firsthand how meaningful this practice can be.

I was on a panel about writing that was being televised in front of a live audience. There were five writers, including myself. The woman sitting on my left wore an ill-fitting outfit. Interesting, I thought, but perhaps she feels she looks her best. That’s all that really matters.

Walking Shoes

The panel started then, and the moderator began asking each of us certain questions about writing. When it was time for the woman beside me to answer, I was a bit shocked when she cussed several times during her answer.

Rather than becoming offended, because believe me, I’ve done my share of cussing, I thought, well, this isn’t the appropriate time for those words, but I don’t know her whole story.

After the panel ended, each of us authors set up tables with our books. I was within earshot of the writer I had sat next to. At one point, I heard her say something that made my jaw drop. It turns out the day before the panel, her entire home burned down with all of her belongings in it. She was wearing a friend’s clothing, which is why her outfit didn’t fit too well. 

Foot Print

I immediately thought, how remarkable that she honored her commitment to appear at the panel. How many people would have done so? The fact that she showed up spoke volumes. Many more volumes than ill-fitting clothing and a few off-color words.

It’s easy when you have interactions with others who bother you to make assumptions and condemn. But truly, you’ve never walked in another’s shoes until you’ve walked in them.

When you know a person’s full story, imagining yourself in their shoes can offer more understanding and compassion and sometimes respect than you ever imagined.


Meet Dr. A: The LightPlane Professor of Ascension

Dr. A. was my sociology professor back in college. At the time that I took classes from him, he was nearing retirement. He was a quirky soul who had the capacity to really make you think about the whys behind the things that people do, especially when it came to their roles in society.

Dr. A. and I got along well. In fact, he told me when I graduated with a minor in sociology and a major in journalism that I was his best student during his very long career. I was such a good student he used my tests as his key. I didn’t know back then but have come to find out that Dr. A and I have known each other over many lifetimes.

Over the years after I graduated, I thought about Dr. A. now and then and wondered how he was doing. Then in 2016, I began thinking about him a lot. He kept popping into my head, and I started to wonder if I should reach out to him.

It wasn’t until late one night when I was getting ready for bed that I suddenly realized and exclaimed to an “empty” bathroom, “Oh!!! You’re dead!!!”

At that point, he piped up and said, “Yes, my dear, finally!”

I apologized for not “getting it” sooner and said, “You probably have a message for me. Could we talk in the morning? I’m a bit tired, and I have a busy day tomorrow.”

Dr. A. replied in his signature droll manner, “I was going to talk to you about the philosophical and sociological paradigm shift that is currently your life. But we can talk about that later.”

Of course, I reacted by exclaiming, “On second thought, let’s talk right now!”

And so, I sat down and wrote out the following Light Plane Ascension Chart as given to me by Dr. A. According to him, this is a step up from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow was an American psychologist who created this chart back in the 1940s.

If you are ascending, you will find that you fall somewhere on this chart. It’s important to note that we do tend to move up and down on the chart at times as we experience life. As long as we continue to work on our spirituality, however, we will climb the ascension “ladder.” It may take some time, but it will happen.

Dr. A’s LightPlane Ascension Chart


Dead Sleep of Despair: A cataclysmic event or chain of events that pushes you to the depths of despair. Examples include divorce, death of a loved one, illness and disease, loss of a job, loss of a way of life, or loss of an illusion. (Not everyone starts their ascension journey this way, but many do.)

Dead Sleep of Despair

Awakening: Coming out of the dead sleep of despair to see the light, so to speak. Glimmers at first and then brighter and brighter bits of light that give you hope and lead you to seek out the light—such as going to spiritual schools/reading spiritual books, learning about mediumship, etc. Knowing that there is “more” and knowing that you truly want that “more.”

Enlightenment: This is when you begin to seek knowledge; you become extremely ravenous and thirsty for everything you can find about Spirit/the Light Plane/the Other Side. The drive is strong and at times can be all-consuming. For a time, you may also shirk some responsibilities, or at least become scattered and forget to perform some EarthPlane duties. The LightPlane shines so brightly that you wish to simply immerse yourself in its glorious rays and lap up the knowledge that you find at every turn and the knowingness that you are on the exact right path and that glory shines ever so brightly for you now and even brighter in the future. You often experience a bit of “fly away,” so to speak—where grounding becomes quite important.

Attainment: This is the phase during ascension where you grasp onto the knowledge that has come to you from the Light. You feel the rightness of that knowledge and rather than thinking you are imagining things, because you have such a vivid imagination, you know that you have attained a higher level of Light on the EarthPlane and that you are grounded in the reality of the “real deal,” which is the Light, not the EarthPlane. You come to understand that this here on Earth is an illusion.

Glory: When you have grasped the prior step and know you are on the path to the amazingness of living a dual life on the EarthPlane and the LightPlane, it is as if Angels suddenly break out in song in your head and heart (and in truth, they do!) You feel the immense power of the Universe at this point and realize with wonder and delight that you are an integral part of the immense power of the Universe and that you sing in tandem with many like-minded souls. This is the point when you begin to know, deep in your core/psyche/soul, that we are all inextricably linked. So linked that we could never, even if we tried, split from one another. Our atoms—our entire being—is intertwined with one another and this glorious tapestry of life and love in all of its forms.

Security in yourselves and your destinies: Now that you have obtained a vision of your true place in this Universal web of creativity and love and compassion, you become grounded and you know deeply to a soul-DNA level that you are absolutely perfect and that you fit into this web of life—this puzzle of the magnificent in an utterly perfect way. You no longer question your path. You simply take next indicated steps, because during your ascension journey, you’ve learned to accept and allow all that comes to you and all that you know will come ahead of you. There are no questions and concerns anymore about your place in the world or where you are going, and you know to your core that every step you take is preordained by you, directed by you and internalized by you. You are so perfectly divine, and you know it!

Peace And Tranquility

Peace and Tranquility. You now arrive at a serene peace so pure and so unadulterated by any of life’s commotion or noise. Chaos can swarm around you and you, for the most part, remain undeterred and unbothered and simply feel a sense of calm that truly does pass all understanding. You know that all is exactly the way it should be—the birds in the sky, the crumbs that fall at your feet, the smile from a stranger and the hugs and warmth from loved ones—each and every little action/decision/wish even, is exactly what and where it should be. Here you are fully grounded, yet at the same time tapped into the Universe and its life force so that your third eye is open to the eternal wisdom of the Universe and its absolute glory! You remain unruffled and full of infinite gratitude.

AbundanceAll that You Yearn for and More: It is at this point you realize that you had the ability to have all that you yearn for with you all of the time! Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and her red slippers! But at this point you know and find that you had to go through the prior steps before you could reach this conclusion. There truly are no shortcuts, you find. And at this point, you are happy about that. For you know that you wouldn’t have traded a moment of the journey to reach this Apex of Your True Life. At this point, not only do you get all of the riches of the Universe you have so longed for and attempted to manifest, but you realize the most important lesson of all—You and You alone are the Epicenter of Your Own Life. You are you and only you, and knowing this to your core gives you the most precious gift of all.

The Perils of Comparing Yourself to Others

How often do you find yourself comparing yourself to someone else? And how does that make you feel? 

Generally speaking, comparisons either make us feel less than or more than. And neither is really a good place to go or be.

For the most part, comparisons are best left by the wayside. Because you don’t go to good places with comparisons. When you compare yourself against someone who seems more successful or beautiful or luckier or richer or—you get the picture—you only end up feeling horribly lacking.

Depending on where you are in your life, comparisons can make you depressed or cause you a hissy fit at the “injustice” of it all. 

Social Media’s influence on mental health

Of course, the opportunity to compare has always existed. Superiors such as teachers, bosses and parents are known to compare. But thanks to social media, today’s world is even more rife with comparisons.

For what occurs when you open social media and start scrolling through all the pretty people and their perfect lives? You tend to compare.

Afterall, there are so many people living their “best” lives on there. Everything is curated and crafted to look as if they are on top of the world.

And what commonly happens when you look at such stories on social media? Even if they are fabrications, you can’t help but compare yourself and your situation to what you read and see.

In fact, studies such as this one have shown a link between social media use and depression. When you look at it, what would cause depression when using social media? You guessed it. Comparisons.

Comparisons that you can never measure up no matter how hard you try. Comparisons about how you have nowhere near the seeming abundance that others have. And the list goes on.

Where do comparisons to the “less fortunate” leave you?

If, on the other hand, you compare yourself to someone who seems to be down on their luck or making a mess of their life, you may end up feeling superior. While that might make you feel better for a short time, in the end superiority is not such a great thing.

When you really think about how gleefully comparing yourself to someone who is suffering makes you feel good, you’ll likely feel a little or a lot ashamed of yourself and your thoughts.

The question can be asked. Where does all that comparison leave you in the end, and what good is it, anyway?

What to do about the comparison trap

How can you navigate the landmines of comparison and stay happy and sane?

If you want to compare, compare yourself with yourself. Look at how far you’ve come, for instance, and how far you plan to go. If you’ve been trying to get a bad habit under control, for instance, compare your progress from day to day.

Because the best way to improve and reach your goals is to challenge yourself. And the best way to challenge yourself is to compare yourself against yourself.

But what to do about scrolling through social media? How to avoid the comparisons? I recommend going ahead and scrolling, but the moment you find yourself comparing yourself to someone else or their circumstances, shut it off and do something else.

You’ll soon forget about the comparison rabbit hole you were just about to go down. And that’s a much better, healthier and happier place to be.

Washing Machine

What to Do if You Find Yourself in the Spin Cycle of Worry, Fear and Anxiety

Do you sometimes find yourself in the spin cycle? 

By this I’m referring to jumping into the washing machine of worry and anxiety and what-ifs and taking a not-so-good ride that pummels you about until you feel rung out and hopeless.

The trouble with the spin cycle is that it just doesn’t seem to stop once you get going. In fact, it speeds up. That is until you’re nearly lifeless and can barely think.

The process goes something like this:

1) Something occurs to worry, alarm, upset, or anger you.

2) You immediately fly into the fight or flight mode. Your body responds by releasing hormones, resulting in fear or anxiety or both, and the spin cycle starts.

3) Before long you are what-iffing. What if this happens in response to what just happened? Or this? Or, OMG, this!!! You find that the more what-ifs you come up with, the less breath you have left in your lungs, because you’re now flattened against the side wall of the washing machine as it relentlessly spins and continues to pick up speed.


4) You can’t get a clear thought out. Your head feels stuffed to the brim with sheer anxiety. So much so that you begin to wonder what exactly you should be the most worried about. This or that or that and that??? Truly, there are so many variables that keep smacking up against you in the washing machine that you don’t know where to pin your anxiety and worry. 

5) Becoming dizzy with all of the spinning, you find you have to sit. It’s truly necessary, or you could literally fall down.

6) Now with your breath coming in short gasps and your head spinning like a runaway top, you do your best to get a grip on yourself. If anyone or anything needs your attention at this point, you tend to snap at whoever or whatever presents.

7) It is at this point you realize things are completely out of control. It’s as if foreign forces are tapdancing all over your body and brain. You either realize it’s necessary to reign things in and get grounded and talk yourself off the ledge, or you continue to spin, becoming totally ineffectual.

Once you decide the spinning is doing no one any good—especially yourself—I’d suggest doing the following to climb out of the spin cycle and get to a state of normalcy.

1) Take several deep, restorative breaths. In through your mouth and slowly out through your nose. Force yourself to only focus on the breathing. Every time a what-if tries to make its way into your psyche, refocus on breathing. You’ll soon find that the spinning starts to subside.

2) Remind yourself there is a solution to everything and that there is a solution to your present problem. Continue to take deep breaths.

3) Remind yourself you can ask for help. Help from those in your life, and perhaps even more importantly, help from Spirit/The Divine.

4) Remind yourself everything happens for a reason and there are no “accidents.” You planned whatever just happened. Rather than becoming angry at yourself for this fact, ask yourself an important question: “What is my lesson in all of this?” If you don’t get an answer right away, know you will.

5) Now that your breathing is more even and the washing machine has slowed to a crawl, remind yourself that getting as upset as you got helps no one, and actually hinders. Sometimes greatly.

6) Remind yourself there are solutions to every problem. And that sometimes the solutions are something you wouldn’t have thought about if whatever happened hadn’t happened. 

7) Continue to quiet your mind as the washing machine comes to a stop. Take several more deep breaths and then get out of the machine. Wait until your head clears and ask yourself once again, “What is my lesson in this?”

Rather than slipping into “why me?” or “how on earth did this happen?”, continue to tap into the lessons that came from the experience. The more you can do this, the more I assure you everything will become more clear. In fact, things may suddenly become crystal clear as an epiphany pops into your consciousness. An epiphany that wouldn’t have appeared if things didn’t get shaken up.


Of course, it’s preferable to not jump into the spin cycle in the future. But when you do experience the cycle, I suggest following the above steps to get you to a place of calm and understanding. Then, once things “dry out,” you’ll find that a funny thing happens.

More and more epiphanies come filtering in until you do something you may never have thought possible—you thank the spin cycle for spinning you so hard you were forced to stop, breathe, and ask questions.

Questions that the answers to may very well bring you clarity and wisdom. At the very “least,” you will experience great peace and knowing that all works out in the end for your betterment.

It’s just a matter of waiting for things to stop spinning.


Have Faith in Your Divine Plan: Embrace the Journey

Do You Have Faith in Your Divine Plan?

We’re often asked by Spirit/The Universe to have faith as we travel our path. We’re told that all will work out well if we just have faith and enjoy the journey. While that all sounds great, it’s one of the most difficult things we are asked to do.

Why? Well, because we are human. And when humans are told that everything is going to work out swell as long as we keep taking next indicated steps, we tend to stop moving forward and instead start asking questions.

