Meet Dr. A: The LightPlane Professor of Ascension
Dr. A. was my sociology professor back in college. At the time that I took classes from him, he was nearing retirement. He was a quirky soul who had the capacity to really make you think about the whys behind the things that people do, especially when it came to their roles in society.
Dr. A. and I got along well. In fact, he told me when I graduated with a minor in sociology and a major in journalism that I was his best student during his very long career. I was such a good student he used my tests as his key. I didn’t know back then but have come to find out that Dr. A and I have known each other over many lifetimes.
Over the years after I graduated, I thought about Dr. A. now and then and wondered how he was doing. Then in 2016, I began thinking about him a lot. He kept popping into my head, and I started to wonder if I should reach out to him.
It wasn’t until late one night when I was getting ready for bed that I suddenly realized and exclaimed to an “empty” bathroom, “Oh!!! You’re dead!!!”
At that point, he piped up and said, “Yes, my dear, finally!”
I apologized for not “getting it” sooner and said, “You probably have a message for me. Could we talk in the morning? I’m a bit tired, and I have a busy day tomorrow.”
Dr. A. replied in his signature droll manner, “I was going to talk to you about the philosophical and sociological paradigm shift that is currently your life. But we can talk about that later.”
Of course, I reacted by exclaiming, “On second thought, let’s talk right now!”
And so, I sat down and wrote out the following Light Plane Ascension Chart as given to me by Dr. A. According to him, this is a step up from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow was an American psychologist who created this chart back in the 1940s.
If you are ascending, you will find that you fall somewhere on this chart. It’s important to note that we do tend to move up and down on the chart at times as we experience life. As long as we continue to work on our spirituality, however, we will climb the ascension “ladder.” It may take some time, but it will happen.
Dr. A’s LightPlane Ascension Chart
Dead Sleep of Despair: A cataclysmic event or chain of events that pushes you to the depths of despair. Examples include divorce, death of a loved one, illness and disease, loss of a job, loss of a way of life, or loss of an illusion. (Not everyone starts their ascension journey this way, but many do.)

Awakening: Coming out of the dead sleep of despair to see the light, so to speak. Glimmers at first and then brighter and brighter bits of light that give you hope and lead you to seek out the light—such as going to spiritual schools/reading spiritual books, learning about mediumship, etc. Knowing that there is “more” and knowing that you truly want that “more.”
Enlightenment: This is when you begin to seek knowledge; you become extremely ravenous and thirsty for everything you can find about Spirit/the Light Plane/the Other Side. The drive is strong and at times can be all-consuming. For a time, you may also shirk some responsibilities, or at least become scattered and forget to perform some EarthPlane duties. The LightPlane shines so brightly that you wish to simply immerse yourself in its glorious rays and lap up the knowledge that you find at every turn and the knowingness that you are on the exact right path and that glory shines ever so brightly for you now and even brighter in the future. You often experience a bit of “fly away,” so to speak—where grounding becomes quite important.
Attainment: This is the phase during ascension where you grasp onto the knowledge that has come to you from the Light. You feel the rightness of that knowledge and rather than thinking you are imagining things, because you have such a vivid imagination, you know that you have attained a higher level of Light on the EarthPlane and that you are grounded in the reality of the “real deal,” which is the Light, not the EarthPlane. You come to understand that this here on Earth is an illusion.

Glory: When you have grasped the prior step and know you are on the path to the amazingness of living a dual life on the EarthPlane and the LightPlane, it is as if Angels suddenly break out in song in your head and heart (and in truth, they do!) You feel the immense power of the Universe at this point and realize with wonder and delight that you are an integral part of the immense power of the Universe and that you sing in tandem with many like-minded souls. This is the point when you begin to know, deep in your core/psyche/soul, that we are all inextricably linked. So linked that we could never, even if we tried, split from one another. Our atoms—our entire being—is intertwined with one another and this glorious tapestry of life and love in all of its forms.
Security in yourselves and your destinies: Now that you have obtained a vision of your true place in this Universal web of creativity and love and compassion, you become grounded and you know deeply to a soul-DNA level that you are absolutely perfect and that you fit into this web of life—this puzzle of the magnificent in an utterly perfect way. You no longer question your path. You simply take next indicated steps, because during your ascension journey, you’ve learned to accept and allow all that comes to you and all that you know will come ahead of you. There are no questions and concerns anymore about your place in the world or where you are going, and you know to your core that every step you take is preordained by you, directed by you and internalized by you. You are so perfectly divine, and you know it!

Peace and Tranquility. You now arrive at a serene peace so pure and so unadulterated by any of life’s commotion or noise. Chaos can swarm around you and you, for the most part, remain undeterred and unbothered and simply feel a sense of calm that truly does pass all understanding. You know that all is exactly the way it should be—the birds in the sky, the crumbs that fall at your feet, the smile from a stranger and the hugs and warmth from loved ones—each and every little action/decision/wish even, is exactly what and where it should be. Here you are fully grounded, yet at the same time tapped into the Universe and its life force so that your third eye is open to the eternal wisdom of the Universe and its absolute glory! You remain unruffled and full of infinite gratitude.

Abundance—All that You Yearn for and More: It is at this point you realize that you had the ability to have all that you yearn for with you all of the time! Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and her red slippers! But at this point you know and find that you had to go through the prior steps before you could reach this conclusion. There truly are no shortcuts, you find. And at this point, you are happy about that. For you know that you wouldn’t have traded a moment of the journey to reach this Apex of Your True Life. At this point, not only do you get all of the riches of the Universe you have so longed for and attempted to manifest, but you realize the most important lesson of all—You and You alone are the Epicenter of Your Own Life. You are you and only you, and knowing this to your core gives you the most precious gift of all.