Unlocking the Power of Life Guides: Insight, Purpose, and Inspiration
All About Life Guides
We have a wide variety of guides who help shepherd us through life. Whether we know their existence or are unaware, they are there to guide us through good times and more challenging situations. They are the reason we might take a left instead of a right and avoid an accident, or why we rise to the challenge of a project that becomes quite successful.
I’m going to share with you some of the more common types of guides to help you recognize your guides and even access them when you need them.
Personal Life Guides
We are going to start with Personal Life Guides, because they are something that every one of us has, and their influence is the greatest over us and our Soul Purpose.
As mentioned, all of us have a Life Guide. In fact, we are born with our Life Guide. And we die with our Life Guide by our side. Our Life Guide doesn’t leave us, because our Life Guide’s sole assignment is us.
You may be thinking, but I’ve never sensed my Life Guide. I must not have one. Or maybe he or she is in hiding. While it may seem that way, it’s just that you haven’t yet accessed your Life Guide. Doing so is generally something that we do when we are ascending. So, if you are just starting to ascend, you may not have noticed your Life Guide yet.

Even if you haven’t sensed your Life Guide, just know that he or she is there. And you will sense and even communicate with your Life Guide when the time is “right” (AKA Divine Timing.)
Our Life Guides can be male or female. There are also Life Guides that are androgynous. Generally, however, I have found that people have a male or female Life Guide. What sex your Life Guide presents as doesn’t necessarily have to do with your sex in this lifetime. By that I mean you won’t necessarily have a male Life Guide if you are male in this lifetime.
Why we choose a certain sex for our Life Guide is a personal matter that has to do with a few factors. One of the most important of which is the particular soul who we decided to sign up with to be our Life Guide. If the soul presents as mostly female, for instance, then it is likely that soul will be female for us.
As just mentioned, we do sign up with our Life Guides. At the same time, our Life Guides sign up to be with us. Generally, our Life Guide is someone with whom we have incarnated and have spent a lifetime or more with on the EarthPlane as humans. We generally jive well with this person and get along with them quite well.
Our Life Guide is a more ascended being, who when we knew the person in human form was training to be a Life Guide. Being a Life Guide is a high honor and a great commitment. This soul signs up to guide us indefinitely throughout our lifetimes. As far as I have been shown, we are guided by our Life Guides until we no longer reincarnate.

What are the functions of our Life Guide? In short, to guide us throughout our lifetimes and to help us walk in the direction of our Soul Purposes, for yes, many of us have more than one Soul Purpose. Our Life Guides also protect us from danger. In some respects, you could consider your Life Guide as a Lifeguard.
Our Life Guides love us unconditionally and have our backs always. They know what we wrote in our life script, because they wrote it with us. In many ways, they know us better than we know ourselves, because they are privy to all that we planned—even those things that we wish for but haven’t arrived yet.
Our Personal Life Guides have our master plan in hand, so it’s a good idea, if we can, to check in with them about our progress, and simply to be reassured and given a virtual hug.

Tips for Accessing Your Personal Life Guide
First, I would like to say, take a deep breath and know that you will access your Life Guide and feel him or her when you are ready. That being said, it may very well be that you are ready. If you are one of the people who have already accessed your Life Guide, then this will give you even more ways to enjoy your Life Guide and learn from him or her.
After you’re done taking a deep breath and knowing that you will access your Life Guide when ready, try these tips:
Get into a quiet space away from interruptions and anything that would cause you to be anxious or worry or get distracted. Once you are in this space, get yourself into a meditative state however doing so works for you.
When you are settled, ask that Archangel Michael or another Archangel you like to connect with protects you and your space. Call on the Archangel to help guide you to your Life Guide.