The conversation with Spirit/The Universe goes something like this: “Okay, fine, I get that I need to have faith and that all will work out as long as I keep going. But before I can go on in a comfortable and assured manner, I need to know a few things. 


1) When is what I want to happen going to happen? You want me to keep moving forward. But I want you to tell me at what point this, that or the other thing or person is going to appear along my path. It’s only fair!

2) This thing that I really, really want and that I’m heading toward—or so you tell me—seems like a bit of a stretch. That being said, I’d like to know just how this is going to come to fruition. Just how are you, Spirit/Universe, going to get me what I want? I can keep moving forward if I know the how behind things. I’m sure you can understand my need to know this!

3) Who is going to help me along the way to obtain what I want? There must be individuals along the way who are going to help make my dreams come true. But I’ve been looking around and there isn’t anyone in sight. Therefore, it’s necessary before I take another step to know just who you are going to corral to help me achieve my goals. Certainly, you can see why I would need this information! After all, you don’t want me to miss the person when they appear!

The above questions all make perfect sense on the one hand. But on the other hand, you know in your heart that all of these questions are the antithesis of faith.

What is faith?

True faith is the belief that all will work out in your very best interest in the ABSENCE of any proof or reassurances. And yes, numbers 1-3 are all about proof. Proof that what you want is going to come to fruition just as you want it to and when you want it to.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, that’s just not how faith works. And it’s not how achieving your goals and dreams works either. The only way to what you wish for is on a road of faith with no guaranteed roadmap in hand.

Instead, you want to close your eyes and put one foot in front of the other, knowing that each step, each stumble, are all divinely timed and orchestrated by you.

When you reach your destination and open your eyes, the view is going to be more beautiful, more infinite and more inspired than anything you could have ever imagined.

And when you do reach that apex knowing you made your way on the fuel of faith alone, and you see in person that your grand, secret plan was indeed grand, there is no better destination.

So, go ahead and set out on your faith journey. I promise you that it will be the most challenging, most incredible trip you’ve ever taken.

Full Moon

Transform Your Life with Full and New Moon Ceremonies

New and Full Moon Ceremonies

I discovered full and new moon ceremonies a few years ago. If you haven’t tried such ceremonies, I would highly recommend doing so. There is something practical yet at the same time ethereal about the process. These rituals by moonlight are something that can change your life and mindset significantly.

Why Full and New Moon Ceremonies?

While they are fun and a bit trendy, I have to say that new and full moon ceremonies can be especially cathartic and empowering. When you participate in such a ceremony—which doesn’t have to be particularly complicated, and I don’t suggest it is—you will experience changes in your life.

Each type of ceremony has a different overall reason. Full moon ceremonies are meant to enable you to shed that which no longer serves you. On the opposite end of the spectrum, new moon ceremonies are designed to call in what you truly want in your life.


It’s a funny thing about life. There is a tendency to move along at the status quo. We get busy and get the “if things aren’t broke don’t fix them” mentality. Along the way, we adopt the “someday” mentality, and the “this is good enough for now” thought process.

But the fact is, as Dr. A., my psychology professor now in the Light who I channel says, “Today is Someday.” Yes, we never die—our souls live on forever—but this incarnation of ourselves will not.

So, why not create the life you truly want right now? A full moon ceremony followed two weeks later with a new moon ceremony can help you do just that.

I’m going to discuss full moon ceremonies first, followed by guidelines for new moon ceremonies.

Full Moon Ceremony Tips

As mentioned, a Full Moon Ceremony is designed to shuck off that which no longer serves you. This frees you up emotionally, mentally, spiritually and even physically to live the life you truly wish to live and manifest the desires you wish to bring forth.

When it comes to deciding what to get rid of in a Full Moon Ceremony, I suggest tackling just one area of your life at a time. There will be another full moon next month, so there is no need to stuff everything you want to get rid of into the same ceremony. In fact, it can dilute the effects and confuse things.

You also want to be very specific during the ceremony. Determine what you want to release—be it an emotional or material way of being—a mindset.

For instance, lack mindset is very broad. Try to drill down on such concepts. What particular lack mindset do you wish to release? The idea you will never make enough money to live a comfortable life? The belief you won’t ever own a home, or find the perfect partner?

What about Releasing People or Circumstances?

You may wish to release the effects from a certain experience or relationship in your life. The instinct with this is to try and release the person or a period in your life. But that isn’t advised or possible.

Instead, list the lessons that came from the circumstances or experience with the person. Take your time with this. Rather than proclaiming, “I learned to never let anyone make me feel small and insignificant again,” dig deep.

Ask yourself why the person made you feel small and insignificant. And then look this truth squarely in the face: You allowed yourself to feel this way. And may I go a step further and say, you welcomed it.

Before you balk and click off, let me remind you of something. Free will is the Law of the Universe. We plan our lives on Earth with willing souls who agree to collaborate so we can all learn lessons. Often, those lessons are different for each of us. Sometimes radically different, especially when there is an antagonistic nature to the lessons.

Crescent Moon

But this is the thing. We are inextricably tied to those souls with whom we learn lessons. Because they are often part of our soul group or soul DNA cohort. That means if you try to cut the cords and throw them out with the bathwater, you have missed the point completely. The lesson is much deeper than, I need to steer clear of narcissists, abusers, breadcrumbers and the like.

And when you miss the lesson, it lingers.

Here is what to do instead. Thank the people you’ve collaborated with for helping you learn the lessons and send love and light to their higher selves. Then let go of the lessons. Nothing more. By doing this, you will assimilate the lessons and act in a manner that is good for the higher good.

This is not to say you return to tolerating poor behavior. In fact, when you release the lesson, such behavior will often suddenly repel you.

It also doesn’t mean you should forgive the person, because that isn’t your job. You’ve carried enough of that burden. It just means that particular “class” is over.

Reaching The Moon

New Moon Ceremony Tips

Ideally, it is good to follow a Full Moon Ceremony release with a New Moon Calling in Ceremony. Once you’ve done the release of something like a lack mindset surrounding something you wish for in life, you can use the New Moon Ceremony to invite in what you truly want.

For example, say you release at the Full Moon the idea that you will never have a fulfilling job where you are appreciated and able to thrive. At the New Moon Ceremony, you want to call in your dream job. To do so, list the top attributes you wish for in your ideal job.

As with the Full Moon Ceremony, don’t attempt to call in a certain person, place or circumstance. For instance, don’t ask for a relationship with a specific person or a certain position at a company. Instead, put in your order for the perfect job or a reciprocal relationship and trust that Spirit/The Divine will bring you what you want in the Divine Right Time.

Full and New Moon Ceremony Steps

The following will help you with the process, but feel free to make tweaks as you see fit.

Since I am in Southern California, I often go to the beach at sunset for my ceremonies, but not always. Sometimes I do them next to my pond. You could find yourself drawn to different elements. This can be affected by whether it is a full or new moon and what astrological sign the moon is in.

  1. Have your intentions for the ceremony written down or on your phone so you can read them.
  2. If guided to bring a candle and/or sage, do so.
  3. When you arrive wherever you have decided to go, sit peacefully, get centered and light the candle and/or sage.
  4. For a Full Moon Ceremony, say what you wish to purge 3-5 times. Once done, visualize the burden being burned up and dissolved.
  5. For a New Moon Ceremony, say what you wish to call in 3-5 times and visualize it becoming a part of your consciousness and way of being.
  6. Blow out the candle and extinguish the sage.
  7. If possible, go to the water and submerge your feet. I generally stand in the surf for a while.
  8. When the ceremony is done, thank your Higher Self, Life Guide and the Universe/Divine. Breathe deep and feel the lightness envelope you.
  9. Over the next few days, notice how you feel about whatever it is you got rid of or called in.

Check here for timing of New and Full Moons.

Life Guides

Unlocking the Power of Life Guides: Insight, Purpose, and Inspiration

All About Life Guides

We have a wide variety of guides who help shepherd us through life. Whether we know their existence or are unaware, they are there to guide us through good times and more challenging situations. They are the reason we might take a left instead of a right and avoid an accident, or why we rise to the challenge of a project that becomes quite successful.

I’m going to share with you some of the more common types of guides to help you recognize your guides and even access them when you need them.

Personal Life Guides

We are going to start with Personal Life Guides, because they are something that every one of us has, and their influence is the greatest over us and our Soul Purpose.

As mentioned, all of us have a Life Guide. In fact, we are born with our Life Guide. And we die with our Life Guide by our side. Our Life Guide doesn’t leave us, because our Life Guide’s sole assignment is us.

You may be thinking, but I’ve never sensed my Life Guide. I must not have one. Or maybe he or she is in hiding. While it may seem that way, it’s just that you haven’t yet accessed your Life Guide. Doing so is generally something that we do when we are ascending. So, if you are just starting to ascend, you may not have noticed your Life Guide yet.

Personal Life Guides

Even if you haven’t sensed your Life Guide, just know that he or she is there. And you will sense and even communicate with your Life Guide when the time is “right” (AKA Divine Timing.)

Our Life Guides can be male or female. There are also Life Guides that are androgynous. Generally, however, I have found that people have a male or female Life Guide. What sex your Life Guide presents as doesn’t necessarily have to do with your sex in this lifetime. By that I mean you won’t necessarily have a male Life Guide if you are male in this lifetime.

Why we choose a certain sex for our Life Guide is a personal matter that has to do with a few factors. One of the most important of which is the particular soul who we decided to sign up with to be our Life Guide. If the soul presents as mostly female, for instance, then it is likely that soul will be female for us.

As just mentioned, we do sign up with our Life Guides. At the same time, our Life Guides sign up to be with us. Generally, our Life Guide is someone with whom we have incarnated and have spent a lifetime or more with on the EarthPlane as humans. We generally jive well with this person and get along with them quite well.

Our Life Guide is a more ascended being, who when we knew the person in human form was training to be a Life Guide. Being a Life Guide is a high honor and a great commitment. This soul signs up to guide us indefinitely throughout our lifetimes. As far as I have been shown, we are guided by our Life Guides until we no longer reincarnate.

Caution Keep Clear

What are the functions of our Life Guide? In short, to guide us throughout our lifetimes and to help us walk in the direction of our Soul Purposes, for yes, many of us have more than one Soul Purpose. Our Life Guides also protect us from danger. In some respects, you could consider your Life Guide as a Lifeguard. 

Our Life Guides love us unconditionally and have our backs always. They know what we wrote in our life script, because they wrote it with us. In many ways, they know us better than we know ourselves, because they are privy to all that we planned—even those things that we wish for but haven’t arrived yet.

Our Personal Life Guides have our master plan in hand, so it’s a good idea, if we can, to check in with them about our progress, and simply to be reassured and given a virtual hug.

Accessing Your Personal Life Guide

Tips for Accessing Your Personal Life Guide

First, I would like to say, take a deep breath and know that you will access your Life Guide and feel him or her when you are ready. That being said, it may very well be that you are ready. If you are one of the people who have already accessed your Life Guide, then this will give you even more ways to enjoy your Life Guide and learn from him or her.

After you’re done taking a deep breath and knowing that you will access your Life Guide when ready, try these tips:

Get into a quiet space away from interruptions and anything that would cause you to be anxious or worry or get distracted. Once you are in this space, get yourself into a meditative state however doing so works for you.

When you are settled, ask that Archangel Michael or another Archangel you like to connect with protects you and your space. Call on the Archangel to help guide you to your Life Guide.

If you already meditate or think reflectively in a quiet space, then you know what to do to get to this state. If you need some help, go with your astrological sign in terms of what might get you to a meditative state. If you are a fire sign, looking into a candle or a fireplace may work. If you are a water sign, put on the sound of water or sit by a fountain or a body of water. If you are an earth sign, sit where you can plant your bare feet in the earth. If you are an air sign, get some air going. If you can’t go outside or it is still out there, turn on a fan. Listening to windchimes may also work. The goal is to get to a meditative, receiving state.

2) Once you are in a receiving state, use your strongest Clair to begin welcoming in the information. (See this article on Clairs to identify your strongest one.) So, if you are particularly clairsentient and feel your messages, ask to feel the energy of your Life Guide. If you are clairaudient, ask to hear him or her. If you are clairvoyant, ask to see something in your mind’s eye or around you that represents the presence of your Life Guide. Or you may be particularly Claircognizant. If so, and you feel a knowing that your Life Guide is right next to you, believe and know that.

When you connect with your Life Guide, it may be an extremely profound experience that brings you to grateful tears, or it could be a mild knowing. Everyone is different in how they connect with their Life Guides.

Rather than concern yourself if this “working,” simply allow what will come to you to come to you. You may not connect today, or you may. Or you may experience precursors to connecting. Either way, it is the allowing that is important.

3) As you feel, hear, see or sense your Life Guide’s energy, ask for some sort of a confirmation from your Life Guide. It could be a very mild sign, such as a slight breeze or a feeling that someone has touched you on the head or shoulder, or it could be something louder, like a car suddenly racing by or the mailman dropping your mail into your mailbox.

Reunion Sign

4) Ask that the feeling/knowing/sensing you are experiencing be imprinted into you. You will know your Life Guide by these feelings and knowings and sensings. That way when your Life Guide comes to you in the future, you will know he or she is communicating with you.

5) Once you have become good at sensing your Life Guide (this could take a few tries and confirmations until you feel sure), then you are ready to start asking to receive messages from him or her. Get into the meditative receiving state and ask him or her to please begin sending you messages. Keep in mind that your Life Guide has been sending you messages all along. You can even acknowledge this, but now is the time to let him or her know you are ready to notice and receive the messages, and that you will be alert and waiting.

6) When you receive what you believe is a message, believe it. Remember that there are no coincidences with this. Thank your Life Guide for the message, and then ask for more messages to build on that first message. Consider writing down the messages as they come to you. You will be surprised after stringing a few messages together that they will present you with a full message that may astound you.

How to Figure out What Your Life Guide is Telling You

Now that you’ve tapped into your guide, or believe you have, or are on the verge of doing so, let’s look at how you can ascertain and understand the messages you are getting.

While it would be wonderful if your Life Guide could walk through the door and sit down and begin giving you a coaching session, much like a human coach, that doesn’t always happen. It can—depending on how advanced you are in terms of your psychic development—but it’s likely you are at the beginning of this—hence you’re reading this.

I do have heart-to-heart talks with my Life Guide, Evan. But then I am a Master Channeler and extremely clairaudient, as well as clairvoyant, and I have been practicing for many, many years. This is a level you could also get to—in time. The key to this happening is communicating with your Life Guide as often as possible. Here are some tips for doing just that.

First, it’s especially helpful to know/identify your top Clairs, as it is through those means that your Life Guide will “speak” to you.

Here are some ways that your Life Guide could speak to you. Note these various ways, and then as you go about your days, try to tune into the many nuances that surround us. Those nuances are often our messages. If you would like to think of them as messages “in disguise,” that might even help you.

Here is an example of how your Life Guide may speak to you throughout a given day using the various clairs.

You awaken before your alarm sounds. Something—actually someone—your Life Guide—nudged you awake. You have a thought/a knowing, you might call it, about something it would be good for you to do or someone it would be good for you to contact.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

You go to get ready for the day and find that your coffee/teacup isn’t where you usually put it. This sends you on a hunt. You are sure that you put it away but are led to another room where you find it next to something that reminds you of something you need to do.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

You check your email and receive something that gives you a message/a sign about something you’ve been pondering.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

You get in the car and turn on the radio as you head to work. A song you haven’t heard in years suddenly comes on. The words answer something you’ve been wondering about.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

You glance at the time as you are heading into the parking lot. It’s a significant Angel Number.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

As you turn off the car, you smell a scent that reminds you of someone or something, and there is no reason for you to be smelling that scent at that moment in your car.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

As you sit down at your desk and turn on your computer, you suddenly know what your first order of business should be, and you get right on it. It turns out fifteen minutes later that it was good you listened to that urging, because your superior asks for what you just finished.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

While your morning goes well, you have a rough afternoon at work. You are feeling a bit bedraggled and are sitting at your desk in a slump when you suddenly feel like someone is patting you on the shoulder, and you feel revived again. Or at least comforted.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

That night when you go to bed, you think you hear someone say goodnight to you.

Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

I think you are getting the picture here. We all get messages from our Life Guide throughout our days. About big things and little things and everything in between. Our Life Guide is right beside us guiding us. It’s a matter of being aware and paying attention, and when things do happen, knowing that it was our Life Guide.

When you feel that you have heard from your Life Guide in one form or another, you have. As you piece together all the various messages, they will often begin to show you a theme. It could be that all the messages point to you just staying on course, or being more patient, or trusting yourself.

The more you tap in and believe and know that you are communicating with your Life Guide, the stronger those messages will become. Remember that no message is too “small.”

As I mentioned prior, our Life Guides have their own distinct personalities. That is how you will also know you are hearing from yours. Some Life Guides are very bossy, while others are more smooth and mellow and behind-the-scenes, and some can be quite dramatic. The personality type of your Life Guide will make perfect sense for you and how you operate.

My Life Guide is behind-the-scenes and will gently remind me of things. He also does a lot of sighing if I’m in a snit for some reason, and he does a lot of smiling when things are going well. That works for me.

Other Types of Guides

There are many other types of guides who show up at one point or another in our lives to help guide us. Often such guides come for a specific purpose. For instance, we are starting a project and require their assistance or have entered a new chapter in our lives. Here are some of the most common additional guides.

We all have Creativity Guides. Even those who feel as if they “aren’t all that creative.” For you see, creativity comes in many guises. Whatever work, hobbies and pursuits you involve yourself in take creativity.

You may not be van Gogh, but you very well could be MacGyver when it comes to being resourceful and ingenious in the face of difficult situations. These include fixing and building items that make your world and the world of others easier and more pleasing.

Now that we’ve got out of the way the fact that creativity—or the chance to use this skill—permeates our lives, we can talk about how you can talk to your Creativity Guides, and why you would want to.

In many ways, Creativity Guides make things easier, more inspiring and more fun.

You know when you’ve come up with an idea that makes your life easier or more aesthetically pleasing or just plain fun. Often, the idea suddenly comes to you. That suddenly coming to you is your Creativity Guide (or Guides) inspiring you and guiding you as you embrace the ideas.

So, what can you do with your Creativity Guides?

Well, create, of course! Tune into your Creativity Guides and start creating! In whatever way you like to and are inspired to create. That could be while you’re cooking, organizing, writing, crafting, exercising, playing a sport, problem solving, making music, creating art, and even the way you put together and analyze your finances. Your Creativity Guides want and desire to help you create, so let them!

How should you tap into your Creativity Guides?

The best way to tap in quickly and easily is to do so when you’re presented with a challenge or a need to do something. When you are presented with such an opportunity, call in your Creativity Guides and ask for some creative guidance as to what steps to take to meet your challenge or complete your project.

When you do this, wait for a moment in silence. In that in between time of listening after you ask the question and before you move forward. It is in that space that you will hear inspirational guidance. Once you hear it, act. Or if you aren’t in a position where you can currently act, jot down the ideas. Let them flow. You’ll be surprised and delighted by what you do or what you write to do. I assure you!


Here are tips for encouraging your Creativity Guides to make themselves known.

Try this exercise:

1) Get into a comfortable spot and bring along with you something you love. That could be a pillow, or book, or candle, or cup of tea, or a piece of candy. Something that makes you smile.

2) Go ahead and admire the object, or use it, drink it, eat it. As you do so, feel into the feeling the creator of that particular object had when creating it. Close your eyes and allow the feelings to come from the creation of the tea, candy, candle, etc.

Every object has energy attached, and it is possible to close your eyes and feel how the creator felt when the object was thought of/created. It may be a feeling of joy, or giddiness, or wonder, or exhilaration. This is not an “easy” task, even though it sounds easy. This task requires that you allow the energy of the object you love to come through. When it does, as mentioned, you will feel it.

If you are clairvoyant, you may see the person weaving or sewing or writing or creating on a white board for a split second, or you may just know that’s how the person felt. Whatever way you arrive at this information works.

3) Now that you’ve felt the feeling of creation from a favorite object, you can be open to the feeling of your Creation Guide coming to you with an idea. Close your eyes and ask that your Creation Guide(s) comes and feel into how that feels. You will likely feel a similar feeling as you got from step 2, but different, for it will be your Creation Guide communicating with you.

4) Feel the joy of creating. Note how the feeling feels. For instance, do you feel excited? Ecstatic? Curious? Note how you feel.

5) Ask for some sort of a sign that you have touched base with your Creation Guide. This could be if you have a candle burning that the flame burns brighter or goes out. Or a wind picks up outside. Or you get a slight shiver. You’ll know when it happens that your Creation Guide has confirmed.

Once you have the confirmation, ask for a project, idea, flash of inspiration, and note what you see. This is the seed of your project to come, should you continue to listen to your Creation Guide. You may even find yourself writing volumes about it, or beginning to create, or preparing to do so. Whatever happens, make sure to thank your Creation Guide(s)!

Compassion Guides

We all have compassion guides. And thank goodness! The world and people could always use a little more compassion. Look around at the world, and you may think that some people aren’t tapped into their Compassion Guides. The truth is, you’re probably right. That’s why it’s so important for those of us “in the know” to tap into these compassionate/empathetic spirits.

As their name suggests, Compassion Guides help us to be more compassionate. They also help us to be empathetic. Compassion refers to being compassionate about the plight/feelings/pain/discomfort, etc., of others, while empathy means you can feel those feelings in others.

If you recall your Clairs, those who are very empathetic tend to rate high on the Clairempathy scale. This refers to being able to feel the feelings of others and understand at a core/soul level how others truly feel. It is clairempathy and compassion that make the world go ’round, so to speak.

Without compassion, the world would be a rather rough and abrasive place. You may be thinking that the world does seem that way at times. In truth, it can seem that way often. Especially when you are particularly high on the empathy and compassion scale. Rather than looking at this as a “bad” thing, think of it as a good thing. Without your brand of compassion and empathy, the world would be even less compassionate and empathetic. So, the more compassion you offer the world, the better the planet will be.

How do our Compassion Guides fit into all of this? They whisper in our ears when it’s time to be empathetic and compassionate. Or they tap us on the shoulder, or push us toward someone in need, or nudge us to stop and truly notice someone or a situation. This could be a stranger, or it could be a friend or loved one. For those in our sphere often need a lot of compassion, wouldn’t you agree?

Should we dole out compassion just because? We could. We could also be strategic about it. How we show compassion to others is entirely up to us. There are no rules and regulations—no “right” way to do this.

Just know this.

When it’s time to be compassionate, your Compassion Guide(s) will let you know. You will feel at a heart-soul level, a tugging sensation that pulls you to take note and possibly forgive and sometimes to also forget. The bottom line is, you’ll know.

As you may have noticed, of all the Guides, our Life Guides know us the most intimately. In the same regard, they know all our plans for ourselves in this and other lifetimes.

Our Life Guide is here to buoy us up and guide us, and yes, sometimes chastise us. But when they do so, it’s generally in a “good way.” They always have our back—literally and figuratively—and they will never let us down. Ever.

Enjoy knowing that your Life Guide is there for you, no matter what! Go ahead and have a conversation with him or her. Your Life Guide is always waiting to hear from you and guide you and give you advice—all based on your plans for yourself.

Starring Movies

What if you Live Your Life as if You’re Starring in Your own Movie? 

If you’ve followed my teachings for a period of time or have had spiritual coaching sessions with me, you have heard me speak or write about anticipation versus expectation.

By this I am referring to striving as much as possible to live in anticipation of what is to come, rather than slipping into expecting certain things to come to pass.

The trouble with expecting is that life doesn’t often go as we would expect it to, does it? And when it doesn’t, well, we get cranky or depressed or exasperated or frustrated or disillusioned. In fact, it’s the disillusionment that can be especially damaging. Why? Because it leads us away from our soul calling and from the sheer joy we can find in life if we just allow ourselves to experience it.

The best way to truly enjoy life is to simply anticipate what the Universe brings your way via the script you and your Higher Self and Life Guide wrote for you. And speaking of scripts, what about this? What about waking up every day wondering and waiting to see what is going to happen next in your own personal movie?

Director Clapper

If you think about it, when you sit down to watch a movie—unless you’ve done some research on the film—you really don’t know what’s going to happen. That’s often why we watch movies—to see how the story unfolds and what the various characters will do. It is an exciting, anticipatory feeling, wouldn’t you say?

So, what if you looked at your life and lived it like you are starring in your own movie? You’d feel more anticipation and curiosity, wouldn’t you? And when the various characters in your own movie walk onto the set, it’s going to be exciting to see what they will say and do.

Of course, there will be the people who act as the “villains,” and then there are the people who come to help, and then the people who come to rock your world. The fact is that if you are living your life like a movie, all of these occurrences you anticipate, and that is a really fun way to live.

There will certainly be trepidation at times—especially when your life becomes suspenseful—but it will be far from mundane, I assure you. 

So, go ahead and try living your life as if you’re starring in your own movie. With no idea what is going to happen next and next and next. Remind yourself that you wrote the script, and that you knew exactly what you were doing when you created that script.

Sure, you will learn lessons along the way, and face challenges. There will also be times when everything is shrouded in mystery and you have no idea what is about to happen or which way to turn. All good movie scripts have those elements!

You’ll also experience moments of overwhelming gratitude and sheer delight as you head along your soul path movie.


Pushing Toward a Seemingly Faraway Goal

You know those goals in life that seem far away? We’ve all had them. Often when a goal seems insurmountable, we tend to put off trying to accomplish it. That is until the voice at the back of our mind starts telling us more insistently to get started toward our goal.

At that point, we very well may begin our journey. The fact that we actually get started often revs us up. We may find ourselves with an overwhelming sense of excitement about the goal, and suddenly everything seems to fall into place. We set our sights on the prize, and we start the journey.

At first, the journey is exciting. We can see our goal in the distance, and we know we are ready to attain the goal. 

After some time, though, we lose speed. We find ourselves huffing and puffing as we start up what feels like very steep hills toward our goal, and the goal is suddenly not easily seen in the distance.

Middle Mile

At this point, we wonder what on earth we are doing and if we will ever reach our goal. We begin to doubt ourselves and wonder if we should have started the journey in the first place. What were we thinking?! And what on earth is happening? Where did all that enthusiasm go? Will we ever make it to our goal?

This, Enlightened Reader, is what is called the Middle Mile. It’s that point in the journey when you suddenly feel overwhelmed and may even feel like you’re sinking in quicksand faster than you can walk. At this point, you look forward and your destination/goal seems hopelessly out of reach. Yet, at the same time, when you look back, you are too far from the beginning to stop.

What is the solution at this point? 

Well, you can rest for awhile. Take a sip of water and regroup. But at the end of the day, you have one of two options. You can turn around and go back and not reach your goal, or you can take a deep breath and get back on the road to your goal and keep going. At this point, you might as well continue to move forward, because it’s going to take you just as long to return to the beginning.

Mountain Hiking

I assure you as you continue slogging toward your goal that your way will become easier. The goal in the distance will also come into clearer focus. And then one day in the not-to-distant future, you will see your goal in sight. Before long, you will arrive at your goal. At this point, celebrate and congratulate yourself for a job well done!

Praying Higher Plan

Do You Trust Your Higher Plan?

I’ve been doing spiritual coaching for some time now, and I’ve come to the conclusion that all the problems people have with life boil down to one thing—not trusting their Higher Plan, AKA Soul Journey.

Not trusting your Higher Plan leads to sleepless nights, anxiety, worry, frustration, anger, sadness, depression, feelings of foreboding, fear—you get the picture.


On the surface, this sounds like it certainly couldn’t be true. Life throws us so many curveballs. Successfully overcoming all of those curveballs couldn’t boil down to simply trusting our Higher Plan, could it?

Yes, it could.

I hear you thinking, but I do trust my Higher Plan!

But do you really?

Let me give you some examples of how we tend to distrust our Higher Plan, and how we let our distrust lead us astray and even into an abyss of what-ifs, worry and fear.

Say you really want to find your soulmate, but you haven’t met him or her yet. You’re beginning to think it will never happen, and sometimes you get really depressed about it. You begin to wonder why you would plan something like this for yourself. You can’t help but think, this must be a mistake.

Or say you really want to buy a home, but you haven’t been able to save up enough for the down payment or your credit isn’t high enough. You’re  beginning to think that your dream home is always going to be out of reach, and this is very distressing and depressing. You can’t help but think, this must be a mistake.


Or say you really want to find your dream job, but you haven’t been able to pull that off. You’re beginning to wonder if you ever will be happy with your career. You can’t help but think, this must be a mistake.

If you’re seeing a pattern here, good! That was my intention. Look carefully at the underlying issue with each of these scenarios and you’ll see that the fear, angst and sadness that results from these situations is the result of distrusting your Higher Plan.

Because the fact is that you (along with your Life Guide) planned out your life with all of the twists and turns and ups and downs and wins and losses, because it fits into your Higher Plan and benefits you on your Soul Journey.

While this can be frustrating when you don’t get what you’ve been yearning for, the fact is your Soul knows what is best for you. And when you look in the rearview mirror—sometimes many miles back—you will often see quite clearly why you didn’t get what you wanted when you wanted it. Instead, you got what you needed when you truly needed it, and all worked out perfectly as a result.


This could mean that you found your soulmate when you and your soulmate were ready and in the same place for you to meet—physically and emotionally. The same goes for your dream home. The house was ready for you when you were ready for it. And ditto for your career.

But how do others fit into your Higher Plan? What about the “unfortunate” things that happen to people you are close to? Or what if they do things you don’t want them to do? Certainly, those are mistakes, as well, right?


This is where free will comes into play. There are no accidents or mistakes for those in your life, either. Whatever they planned for themselves, even if it looks like a bad idea to you right now, is what is best for their Soul and Soul Journey. Your only task is to get out of their way and give them the dignity and respect to navigate their Higher Plan without your “well intentioned” interference.

I know trusting your Higher Plan is much easier said than done. Because we want what we want when we want it, and it’s hard to let go of that. The fact is, though, the only way to what you truly want is to let go and trust that everything you planned for yourself—every twist, turn, bump, and even crash, is divinely timed and orchestrated in a way that stretches and elevates your soul.


And when you finally do give up and “say Uncle” to your Higher Plan, a funny thing happens. All of the sudden, things begin to move much more easily and smoothly for you, and what you want begins to come to you more quickly. Because you’re no longer distrusting and pushing back at your plan—you’re embracing it. Then, before you know it, what you’ve been yearning for suddenly appears.

So, go ahead and trust your Higher Plan. I challenge you to do so. And then get ready for miracles, including the most important miracle of all—a deep and abiding peace and tranquility in the knowing that all will happen for you in the exact right time. And that is a truly powerful, fulfilling way to live.

Do You Go Dumpster Diving

Do You Go Dumpster Diving?

I’m not referring to digging around in the trash for “finds.” I’m talking about emotional dumpster diving. If you do, I’ve got a few tips for staying out of the dumpster and keeping your mood and vibration high.

First, let’s talk about what I’m referring to when I talk about Dumpster Diving. This is a concept I often discuss with my clients. What I’m referring to is the tendency to slide into the depths of despair where all of the icky, yucky feelings and ideas and doomsday thoughts languish.

Dumpster Dive

Down there in dumpster diving land is where you do the what-iffing leading to potential tragedy and gloom and despair. This occurs when you’re having a bad day or week or month and you begin wondering what if. What if this thing I’m struggling with gets so out of control that it literally runs me over and ruins me? What if what I’m worried about comes true but in spades? What if, what if, what if……

We’ve all been to what-if land, because we’re all human. And you likely know how paralyzing this place can be. As you sit deep down in the dumpster and bemoan your fate and what if, the what ifs tend to become your reality. It’s smelly and uncomfortable down there, but you just can’t help from mucking around in the dumpster abyss. The more icky things you find in the dumpster that has become your mind, the more you slosh about and add to the collection of yuck. Until you feel so terrible you become sure that you will never feel good again.

At some point, though, you get tired of being down there. It just gets too uncomfortable.

How to Get out of the Dumpster

Have you ever noticed if you have a positive thought or say something positive out loud doing so tends to push away negative thoughts? The fact is that positive thoughts and words and actions are stronger than negative ones. This might seem like it’s not true, but I encourage you to try it.

The next time you think of something terrible that could or might happen, I want you to think the inverse—meaning something wonderful that could or might happenOr think of something that has happened that was wonderful, and for which you are grateful.

When you think or say the wonderful possibility or express gratitude, something happens. Your vibration goes up a couple of notches! If you feed off that positive thought or sentiment and come up with another positive, your vibration jumps up some more notches!


What happens if you continue to think positive, grateful thoughts? Your vibration/energy/mood continues to elevate. Until something really interesting happens.

You suddenly look around the dumpster and notice just how disgusting being down there is. In fact, because your vibration has raised, everything feels and smells much worse now.

You even begin to wonder just how you had managed to stay down in the dumpster with all its grossness—how you tolerated it. And what do you know! You stand and scrabble your way up, gasping gratefully at the fresh air once you exit the dumpster! Then you get yourself cleaned up with more words of gratitude and hope, and what do you know, you feel like a whole new person!

How to Stay out of the Dumpster

The good news is once you begin to tend to your vibration and mood level, the idea of going back into the dumpster becomes repellant. If you do find yourself starting to get into the dumpster, or have a really bad day and dive in head first, you immediately know what you’ve done, because the smell and feeling is so unpleasant. This will result in you climbing out immediately, or much sooner than you used to.

Until one day, you simply choose not to go into the dumpster ever again. You may consider it at times when you’re having challenging times, but you know how hard it is to scrabble back up the slimy sides into the light, and so you stop yourself with positive thoughts of gratitude.

Gratitude for all you’ve been given and will be given. For there is much.

The Archangels

The Archangels

Archangels are higher order angels responsible for myriad tasks within the Universe. These tasks include intervening on the part of us humans on the EarthPlane.

Archangels are the protectors, communicators, healers, and surveyors, who help keep order within the Angelic Realm, The Light, and here on Earth.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael’s main function is as the protector angel. That isn’t to say, however, that he or any of the other Archangels can’t serve other purposes than their main functions. For the most part, however, Archangel Michael will come to you when you need protection of some sort.

This could be physical protection, or it could be emotional protection from others, and even from yourself. By the latter, I mean that when we are feeling particularly glum/desolate, he is often by our side to buoy us up and encourage us to take a positive, rather than a negative step.

Archangel Michael

If you are feeling vulnerable or afraid or uneasy or anxious, you can call on A. Michael to “save the day.” An encounter with A. Michael can have you feeling safe and protected. All you need do is trust him and allow him to take over for you—if even temporarily—and listen to his guidance.

A. Michael will guide you out of even the most terrifying circumstances, if you let him. And as mentioned, those terrifying circumstances could be emotional. You may feel as if you are ready to fall into an abyss of emotional desolation, for instance. If this is the case, ask A. Michael to come and swoop you off the cliff and to safety.

As mentioned, A. Michael is our supreme physical protector. A sort of Spiritual Superman. I said back in the Chakra series that my clairaudience saved my life when I was in my early twenties. It was, in fact, an order from A. Michael that I heeded via my clairaudience (clear hearing) that made it possible for me to be here today to share this message with you.

Physical Protector

At the time, I was working my way through college with a part-time job as a weekend bookkeeper at a drugstore. When I went in one Sunday morning, all was quiet, as it usually was back then on Sundays. I went up to the office and opened the safe to take out the money from the day before. My job was to count and record the money and prepare it for deposit. 

I began by taking the money out of the safe and putting it next to me on the desk. Then I started counting one of the drawer’s receipts. Suddenly, however, I heard very clearly, “Get out now!”

Though I immediately wondered if I was hearing things, because I was all alone in the office, something told me to heed the words. So, I grabbed my purse and left the office. There were two doors to go through to get out of the office. When the second door closed not more than 20 seconds after I’d heard the warning, a giant crash shook the staircase I was descending.

When I got downstairs into the drugstore, I asked the manager if he’d heard a crashing sound. He hadn’t, but he happened to look up at the windows to the office where I had been sitting less than a minute before. He cried, “There’s a leg dangling from the ceiling!”

It turned out that the store had been hit by the “rooftop bandits.” This was a group of thieves who would spend Saturday nights cutting a hole in the roof of the store above the office, which they would break through on Sunday mornings when all was quiet and there was only one manager on duty. Then they would tie up the office person and steal the money from the safe. They would have had a bit of a problem with me if I hadn’t heeded A. Michael’s warning, however, as they and the roof landed directly on my desk.

Of course, I was shocked, but I was overall utterly grateful that A. Michael had warned me, and that I had heeded his warning.

There have been several other times A. Michael has saved me over my lifetime, and each time I am glad I have listened.

That being said, if you hear or feel or know that A. Michael is beside you, or a strong, loving force of some sort is with you, heed any warnings, no matter how silly or overreactive you may feel you are being.

A. Michael is our protector angel, and he takes the job very seriously. When you feel at a loss and upset, or even just a little bit sad, call on him to give you his mighty encouraging energy. I guarantee you that you’ll feel a little, if not a lot, better.

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel comes to us when we wish to access our soul purpose. When we wish to tap into what we came here to do on a soul purpose level.

Archangel Haniel

If you are wondering why you’re here, call on Archangel Haniel. Some have called A. Haniel the Archangel of Intuition. Most likely, because our intuition is closely tied into our Higher Self—that part of us always in the Light that knows why we are here and what we plan to do.

If you are looking for direction as to next steps in your soul journey, or even your life journey, call on Archangel Haniel. 

Many also refer to A. Haniel as the Archangel of Joy. Once again, this aligns with her being the Archangel of Soul Purpose, for we experience great joy in our lives when we access our Soul Purpose. There is no more joyous place to be than in tune with our Higher Self and Soul Purpose and feeling the rightness of it. 

You may also have heard of A. Haniel as the Archangel of Compassion. Indeed, she is this as well, and we could call her the Archangel of Passion. For both of those attributes could most certainly fall in line with accessing our Soul Journey and the stops along the journey. We have passion for that Soul Journey, and we have compassion for others when we are following our Soul Journey path. Often a lot of compassion comes from walking into our purpose and passion, as many of us who work for the Light are interested in healing ourselves, as well as healing others. And you must have a lot of compassion when doing this.

Archangel Haniel is happy to come to you when you are feeling blue, as well. As mentioned in the first installment of this series, all of the Archangels in the Light come here to serve. So, if you feel like calling on her, she will readily come to you.

When you have an epiphany about why you are here and what you are meant to do, Archangel Haniel also invites you to call on her to help you celebrate. If she isn’t already present, do call on her, and she will help you with a grand celebration of finding your way on your Soul Purpose path.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is generally thought of as the Messenger Angel. He comes to you when there are messages for you to hear from Spirit. This could be passed on loved ones who wish to deliver messages, or it could be the Archangels themselves, or ascended masters, or it could even by a message from your Life Guide, or your Higher Self. We do at times send the angels to talk some sense into our lower selves. Archangel Gabriel can assist with all such messaging.

Archangel Gabriel

At the same time, Archangel Gabriel can be called upon to help you speak to others and get your message across. Perhaps there is something that you’d like to say to someone, but you aren’t sure how to go about saying it. Archangel Gabriel can help you form the words. He will also help you with the delivery of the words, so that they “go down easy,” and he can even help you know when the time is right to say the words.

If you are thinking that Archangel Gabriel is all about helping with communication in all its forms, you would be right! He is available to help you with any type of communication, including emails and letters and even text messages and voicemail. Call on Archangel Gabriel whenever you wish to deliver a message in the most eloquent way and in the most understandable way for all.

bottle beach

Archangel Gabriel is also often present when you have dreams—especially premonitory or visitation dreams. He comes to help facilitate visitation dreams, and he may be the one who gives you the premonitions that appear in some dreams.

So, yes, do call on Archangel Gabriel when you want to communicate in whatever form you wish to communicate. This includes through artistic means of communicating, such as through music, art, writing and dance.

Archangel Raphael

Often thought of as the Healing Angel, Archangel Raphael comes to us when we are in need of healing, or when we feel compelled to request the healing of others. So, if you wish to elevate healing in yourself or healing in others, call on Archangel Raphael.

The color often associated with Archangel Raphael is green. If you see flashes of green, or are thinking of green, or green begins to present to you in your world, you may very well be hearing from A. Raphael. If this does occur, think about what might need healing in your life.

Archangel Raphael

Does your body need healing? Your mind? Your emotions? Your attitude, even? A. Raphael can be called upon to help you heal anything within yourself, as well as situations.

Can A. Raphael help heal others? Perhaps. If you are sending healing wishes to another, A. Raphael can most certainly deliver the healing energy, with one caveat. The person must be willing to receive the healing energy or healing words or advice or encouragement. If the individual wishes not to do so—either on an EarthPlane or energetic level—he or she is using the right to stick to free will. That is his or her prerogative. You need only send the healing, as you are guided, and then let the mailman (A. Raphael) deliver the message.

How else can A. Raphael help you in your day-to-day living? Well, for one, if you call on A. Raphael, he may very well help you with your day-to-day thriving! He may help you thrive, rather than just go about your day. This can indeed be a good thing, as they say.

How should you call on A. Raphael? However you see fit. Let him know what you need, and he will be right by your side.

As was mentioned, A Raphael can also help to heal broken hearts/wounded emotions. So, if you are feeling “blue,” ask for his healing green energy to come and envelope you and make you feel better. It may very well work for you! 

Lastly, Archangel Raphael wishes for you to know that when he sends healing to you, it will likely spill over to others. That’s a good thing! You’ll be doing the world an even greater service when you ask for his healing blessing.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is often referred to as the Angel of Wisdom. Indeed, Archangel Uriel is quite wise. And perhaps even better, when you tap into Archangel Uriel, you can soak up some or a lot of that wisdom. Archangel Uriel is the angel that allows us to tap into the Light and what is occurring in the Light amongst our Higher Selves and others in the Light. It is by tapping into what is occurring in the Light that we are able to increase our wisdom.

Archangel Uriel

If you are hearing from Archangel Uriel or are feeling compelled to know more about this angel, that is an indication that you are on a path of accessing great wisdom via your Higher Self, and that there is a treasure trove of great wisdom waiting for you. You need only ask Archangel Uriel to help you access that wisdom.

How, when, what you access via Archangel Uriel is always divinely timed. But just know this. When you are supposed to access certain information and meet certain people who help you access that wisdom, you will. When Archangel Uriel comes calling, wisdom follows. 


Deep inner knowing and understanding is the hallmark of a visit from Archangel Uriel. Ask for a visit from Archangel Uriel if you are going to sleep for the night or are in meditation. You will be shown great wisdom when you ask this. It may be you are shown something that you have strived to know or understand for a very long time. In fact, those age old questions that you have yearned to know the answers to Archangel Uriel can often answer—at least in part, and at least in a way that resonates with where you are at this moment.

If there is something Archangel Uriel would like you to take away from this message—if nothing else—it is that the wisdom you require to navigate this lifetime is all stored in your Crown Chakra where it can be initiated and activated at any moment in time. You need only ask. If you would like to ask Archangel Uriel to help with do this, then just make the request. You will be amazed at the epiphanies and inner knowings that await you.

Archangel Metatron

Today, we’re visiting with Archangel Metatron. Of all the Archangels, we could call him the Multi-Tasker Angel. He has a variety of purposes and can be called on for many reasons. 

Archangel Metatron is one of the Archangels who is very much of this Earth. In fact, he has walked the Earth in human form on several occasions. He did this, as many angels do, to experience the “trials and tribulations” of being human, and therefore can help us when we most need it. At the same time, he understands what it means to be human—and what it means to be Angelic. That makes him extremely tapped into all that is needed on the EarthPlane when we are in human form.

Archangel Metatron

Call on Archangel Metatron when you are feeling unsure. He is the Angel of empowerment for you physically, as well as mentally and spiritually. It is Archangel Metatron who will walk with you through your ascension journey, if you call on him, and it is A. Metatron who helps jumpstart everyone’s ascension journeys. 

Archangel Metatron is also a protector angel. In fact, he often works with Archangel Michael to protect us and shepherd us from danger. If you are feeling in peril or feeling as if you could be soon, call on Archangel Metatron, and he will come immediately to your assistance.

Metatron Wing

As I mentioned, Archangel Metatron helps with our ascension journeys. He can, as mentioned, even take our hands and walk us through each stage of ascension. I have found him to be kind and wise and ever so powerful when it comes to helping us seek, find and embrace our soul purpose and journey. If you are unsure of your soul purpose or wish for more clarity about your soul mission, call on Archangel Metatron. He will be happy to sit down with you and help you work your way through your Soul Ascension Syllabus, so to speak.

You may have also heard about Archangel Metatron in terms of sacred geometric patterns and Metatron’s Cube. This is something else that A. Metatron oversees. Like I said, he is quite a multi-tasker! In fact, he communes with great philosophers and wayshowers, including Aristotle and Archimedes. They hang out in the Light determining the meaning of all things mystical and metaphysical in relation to time and space.

The next time you are meditating, ask A. Metatron to take you on a short tour of the interior of his cube. It’s quite a mind-expanding, and yes, mind-blowing experience, metaphorically speaking, of course!

When you are feeling stuck, A. Metatron is happy to help you unstick yourself. In fact, he is as happy to guide you when you are feeling blue as he is to guide you when you are feeling glad. Call on Archangel Metatron for anything that you are moved to call on him for, and he will be happy to answer!

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel, the Archangel of peaceful relationships and peace in general.

Does Archangel Chamuel pray for peace? In many respects, he does. For he knows that when there is peace—when we come from a place of great peace—we do make decisions that are best for ourselves and one another. And peace does lead to tranquility. And tranquility is something that many of us on the EarthPlane do seek. Peaceful, tranquil relationships, including with ourselves, and peace and tranquility with the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Archangel Chamuel

How often do we need to call on A. Chamuel? Well, that will depend. On how peaceful we feel with life and what we are doing and even what we are saying. When we find ourselves in a bit or a lot of strife, and do feel on edge and unsettled, and even angry, it’s helpful if we call on A. Chamuel to swoop in and give us some support and some well-needed peace. What better antidote to feeling unsettled is there than a good “shot in the arm” of peace? 

What else can you do when “communing” with A. Chamuel? How else can he be of service to you? There are a variety of ways, but most specifically, let’s discuss how he can help you access what is really bothering you about situations in which you find yourself troubled. By that I am speaking of digging a little deep to find out what is “eating at you.” 

Communing Chamuel

There are often times in our lives when we find ourselves upset about this, that or the other thing. We may look at the upset with an objective eye—or at least we feel it is objective—and think, what on earth is the problem here? Why am I so mad or upset or sad or angry, etc., about this, that or the other thing? Certainly, what I’m seeing in front of me is not all that bad. And yet, I can’t seem to feel better about this, that or the other thing, no matter how much I counsel and reason with myself.

There are often reasons hidden in our feelings, in our perception of things. If we dig a little deeper with the help of A. Chamuel, we can often unearth the hidden reasons, the hidden triggers that are making us feel certain ways. When we unearth the real reasons for our reactions, we can often look those reasons “straight in the eye” and by doing so understand them. Then the problems, our strife, does dissipate naturally. Or we can shelve the problems where they belong and pull them out and deal with them in a more rational manner when we’re ready. A. Chamuel is a champion at helping us dig out the hidden meanings and hidden reactions, so do call on him when you aren’t sure why you are reacting or acting the way you are.

Is there more A. Chamuel could do for you? Not surprisingly, there is! A. Chamuel, like many of the Archangels, does have his specialties, but if you are guided to call on him with help in other areas of your life, then by all means, do so! Most likely, you have known A. Chamuel in many lifetimes, and he has helped you with many types of challenges. So do take advantage of that special relationship!

Now that you have been introduced to the Archangels, you know who to call on when you need assistance and insight.

Chamuel Music

Releasing Your Dreams: The Art of Letting Go to Let Them Grow

Heart Squeeze

Do you tend to squeeze your dreams a little too tightly?

By that I mean, do you have dreams that you want so badly to come true that you hold them close?

When something means a lot to us, we tend to hold it tight. There are a variety of reasons for doing so. Here are some of those top reasons:

1) We want the dream to come true so badly that we hold it tight to protect and keep it safe.

2) We aren’t ready to share our high hopes and dreams with the world. It’s just not time. So, we’re doing some introspection; some thinking on just what we truly want as we hold the dream close.

Dream Together

3) We have let our hopes and dreams out before to roam the universe, and they were dashed! In fact, our heart was smashed to smithereens, so it’s safer to just hold the hopes and dreams tight where we can make sure they are safe.

4) We’re afraid if we let the dreams go and let them fly into the universe, they just won’t come true. By holding them close, we hold out hope that what we so want is possible.

So, what to do if you find yourself holding your hopes and dreams just a little too tightly? 

The answer is just let them go!

But it couldn’t be that simple, could it?

Dream Plane

How about letting go of your hopes and dreams by gently presenting them to your Higher Self and Life Guide and trusting them with your heart’s desires?

After all, your Higher Self—that part of you always in the Light—and your Life Guide are the ones who helped you develop those hopes and dreams in the first place. They know all about them, and they know the various components that will help make those hopes and dreams a reality.

So, go ahead and let go of your hopes and dreams. Let them fly—right into the waiting arms of self, where they will surely be set free and come back to you fulfilled.

Dreams and their Meanings

Dreams and their Meanings

Dreams can help you understand your life more clearly. At the same time, they can point to awakenings. At other times, they may not mean a whole lot.

So, how do you determine when a dream is something to pay attention to, and when to just let the dream go?

Designed to answer your questions about dreams, read on to learn about lucid dreaming and its significance, dreams as premonitions and visitation dreams.

What are Lucid Dreams?

Lucid Dreams

Just what are lucid dreams? They are those dreams that occur when you know that you’re dreaming. In fact, if you need to or want to, you can stop dreaming and wake up and go about your day. Sometimes, they are so fun or interesting that you wish to continue. You may, in fact, wake up and take a sip of water or go to the bathroom and then go back to the lucid dream to see what happens next, much like you would put a movie on pause and go away and come back.

Are lucid dreams of significance? Yes, they generally are. How significant will depend on what’s happening in your life. Here are a few reasons for lucid dreams:

  • You are flexing your creative muscle. You are playing around with the what-ifs that make for fabulous stories in the form of writing or painting or music.
  • Your third-eye is opening. Lucid dreams represent your third-eye in action. It is a way for Spirit to show you what you know in your mind’s eye in living color—literally.
  • You have a present-day challenge or problem to work out. But as is often the case with dreams, you won’t see the challenge exactly as it is presenting in “real life.” Rather, you’ll see a composite of the challenge or a version of the challenge. But if you look closely, you will see that you are playing out various eventualities in your lucid dreams that can then inform your decisions and actions in the here and now.
  • You are in need of some entertainment. Frankly, some lucid dreams, especially those playing out as a movie that you want to see to the end, are Spirit’s way of entertaining you and showing you that miracles can and do happen.

Have You Had Premonitory Dreams?

Premonitory Dreams

Have you had dreams about occurrences that then come true? Or something similar comes true? If you have had this experience, it can be a bit unsettling. For who wants to envision a bridge collapsing or an earthquake quaking the very foundations of your life and that of many others?

Here’s the thing about premonitory dreams. They may be a bit unsettling, but they are a good sign in a number of ways. Here are those ways:

  • They indicate that you are gifted and tapped in when it comes to accessing spiritual messaging.
  • They act as a guidance system. When you dream of premonitions that seem highly unlikely they will come true, and yet they seem very real, they are often a sign of things to come. Something else in your life aligns or mirrors what you’ve dreamed about and does come to fruition.
  • Spirit is trying to talk to you. Spirit wishes to communicate with you and will then give you premonitions via dreams as a way to say, hey, wake up! Literally. For they would like to speak to you when you’re awake about your life in the here and now and your life purpose. Giving you a “crystal ball” view of what is about to happen in your life is their way of becoming a part of your daily conscious reality. 

If you wake up after having what seems like a premonitory dream, don’t panic. It generally doesn’t mean that the world is coming undone or a typhoon will soon hit. At least not in the literal sense.

Visitation dreams

But these dreams do often point to areas of your life where change is brewing. And they may very well preclude big and little changes in your life that soon come to pass. So, think of them as a heads up.

When you dream something that does actually come true, while this may seem ominous and feel like a burden, know this. You were meant to see what you saw to prepare and inform you, not scare you. Keep this in mind. Also keep in mind that those sorts of premonitory dreams that come true aren’t as common as those that represent something else.

To decipher those dreams that represent something else in your life, look around you for similar, familiar-feeling patterns. You’ll soon spot the message, or at least part of the message, interwoven in your dream.

Have You Had Visitation Dreams?

Perhaps one of the most profound experiences you can have while “sleeping” is to have a visitation dream. With such a dream, which is really not a dream, you experience the visitation of someone in the Light. Quite often the visit is from a passed on loved one who wishes to communicate with you. The person could simply be saying hello and letting you know that he or she is okay, or there could be a message involved in the dream.

When you have a visitation dream, you feel as if you are talking with the person, and in fact, you are. You are interacting with the person’s essence/soul. The person may look like he or she did when alive, or similarly. Or the person could present as an angel. Earth Angels, for instance, may look like the person you knew with Angel wings.

Angel Dreams

Often what happens with a visitation dream is that you awaken from sleep to see someone beside or at the foot of your bed. The person likely appears very ethereal, and it may be hard to see features clearly. The person may be hazy and surrounded by light. In such cases, you will make out some features, and then your mind’s eye (third eye) will make out the rest. That will inform you, for instance, if you are looking at Aunt Margot.

When a visitation dream occurs, it is natural to be startled at first. Or you may feel a beautiful sense of calm and peace. How you react is perfectly fine for you. Rather than second guess what you did or didn’t do, just thank the person who came to you for coming.

Visitation dreams often occur when a person is crossing over into the Light. As the person becomes one with the Light, he or she stops to say “goodbye.” But the goodbye is far from “goodbye.” The person’s Spirit and Soul Essence never dies, but is with you always.
In fact, the person may very well visit you again once in the Light. You can encourage this, if you so choose, by requesting that it occur. For instance, if you have a decision to make, you can ask that your mother or father or brother or sister come to give you an answer. The person may not answer you directly, but after analyzing what occurred, you will likely come to a conclusion as to what was communicated during the visit.
Meant to soothe and even heal, visitation dreams are a quite lovely gift from the Light. Request one, and you are likely to get one.

Dreams as Guideposts

Paying attention to your dreams can act as guideposts as you make your way in the world. If you are aware of what has occurred during slumber, you will likely be more aware of what goes on in your day-to-day life.
Those dreams that bring with them visits from passed on loved ones, life guides, ascended masters or angels, as well as dreams with messages can be profound. When you have dreams with meaning, take heed of their messages and cherish and be grateful for them.

Chakra System

Chakra System: How Your Body’s Energetic Pathways Affect You

Our chakras are our energetic pathways in our body that align with certain aspects of ourselves and in turn our lives. While there is much to say about them, one thing is of utmost importance. To live as abundantly and peacefully and pleasurably as possible, it’s important that our chakras are open, empowered and balanced.

Chakra meditation

Each of the chakras I’m going to cover are part of a whole. You can have your Crown Chakra open, for instance, and your Solar Plexus Chakra closed. If this is the case, you won’t operate or feel as good as you could if all was balanced.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head. This is a funnel-like pathway to Source/The Light/The Other Side–in particular the Angelic Realm. This is your chakra that allows you to “download” important messages and information from Spirit, such as your soul/life purpose and messages from the Light meant to help you and heal you and enable you to fulfill your life purpose.

If your Crown Chakra is closed or blocked in some way, it will be difficult for you to receive and understand messages from the Light. If, however, your Crown Chakra is open, you will be able to communicate with The Other Side and those there.


The Crown Chakra often opens up exponentially when a person is ascending. At this point of spiritual enlightenment, communication from Spirit is strong and gets stronger every day. As this occurs, the Crown Chakra opens up even more, and the flow of Spiritual epiphanies does flow in as if an avalanche.

Those who are particularly claircognizant generally have their Crown Chakra open an optimal amount. Additionally, the Crown Chakra opens up a pathway that allows us to have premonitions about things to come.

When Your Crown Chakra is Closed

If a person’s Crown Chakra is closed, that is often an indication that the person is shut down to the Spiritual realm. This may have occurred because of a trauma that made the person lose faith, or it may be that the person has had the Crown Chakra opened in the past, but he or she “knew” too much from the downloads from Spirit and thus closed it down so as not to get the downloads, which were just too unsettling.

It is possible if you’ve closed down your Crown Chakra to have it opened again. In fact, it is possible to re-open and empower and balance all your chakras. It is when your chakras are operating in tandem, as mentioned prior, that you will feel your best and get the information you require and desire from Spirit.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is our seat of clairvoyance. This is the chakra that allows us to see in our mind’s eye and to even see outside of ourselves. For instance, you may see a person or animal across a room or in a stairway that isn’t “physically” there. Or you might see something in your mind’s eye that gives you a message. For instance, you may see colors or see a person doing something. Or you could see repeating angel numbers or get a message in the form of a sign. For example, a message on a license plate.

Third Eye Chakra

Our Third Eye Chakra is quite sensitive. While doing a healing on the Third Eye, for instance, many healers find that they need to keep their hands further away from that chakra than when healing other chakras. Otherwise, the person might get a sudden headache or feel pressure or an unusual sensation in this area.

The sensitivity is the result of this chakra being rather close to our senses. While it is the seat of clairvoyance, the Third Eye Chakra is also aligned with our seat of clairsentience, to some extent. Our Heart Chakra is also aligned with clairsentience, but clairsentience, since it is an overall feeling that one gets in one’s body, is something that affects various of our chakras.

Take Special Care of Your Third Eye Chakra

That being said, it’s a good idea to take extra care of your Third Eye Chakra, much like you take care of all other chakras. However, you may find that this chakra will close suddenly if you see too much. It might close up for a time, or it might just close up momentarily. I’ll give you an example from my experience.

One night I awoke suddenly to see a man standing at the foot of my bed holding a giant book. This, not surprisingly, startled me. I sat up in bed and yelled. This was despite the fact that I knew it was my Life Guide, Evan. But there is something about being woken up by a Spirit that is a bit unsettling!

As soon as I yelled, Evan disappeared, as if dissolving in front of my eyes. At that point, I was more awake, so I cried out, “No, don’t leave!” But he was already gone. I found out afterward in conversation with him that he came to show me a page out of my book from the Akashic records that he had checked out for the night.

Your Third Eye Chakra, as seen in this example, can be quite powerful, delivering to you illuminating messages. To keep this chakra and all your chakras clear and balanced and empowered, it’s a good idea to exercise this chakra. As you go about your days, notice and acknowledge the many messages Spirit is sending you via your eyes, including your mind’s eye. The more you notice, the more Spirit will communicate with you in this manner.

Pineal Gland Chakra

Our Pineal Gland Chakra is located to the right of our Third-Eye Chakra on our forehead. Housed within the Pineal Gland Chakra is our Higher Self, which is that part of ourselves that remains in the Light and knows exactly what we intended to do and learn in this lifetime.

Pineal Gland Chakra

If you think about it, who would you rather gain insight and wisdom from than yourself? Who would you rather ask questions of, and who would you like to be guided by? Yourself, of course. For your Higher Self is that part of you that knows what is perfectly, exactly just right for you during your journey on Earth.

Pineal Gland Chakra and Your Higher Self

Our Pineal Gland Chakra is directly in touch with our Higher Self and our Soul Purpose. It is through our Pineal Gland Chakra that our goals and wishes regarding what we planned to do and learn when we came here are passed through and translated. It is through our Pineal Gland Chakra and its connection with our other Chakras—especially our Crown and Third-eye Chakras—that we keep heading along our soul path toward our soul missions and the many learning lessons our soul wished to experience along the way.

Maintain a healthy, open, balanced and empowered Pineal Gland Chakra, and you will find that you feel and know that you are on your right path at all times. If the Pineal Gland Chakra becomes closed or limited or imbalanced, you will find that you aren’t sure where you are supposed to be going or even if you are supposed to be going anywhere. You will likely feel unbalanced and unsure about your life in general, and in particular about your Soul Purpose.

Higher Self

So what can you do to keep your Pineal Gland Chakra healthy and happy and balanced and empowered? You can start by also maintaining your Crown and Third-Eye Chakras, because as mentioned, they are all interconnected. You can also do your best to trust your intuition and the messages coming from Spirit, and then take the actions you are being guided to take.

If you feel as if you are meant to immerse yourself in an area of learning or look further into an aspect of your life, that is your Pineal Gland Chakra calling out to you. If you wish to keep this Chakra healthy, you would be wise to hear “your calls to you” and answer them.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is not surprisingly located in our throat. It is our seat of communication, from where we can speak our truth or from where we can relay what we think others want to hear.

We have all said what others have wanted to hear quite often in our lifetimes. Some of us more than others. Does this mean that is necessarily a “bad” thing? It is neither. For saying what others want to hear, or even need to hear at a certain point in time, is a part of being a human and a part of humanity.

Herein lies the thing about this, however. It is one thing to know that you are speaking a “truth” for another, while it is quite another thing to not know what you are truly saying, because your Throat Chakra is unbalanced or compromised. Or to not be able to speak up at all because your Throat Chakra is closed or nearly closed. In this regard, it is important to take good care of your Throat Chakra, so that you can communicate as you intend, in whatever manner you choose to do so.

Throat Chakra

Our Throat Chakras when they are trying to open may even cause physical symptoms such as sore or scratchy throats or coughing. If you are ascending, you may find that your throat starts to do “strange” things. For instance, you may feel your vocal chords tighten or even tickle at times. This is especially the case if you are thinking about communicating something in particular from the Light/Spiritual in nature, or even to speak one of your truths.

As with all your chakras, it pays to take good care of your Throat Chakra. To do this, it’s important to look at what you wish to truly say, versus what you know you need to say, versus what you truly don’t want to say, no matter what. If you find that you are more often than not saying what you truly don’t wish to say, then your Throat Chakra is likely compromised in some way, such as being partially or all the way closed.

Can Your throat Chakra be Open Too Much?

You may at this point be wondering if it is possible to have your Throat Chakra open “too” much. In fact, that is possible, but this is relative. By this, I mean that it is all subjective. A person who speaks up and speaks his or her mind and is glad for it likely has a wide open Throat Chakra. To that person, it is all well and good. To the person on the receiving end, it may seem to be “too” open.

The opposite may also be true. If you find that you speak up more often than you’d like to, it may be that your Throat Chakra is open too wide or unbalanced with your other chakras.

Our Throat Chakras are closely aligned with our Solar Plexus Chakra. We do want these two to be balanced. As our seat of power, our Solar Plexus Chakra when balanced with our Throat Chakra will help us truly speak our truths in a powerful way that can potentially help us while it helps all of humanity.

Heart Chakra

Not surprisingly, the Heart Chakra is located in the region of our heart. This Chakra is directly affected by others Chakras, and in fact is command central, so to speak, for all of the Chakras. For anything that occurs in any one Chakra does affect the Heart Chakra. Our seat of independence, for example, the Solar Plexus Chakra, and its health will affect our Heart Chakra and vice versa.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is our seat of Clairempathy. Clairempathy refers to clear feeling in terms of having empathy for others and their circumstances. In order for you to be a clear channel of Clairempathy, you must have a Heart Chakra that is clear and empowered and balanced.

Is this to say that you can’t have empathy for others if your Heart Chakra is not up to snuff, so to speak? No, not necessarily. You will be able to relate to others, but when your Heart Chakra is compromised, you may experience over-the-top feelings, if your Heart Chakra is too open, or muted feelings, if your Heart Chakra isn’t open enough.

It is imperative if you are to love deeply and fully that your Heart Chakra is clear, balanced and empowered. It is not possible to feel the full emotions of love for self and love for others without this Heart Chakra at its optimum. It is also important that the Heart Chakra is doing well in order to attract and drawn in the type of love you wish for.

Heart Sand Chakra

What to do if your Heart Chakra requires some care?

Know that all that you wish for and all that you want will come to you in perfect Divine order. When you acknowledge and take to “heart” Divine Orchestration, you do welcome in healing and upliftment for your heart. I can hear some of you thinking, what does my Heart Chakra have to do with Divine Timing?

By accepting and knowing that Divine Timing is always divine and perfect, you allow your Heart Chakra to welcome in all of the wonderful experiences and things and people scheduled to come to you.

At the same time, a full, healthy Heart Chakra allows you to be able to believe at a core level that even more riches from the Universe will be rained down upon you in an unending stream of blessings. The gratitude that automatically comes from those blessings causes your Heart Chakra to essentially bloom and continue to flourish.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus is located above the stomach under the breast bones. This is our seat of independence and power. It is from our Solar Plexus that we gather the courage to try new things and to climb the proverbial mountains that we fear climbing. It is also from this chakra that we learn to stand up for what we believe in, and most importantly, stand up for ourselves.

Often, the Solar Plexus Chakra works in tandem with our Throat Chakra. When our Solar Plexus is open, empowered and balanced, we are able to speak up for ourselves and to get our needs met in a kind and assertive way.

When our Solar Plexus Chakra is imbalanced or closed or unempowered or all three, we have a hard time standing up for ourselves and getting what is “due” us. We tend to shrink from opportunities that seem scary and even run from great opportunities, or stall so long that the opportunities retreat and disappear.

When we are not balanced in our Solar Plexus area, we tend to have a big issue with boundaries. That is, we tend to allow people who have no respect for boundaries to invade our space, either emotionally or physically, or both. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus challenges are quite common at work and in relationships and even in family dynamics. In fact, many of us came here to learn Solar Plexus challenges, such as how to be independent and to embrace our power and to succeed no matter what.
It takes courage and optimism and perseverance and belief in oneself to do that which might be considered impossible or extremely difficult to do. In order to accomplish such goals, we need our Solar Plexus empowered and balanced and clear.

When Our Solar Plexus is Empowered

A Solar Plexus that is clear, balanced and empowered is a Solar Plexus that is healthy. At the same time, having our Solar Plexus in such a state is our natural state. Some might think that we are naturally powerless, but quite the opposite is true. However, we may learn lessons when young and when we are older that teach us that standing up for ourselves—that putting ourselves first—is considered “selfish.” If we believe this, then our Solar Plexus becomes imbalanced and even closes.

A healthy Solar Plexus allows us to have a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. The Solar Plexus is where our self-esteem dwindles or flourishes. Take good care of your Solar Plexus, and you will be compelled to take good care of yourself and to reach for and grasp your dreams.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is our seat of creativity, passion and desire. It is from our Sacral Chakra that we feel joy and spontaneity and hope and the belief that all is aligned in such a way that our heart’s desires and our wishes and those things in which we delight will come to us as on a miracle path. A yellow brick road of sorts filled with gemstones and hearts and flower petals.

For joy and passion and creativity and desire are concepts that we can’t quite put our finger on if we are asked to explain these concepts, and yet we know them when we feel them, and indeed, we revel in the feelings when we feel them.

Sacral Chakra

I know this is all sounding a bit esoteric right now. There is a reason for this. Our Sacral Chakra, while it is often thought of as our seat of desire and where our desire for sex comes from, is in fact a much deeper chakra than you might think. For desire runs much deeper than sex. Desire to live and to be here comes from our Sacral Chakra. Desire to feel deeply and to experience joy and creativity is seated in the Sacral Chakra.

When Your Sacral Chakra Is Blocked

Without a clear and present and healthy Sacral Chakra, it is hard to feel joy. At the same time, it is hard to feel in general. So, if you are feeling as if you aren’t feeling as deeply as you once did, it’s likely that there are blockages or impediments in your Sacral Chakra area.

If your Sacral Chakra is balanced and empowered and clear to feel and experience, then you are likely to experience joy and deep creativity in all that you do. While creativity is most certainly the ability to be creative with the creative arts like painting and drawing and sculpting and writing and designing, you can be creative with whatever pursuit you are pursuing.

For instance, you can be creative with numbers, with the molding and matching and mixing of numbers and the concepts that do come forth with the numbers. Indeed, engineering is highly creative, as are the medical arts. I think you’re seeing here what is being said.

Sacral Chakra blocked

If you are sensing that our Sacral Chakra is quite a “deep” chakra, you would be right. In fact, it is our Sacral Chakra that is tied to our ancestral past and our Soul DNA people. It is our chakra of being.

That being said, it’s important to honor your Sacral Chakra and to ensure you feed your Sacral Chakra by honoring the creativity within you in whatever form that creativity presents itself. At the same time, it’s important to allow yourself to have fun for the pure joy of simply being and having fun as a human.

Base Root Chakra

Our Base Root Chakra is our seat of survival. It is from this chakra that we get our will to live and survive. When this chakra is empowered and strong, we feel safe in our world. When it is not empowered or imbalanced or compromised in any way, we feel disempowered and weak, and are fearful.

There are times in our life when our Base Root Chakra will feel threatened and may close down or go into overdrive survival mode. Such instances include when we are having financial difficulties and when we are ill or fear becoming ill or when someone means us physical harm.

Over the last year, many people have had their Base Root Chakra threatened and disempowered and compromised in the face of a Global Pandemic.

Base Root Chakra

So, what to do if one’s Base Root Chakra is threatened by outside influences? First, before even attempting to open or empower or balance this Chakra, do look at what is threatening it, and then do put things into perspective. The fact is that we are always backed up and protected by Spirit.

Could our physical body die from a virus or heart attack or accident or…..? Yes, we can die from something, and the fact is that is an inevitability in this lifetime. Where, how, when, etc., we may not know. What we do know, however, is that Spirit is always there. And when we do leave the EarthPlane, we will go back into the loving and protective arms of Spirit.

Putting Things into Perspective with the Base Root Chakra

Once you realize that there truly is no death and that we are always backed up, then you can begin to put what is happening to you on the EarthPlane that is affecting your Base Root Chakra into perspective. You can begin to see that what you fear and what you quake about isn’t as bad as it appears.

And if things are truly “bad,” you can know that you will be caught when you “fall” back into the Light. Or that the Light is your backup, and so you can allow yourself to walk through the muck and mire that is ahead of you without fear, but with resolve, knowing that you will get out of the tunnel and you will reach the other side, where you will bloom again, and the cycle of life will continue.

After you have come to this realization and knowing and are at peace with it, you can check to ensure that your Base Root Chakra is opened and empowered and balanced. Often, when we come through dark times and dark hours and see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, our Base Root Chakra rights itself. It won’t do so until we are at peace and know that we are protected and loved and backed up, no matter what.

The Clairs

Exploring The Clairs: Insights into Clear Seeing and Spiritual Messages

The Clairs

How does Spirit talk to you? Do you just know things? Do you hear things? Do you feel things? Do you smell things, even? You may be aware that I am speaking about the various “clairs.”

Many of us know Clairvoyance, where a person sees Spirits/Angels/Passed on loved ones out there or in the mind’s eye. Did you also know that there are other clairs that can help us get messages from the Light/Other side?

Here is a rundown of the various clairs and how you can use them to communicate with spirit.


Claircognizance refers to “Clear Knowing.” This is also known as intuition and gut instincts. Of all the Clairs, claircognizance is the most widely accepted and acceptable. At the same time, claircognizance is often hard to identify and to trust.

When you just know something is about to happen, or your intuition tells you something will happen or something has happened or you should do or not do something, that is claircognizance at work.

At times, the messages coming from your claircognizance may seem to be common sense responses to life circumstances. At other times, however, you may just know something that seems to defy reason. For instance, you may randomly think of something or someone and then the person contacts you or the thing you were thinking about occurs or presents itself to you.

It is during such times that you may discount what you thought and think of it as “good luck or coincidence.” For instance, it was a lucky “guess.” But if you examine what occurred, the luck involved doesn’t work statistically.

I Knew It!

Let me give you an example. A year or so ago, I was sorting through my mail, and I “randomly” thought, I’m going to be getting a jury summons soon. There was nothing in my mail about juries or summons, and I hadn’t gotten one for awhile.
The fact is jury summons were the furthest thing from my mind when I began checking my mail. And yet, I thought I would soon be getting one. Two days later, a jury summons arrived in the mail.

So, if you have had similar experiences, where you seem to randomly think of someone or something and then what you thought occurs, that is your claircognizance at work.

What to do with claircognizance? First, it’s a good idea to trust it. For claircognizance can help in many ways, including keeping you safe, helping you be prepared, guiding you in making good decisions, giving you a higher knowledge overview of a situation and teaching you to trust your own abilities.

The Bulb

How Claircognizance Helps

There are many circumstances when claircognizance can be of considerable value. This includes in a wide variety of professions, including first-responder jobs like law enforcement, firefighting, search and rescue and paramedics. Additionally, claircognizance plays an enormous factor for those people in the medical and scientific professions, such as nurses, doctors, veterinarians and scientists.

While medical professionals and scientists certainly use written and discovered and tested knowledge when making diagnoses or hypotheses, claircognizance plays an integral part for such professionals in the coming up with diagnoses and treatment plans in the first place. How many times have you heard of medical miracles where medical professionals have decided to take a course of action due to a gut feeling.

You can thrive in many professions using claircognizance, such as in business and real estate and investing. This clear knowing can save you and enlighten you and even make you more successful.

What to Understand about Claircognizance

The main lesson to take away with claircognizance is that you can trust yourself and have faith in yourself and faith in the messages coming from Spirit. That is often easier said than done. We tend to think that things just randomly pop into our heads, and when they don’t seem logical, we discount them.
Keep in mind that the more you can trust your claircognizance and respond accordingly, the more messages Spirit will give you via your thought processes. And the more faith you’ll have in all.


Clairempathy refers to “Clear Feeling.” Empathy, as you likely know, is the ability to feel what others feel, including empathizing with those feelings. It is our ability to step into the shoes of another and feel what he or she feels and have compassion for what the person is experiencing.

How can clairempathy help you? Because sometimes it may feel like a burden. You could think of it like that, or you could think of it as a blessing. How many times have you wanted to understand someone or a circumstance or an experience better? Clairempathy allows you to do just that.

There are many professions that call for strong clairempathy. These include the helping professions, including psychology and counseling and medical professions such as doctors and rehabilitative care specialists and hospice workers and caregivers and trauma counselors. The field of social work also calls for clairempathy. Certainly, there are other professions that could use some clairempathy, like lawyers.

Tree of Love

Can You Have Too Much Clairempathy?

At the same time, too much clairempathy can cause one to have a difficult time truly helping. For instance, an experience of feeling how people who have been victimized feel can morph into a drive to do for others what they may want to learn to do for themselves.

The lesson with your clairempathy is to first identify and acknowledge the gift and then learn to use it to help assess situations, at the same time letting go of the feelings once you’ve accessed what you needed to see and experience.

This letting go then allows you to make an unbiased, objective decision or suggestion. This process includes learning where you end and someone else begins. It teaches you boundaries as much as it teaches you compassion.


Clairaudience refers to “Clear Hearing.” This is the ability to hear what Spirit has to tell you. Generally, you hear the voices in your head, but you may hear the voices outside of your head, as well.

I am particularly clairaudient and have been since I was a child. My first recollection of hearing from Spirit was when I was lying in a sleeping bag at the age of 7 in a house my family and I were visiting. When everyone settled down, I was still awake, as is generally the case, since I’m a night owl. I heard someone saying my name several times. Now I know that was likely a Spirit living in the house.

I have also been writing since I was very young. I regularly write down channeled messages from Spirit. That has been the case with The Channeled Masters Series I’m writing. Each book is based on a specific subject and includes inspirational messages from “dead” masters in each subject. Like the first book in the series pictured below, Channeled Writing Tips from 111 Literary Masters.

Clairaudience is a particularly useful skill, if you can master it. You can be told information directly from Spirit and have conversations. First, however, you have to get out of the way of your own thoughts. By that I mean that you need to get to a confidence level where you know what you are hearing is not you, but someone else. And then you have to trust that the messages will continue to come to you via clairaudience.

We’ve all thought that we were “hearing things.” And with those thoughts, we often convince ourselves that we are talking to ourselves in our own heads. While this certainly can occur, if you hear something that seems very random or out-of-the-blue, it most likely isn’t your wild thoughts. Rather, it is a message from Spirit for you. Instead of discounting the message, try listening to what has been said and what will be said once you tune in more. Then see what the message means to you. You could even use your claircognizance to do so!

How Clairaudience Helps

How can clairaudience help you? In many, many ways. You can hear messages from Spirit about important things they wish to share with you. Those could even be warning messages not to do something. You can write channeled messages using clairaudience, and you can use clairaudience to have conversations with passed-on loved ones, your Spirit Guides, Angels and other entities in the Light.

Clairaudience is also widely used in the production of music. As a matter of fact, the Musical Masters included in book #3 of the Channeled Masters series, Channeled Music Tips from 77 Musical Masters, do often allude to having been clairaudient while on the EarthPlane creating music.


Clairsentience refers to “Clear Feeling.” This is the ability to feel messages from Spirit. Of all the Clairs, clairsentience can be rather overwhelming at times. For instance, a particularly clairsentient person in a mediumship situation may feel the heart attack someone had before he or she died.

Those who are clairsentient also feel the energy of others. This makes it particularly difficult to be in crowded situations. And the lower the energy in a particular place, the more a clairsentient person will feel. Particularly low vibrational situations can make a clairsentient person feel suddenly fatigued and depressed. If you are clairsentient and you are in contact with a low vibrational or even dark location, you may even become physically ill yourself.

On the other end of the spectrum, those who are clairsentient can feel when others are feeling particularly healthy and energized. If someone has a spring in his or her step and is walking beside someone who is clairsentient, the person is likely to mirror the other person.

The Clairs Unlocking the Secrets of Spiritual Communication

How to use clairsentience?

How do you use it to translate messages coming from Spirit? While it’s not as direct as hearing or seeing messages from the Light, you can learn to identify your various feelings and translate them into a form that you can understand.

For instance, when you feel pain in a part of your body when someone mentions a passed on loved one, it’s likely that the person died due to an injury or illness related to what you are feeling. Your accessing this and sharing it provides a confirmation to the person that the loved one is with him or her, and this can be very comforting.
In the same respect, when you are clairsentient, you can learn what your feelings mean in terms of messages for you coming from the Light. For instance, I know of someone who has sciatica that flairs up when she has been “overserving.” By this I mean serving others at her own expense in terms of time and energy and sleep and self-care. The sciatica is always her message to slow down and take care of herself.

When you are clairsentient, and with all of the Clairs, you learn to identify what various messages mean for you. You add to your personal Psychic Dictionary for yourself. In the beginning as you are accessing the various clairsentient messages, you may want to jot down what you ascertain they mean. When you begin to see a pattern, you have your answer. Your aches and pains, you may learn, are often not your own.

Subcategories of Clairsentience

There are two subsets of Clairsentience. Clairolfaction (clear smell) and Clairgustation (clear taste.)

Tasting and smelling are visceral actions that fall under the umbrella of Clairsentience.
Though both of these senses work a bit differently–you smell and you taste–the concept with both is the same. If you suddenly smell something that reminds you of someone or a different time or place, that is generally a message for you. This is the same with taste. If you suddenly taste something that reminds you of someone or another time, that is also a message.

Lilac bush

Some examples:
You suddenly smell lilac, and you know you aren’t near any lilac bushes, or anyone with lilac perfume on. However, your grandmother loved lilacs. That is a message from your grandma. Spirits are able to not only communicate with us via our eyes and our ears and minds, they also will give us messages through our sense of smell.

So, everytime you smell lilacs, you can be sure that your grandmother is near. She may also have a message for you. For instance, she comes through with the lilac smell to make you pay attention and think of her, and then if you look around or listen, you may then get the message she is trying to convey to you. Perhaps, for instance, you haven’t checked your email for awhile, and there is an important message there. In this case, grandma is taking care of you!

Now an example of clairgustation, which refers to clear taste. Yes, Spirit can actually give you tastes in your mouth that remind you of another person or another time. When I refer to another time, I’m referring to another time that then does remind you of another person or persons.

the taste of mints

Let’s say you suddenly have the taste of mints in your mouth, and your father always gave you mints. That may very well be your father with a message for you. The message may just be, I’m here! Or the message may be deeper. You can tell if the message is deeper with both clairgustation and clairolfaction, and all the other Clairs, when the message just won’t go away.

If you taste the mints in your mouth and say, “Hi Dad!” and the taste goes away, it was likely he was just saying hi, and wants you to know he is always near whenever you need him. But if you say hello, and the taste persists, there is a message that he would still like for you to get. To get the message, simply get into a meditative state, when possible, and allow the message to come to you. Pay attention via all of your Clairs, and the message is likely to come through for you.


Psychometry can be used for more than locating missing persons. It can also be used to get information about a person. For instance, your grandmother may have passed, and you have a necklace of hers. You can hold the object and see what messages come forth. It could be that your grandmother would like you to wear the necklace, or give it to someone else, or clean it up, or repair it. Or it could simply be a way of your grandmother saying hello.

When you touch items for messages, if the item has been worn, used or owned by more than one person, you may get messages about a prior person, rather than the person who just owned the item. For instance, if the necklace has been passed down through generations, you could get a message about your great, great grandmother, rather than your grandmother.

Hands holding very old book.

If a stranger once owned the piece of jewelry, you could also get messages about the stranger. Let me give you an example. I was given a necklace by someone to get a message about her mother, who was the last person to own the jewelry. However, when I grasped the necklace, I saw a Native American woman riding bareback on a horse, galloping through tundra. It turned out that the person’s mother had bought the necklace at an antique store and was told it was quite old.

How can you use psychometry? You can use this Clair to communicate with passed on loved ones. When you grasp an item that was theirs, you will likely get a hit of their energy, and you may feel something or know something or see something or even hear something of significance.

You can also use clairtangency to determine if you would like to bring an item into your home. For instance, say you are shopping and you find a piece of furniture that you like the looks of. Close your eyes and touch the furniture and note your first feeling when you do so. Is it a good feeling? An anxious one? Or maybe neutral? Listen to those messages and act accordingly. If something gives you a bad feeling, there is a reason.


Clairvoyance refers to clear seeing. This is a quite common Clair often portrayed in movies and on TV. In such instances, a person can see a spirit/passed on loved one. 

While the seeing of a spirit or passed on loved one is often portrayed as a “thing,” such sightings aren’t as common an occurrence as you might think. This has to do with the vibrational rate of the Light and the ability of those in the Light to form a solid mass that can be readily detected by the human eye.

Clairvoyance refers to clear seeing. This is a quite common Clair often portrayed in movies and on TV. In such instances, a person can see a spirit/passed on loved one. 

While the seeing of a spirit or passed on loved one is often portrayed as a “thing,” such sightings aren’t as common an occurrence as you might think. This has to do with the vibrational rate of the Light and the ability of those in the Light to form a solid mass that can be readily detected by the human eye.

Your Mind's Eye

By this I am referring to the fact that once a person passes into the Light, they become as one with a much higher vibrational frequency. It is therefore difficult, but not impossible, for them to come back down to the low vibration of earth and form a solid mass for even a short period of time. That is why if you see a spirit with your human eye, the image will often be unclear, wavy or grainy and disappear as quickly as it came.

Your Mind’s Eye

More common when it comes to clairvoyance is seeing things in your mind’s eye. Spirit/souls will often flash messages into your mind in the form of images or even scenes that play out while you watch. This is often how I get messages about something that happened. I will see it in my mind’s eye like a movie. These images, whether in your mind or outside of yourself, are coming from your third eye, which is your seat of clairvoyance.

How Clairvoyance Works

Clairvoyance can also occur when you see messages as you go about your daily life. For instance, you may see angel numbers, which give you messages, or you may see colors, which also portray certain messages. Another way to get messages is via license plates. Regarding the latter, I have a funny story for you. I was once a little peeved at someone who I would soon be seeing at a meeting. It was a disagreement that we hadn’t yet ironed out. When I got in my car to leave for the meeting and looked at the license plate on the car in front of me, it read, “Oh, Be Nice.” As soon as I saw that, I started laughing. By the time I got to the meeting, my irritation had dissolved.

How Clairvoyance Guides You

Clairvoyance can be a very useful Clair to have at your disposal. The message you see can be very clear, like my example above, or it may need a little translating. Either way, the visual aspect makes it possible to fairly quickly obtain your message. Sometimes it may just be that a passed on loved one came to say hi, but at other times, it could be something more.

I’ll give you another example. One night, I woke up to see a man standing at the foot of my bed holding a large book. It was my life guide, Evan, with my Akashic Records. That turned out to be a message for me to have a talk with him about what turned out to be an important soul purpose mission.

That being said, when you see something you instinctively feel is a message, don’t discount it. Instead, take a closer look at the information coming to you for what I promise are nuggets of wisdom.

I’ll give you another example. One night, I woke up to see a man standing at the foot of my bed holding a large book. It was my life guide, Evan, with my Akashic Records. That turned out to be a message for me to have a talk with him about what turned out to be an important soul purpose mission.

That being said, when you see something you instinctively feel is a message, don’t discount it. Instead, take a closer look at the information coming to you for what I promise are nuggets of wisdom.

How to Use the Clairs to Communicate with Spirit

Once you’ve identified your main Clairs, it helps to see if you can work toward bringing them together in a way that you are able to better access messages from Spirit.

Of course, this is all trial and error. Yet, if you focus on first thoughts—what you think of first is often the message—you will find that there is very little error involved. In fact, you will find that you come to answers more quickly and that you get more messages.

A Matter of Trust

This is all, as you may be suspecting, a matter of trust. Most importantly, trust in yourself to pull it all together and access the messages by first trusting that the messages are coming to you.

Matter of Trust

It can be as challenging or as easy to access messages as you wish to make it. If you trust and allow, which are two inextricably linked concepts, you will find that the messages come flowing to you faster than you might be able to process them. But that’s okay. The fact that you are accessing them and acknowledging them is often enough.

Trust that you will understand and remember the messages that you are supposed to remember and understand. It’s okay if some get “lost in translation” or never even make it to translation. Just know that the messages you are supposed to hear will come back around again and again until you see, feel, hear, know or sense them. (Much like an overdue bill that keeps coming back until you pay it!)

Pulling the Clairs Together

How could this work? This pulling the Clairs together to better enable you to access messages? An example is often helpful, so here is one.

Say you are thinking that the mailman may soon arrive. (You’ve used claircognizance to ascertain this). Then you see in your mind’s eye a card with your name on it. (You’ve used clairvoyance to access this.) Then you hear, it’s a card from a certain locale or a certain person. (You’ve used clairaudience to access this.) Then you feel anticipation and excitement. (You’ve used clairempathy, a subset of clairsentience to access this.) Then you think the news must be good. (You’ve used claircognizance to access this.)

I think you see where this is going. Is this a building blocks sort of thing? Yes, it most certainly is. While you may at times get an epiphany and download of lot of information at once, more often than not you’ll get your messages in bits and pieces that you must then put together like a puzzle. That is often the case.

If you feel as if a message is trying to come to you, but you’re just not sure what it is, or if it is even coming, consider getting into a meditative state and allowing the information to flow to you.

While you can sit and try to clear your mind and see what comes, you can also enjoy an activity that helps you clear your mind. Such hobbies tend to be repetitive and peaceful, allowing your mind to clear and wander.

Some good meditative hobbies/activities include:

  • Gardening
  • Driving
  • Showering
  • Staring at a candle or a waterfall or at a beautiful view, such as the night sky
  • Painting
  • Virtually anything that gets you into a peaceful state of being

When you get into a meditative state, you will feel the shift. You’ll feel lighter and more focused, yet a little spacy in terms of the EarthPlane. At this point, simply ask for any messages to come to you and make sure to jot down or record anything that you get. Then analyze the messages further once the downloads stop.

Single woman on swingset with sunset

Single Not By Choice?

Single Not By Choice?

There’s an overriding human need to want to pair with others. In fact, our society reveres doing so. But when you’re single. Well, you’re single. Even the term single sounds so cut off, doesn’t it?

If you’ve found yourself at this juncture in your life alone, or even if you are with someone but still feeling alone, remember this: There is no Me in He or She.

Man walking on highway alone.

What does this mean? This means that your Soul Ascension, your Soul Path, was meant to be trod on by one person and one person only. And that is you. Therefore, yes, there truly is no me in he or she. 

Does that mean that pairing and wanting to pair or being paired is a “bad” thing. If you’ve followed my teachings/writings for any length of time, you know that I generally don’t teach that there is anything “bad.” In essence, there is only things that are. 

Why Am I Single?

As a reminder, we came to this physical plane, this EarthPlane realm, to live a human existence. At the same time, we came here to learn lessons that only the EarthPlane can teach us. That being said, the lesson of being “single” and being okay and better than okay with that single status is one of those lessons.

For here is the “thing,” as they say. There is no me in she or he. You may be tied to another; may enjoy another’s company; but in the end you leave alone as you came here alone. And in essence you truly are alone.

I don’t mean this to sound like a “downer.” In fact, once you embrace this knowing and feel it to your core and know that it is what you’ve been seeking all along, you will feel a freedom like you have never felt before. 

Little girl with lantern in woods.

Isn’t it interesting that we know this lesson intrinsically as children. Before we are told that there “should” be a we for us to be “whole,” we happily skip along our path, gleeful in the knowing that there is something new around every corner.

This is not to say that there can’t or won’t be others in your life with whom you shall “come together.” In fact, you most likely planned and are experiencing or will experience such unions. And they can be quite glorious unions!

It only means that if you are experiencing what many see as single not by choice, that you are learning what you had wanted to learn from the experience—that there is no me in he or she.

The lessons you learn, the paths you traverse, the mountains you climb and the breathtaking views you gaze upon are all experienced and savored with YOUR legs, YOUR limbs, YOUR eyes and YOUR mind on YOUR unique Soul journey to you! 

Man standing on stone in water-purple sunrise

Past Life Experiences

Past Life Experiences

Have you had a past life experience? A time in your life when you had major déjà vu? Where time seemed to stand still for a moment and you saw flashes of another time. And you were there during that other time?

My past life flashbacks started when I was in my early teens. My first flash was of myself as a sailor. That flashback to another life was a bit unsettling. I fell into the sea during a storm and drowned.

Powerful Past Life Experiences

It wasn’t until a few years later when I was 22 that I had another past life experience. This one occurred as I was driving back to Southern California after visiting San Francisco with two girlfriends.

We were in Central California, and I suddenly had the urge to pull off onto a side road. I told my friends I wanted to find a nice spot to stop and eat a snack. As I made my way off the road, I felt compelled somehow, as if someone else drove the car.

When we came to a lush meadow, I gasped and stopped the car. Getting out and standing at the edge of the road, I marveled at the gorgeous site in front of me. Glowing in the afternoon sunlight was miles of green meadow dotted with trees. And in the distance farmland.

What Past Life Experiences Can Teach You

While the beautiful site in front of me was a true feast for my eyes, I have to say that the feeling that engulfed me of pure wonder and joy and contentment is what took my breath away. Until that very moment, I hadn’t had such an intense, overpowering feeling of happiness and tranquility in this lifetime.

While I’d always loved plants and had started gardening at the age of 7, the experience felt like something much deeper, much more meaningful, much more purposeful, even.

As my friends got out some snacks and sat at the side of the road looking out over the meadow, I simply stood there and gaped. As I looked at the wondrous scene, I grappled for the reason the scene in front of me affected me so deeply. I didn’t get the answer that day, but I did become even more enamored with Mother Nature and her great strength and beauty. (It was also hard for my friends to convince me to get back in the car to make our way home to Southern California!)

How Past Lives Shape Us

Today, I know that when I saw the meadow, I connected with a past life where I had been at one with Mother Nature. I connected with my own soul in the guise of a past life as a farmer who lived off the land and who loved the land as his own—for I was a male in that lifetime.

That experience, which I know now was divinely time, has answered many questions for me in this lifetime. It explains my immense love of plants and my feelings of oneness with the earth. It has also taught me that I can revisit those feelings of pure joy and peace and tranquility by simply connecting with Mother Nature and Mother Earth.

Have you had instances in your life when you’ve felt such an affinity to a certain place or time or music or taste, even? If so, please feel free to comment and share your experience.

And when you do have such past life experiences, cherish and even nurture them. For they are a true calling from and for your soul.

Divine timing magical hourglass in forest

Divine Timing

The Time Triad

Divine Timing, Divine Orchestration and Divine Intervention

You’ve likely heard of Divine Timing or perhaps divine orchestration. But have you heard of The Time Triad?

The Time Triad dictates and oversees the Divine Order of our lives. This affects what happens to us and when. This powerful Triad consists of Divine Timing, Divine Orchestration and Divine Intervention. Understanding how this Triad works can help you manifest your best life.

How do these three elements of time fit together? More importantly, how do these time concepts affect our journey on the EarthPlane? For it is a journey. Sometimes a journey for the better, and sometimes a journey seemingly not for the better. But in fact, it is all for the better—at some point in time. We “booked” our journeys in this lifetime before we came here. And each of the “plot” points in our journeys are Divinely Inspired.

Let me explain by taking a look at each of these elements of time.

Divine Timing

How often have we heard of Divine Timing? That precept that says, everything that occurs happens in a precise divinely timed time. Divine Timing is indeed Divine, for it is coming from a giant Divine clock where we have imprinted and input our various goals.

On that clock, we have decided exactly when those goals shall come to fruition. Be those goals to meet someone, or goals to complete something, or goals to think of a grand idea, or those stepping stones along the way to completing those goals and meeting with likeminded souls.

Divine Orchestration

While the term Divine Orchestration is often used interchangeably with Divine Timing, and it is in many ways very similar, there are some differences. It is its own concept. Let me explain.

Divine orchestration has to do with the movement of the chess pieces of your life. It has to do with movement. For instance, the movement that occurs when an orchestra warms up to play and then the crescendo when the orchestra plays and hits the climatic high notes.

Divine orchestration orchestrates the Divine Timing that you had intended for yourself along your Soul Journey. It is because of Divine Orchestration that all of the chess pieces move in the Divine right time to the Divine right location. This ensures that your dreams and desires and even hard lessons may come to be.

Divine Intervention

You could also call Divine Intervention Divine Intersection. This is where Spirit steps in at our behest and request to ensure that the Divinely Timed occurrences we planned for ourselves are indeed Divinely Orchestrated at the Divine Right Time.

This could be, for instance, that we are to meet a certain someone or come across a certain piece of vital information at a certain juncture. Our team of Angels, Guides, Elementals and Loved Ones will intervene so that we experience Divine Intersection with the person or information or circumstance that we are meant to while on this journey.

It could be, for instance, that we are under treatment for a condition. And that condition only has one cure for us. However, there are very few health professionals who know of this treatment or provide this treatment.

Our Team in the Light will then intervene and make the necessary arrangements so that our paths shall intersect with the person and the medicine this person provides.

The same applies to Divinely Inspired projects. We will, thanks to Divine Intervention, intersect with the person or information or resources that will enable us to create our absolute best, divinely inspired work.

The Time Triad at Work

Do these three concepts need to meet somewhere in the middle, so to speak, for things to flow well? Yes, they do, which is why this is known as The Time Triad.

Do you need to do anything in particular to ensure that The Time Triad operates properly? Yes, you do.

For the wheels of The Time Triad to work effortlessly, you must do one thing, and one thing only. Allow.  As you allow, you accept the Divine Flow of the Universe, with all of its ups and downs and challenges, and yes, miracles, both “big” and “small.”