If you already meditate or think reflectively in a quiet space, then you know what to do to get to this state. If you need some help, go with your astrological sign in terms of what might get you to a meditative state. If you are a fire sign, looking into a candle or a fireplace may work. If you are a water sign, put on the sound of water or sit by a fountain or a body of water. If you are an earth sign, sit where you can plant your bare feet in the earth. If you are an air sign, get some air going. If you can’t go outside or it is still out there, turn on a fan. Listening to windchimes may also work. The goal is to get to a meditative, receiving state.
2) Once you are in a receiving state, use your strongest Clair to begin welcoming in the information. (See this article on Clairs to identify your strongest one.) So, if you are particularly clairsentient and feel your messages, ask to feel the energy of your Life Guide. If you are clairaudient, ask to hear him or her. If you are clairvoyant, ask to see something in your mind’s eye or around you that represents the presence of your Life Guide. Or you may be particularly Claircognizant. If so, and you feel a knowing that your Life Guide is right next to you, believe and know that.
When you connect with your Life Guide, it may be an extremely profound experience that brings you to grateful tears, or it could be a mild knowing. Everyone is different in how they connect with their Life Guides.
Rather than concern yourself if this “working,” simply allow what will come to you to come to you. You may not connect today, or you may. Or you may experience precursors to connecting. Either way, it is the allowing that is important.
3) As you feel, hear, see or sense your Life Guide’s energy, ask for some sort of a confirmation from your Life Guide. It could be a very mild sign, such as a slight breeze or a feeling that someone has touched you on the head or shoulder, or it could be something louder, like a car suddenly racing by or the mailman dropping your mail into your mailbox.

4) Ask that the feeling/knowing/sensing you are experiencing be imprinted into you. You will know your Life Guide by these feelings and knowings and sensings. That way when your Life Guide comes to you in the future, you will know he or she is communicating with you.
5) Once you have become good at sensing your Life Guide (this could take a few tries and confirmations until you feel sure), then you are ready to start asking to receive messages from him or her. Get into the meditative receiving state and ask him or her to please begin sending you messages. Keep in mind that your Life Guide has been sending you messages all along. You can even acknowledge this, but now is the time to let him or her know you are ready to notice and receive the messages, and that you will be alert and waiting.
6) When you receive what you believe is a message, believe it. Remember that there are no coincidences with this. Thank your Life Guide for the message, and then ask for more messages to build on that first message. Consider writing down the messages as they come to you. You will be surprised after stringing a few messages together that they will present you with a full message that may astound you.
How to Figure out What Your Life Guide is Telling You
Now that you’ve tapped into your guide, or believe you have, or are on the verge of doing so, let’s look at how you can ascertain and understand the messages you are getting.
While it would be wonderful if your Life Guide could walk through the door and sit down and begin giving you a coaching session, much like a human coach, that doesn’t always happen. It can—depending on how advanced you are in terms of your psychic development—but it’s likely you are at the beginning of this—hence you’re reading this.
I do have heart-to-heart talks with my Life Guide, Evan. But then I am a Master Channeler and extremely clairaudient, as well as clairvoyant, and I have been practicing for many, many years. This is a level you could also get to—in time. The key to this happening is communicating with your Life Guide as often as possible. Here are some tips for doing just that.
First, it’s especially helpful to know/identify your top Clairs, as it is through those means that your Life Guide will “speak” to you.
Here are some ways that your Life Guide could speak to you. Note these various ways, and then as you go about your days, try to tune into the many nuances that surround us. Those nuances are often our messages. If you would like to think of them as messages “in disguise,” that might even help you.
Here is an example of how your Life Guide may speak to you throughout a given day using the various clairs.
You awaken before your alarm sounds. Something—actually someone—your Life Guide—nudged you awake. You have a thought/a knowing, you might call it, about something it would be good for you to do or someone it would be good for you to contact.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

You go to get ready for the day and find that your coffee/teacup isn’t where you usually put it. This sends you on a hunt. You are sure that you put it away but are led to another room where you find it next to something that reminds you of something you need to do.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.
You check your email and receive something that gives you a message/a sign about something you’ve been pondering.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.
You get in the car and turn on the radio as you head to work. A song you haven’t heard in years suddenly comes on. The words answer something you’ve been wondering about.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.
You glance at the time as you are heading into the parking lot. It’s a significant Angel Number.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.
As you turn off the car, you smell a scent that reminds you of someone or something, and there is no reason for you to be smelling that scent at that moment in your car.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.
As you sit down at your desk and turn on your computer, you suddenly know what your first order of business should be, and you get right on it. It turns out fifteen minutes later that it was good you listened to that urging, because your superior asks for what you just finished.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.
While your morning goes well, you have a rough afternoon at work. You are feeling a bit bedraggled and are sitting at your desk in a slump when you suddenly feel like someone is patting you on the shoulder, and you feel revived again. Or at least comforted.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.
That night when you go to bed, you think you hear someone say goodnight to you.
Voila! Your Life Guide has given you a message.

I think you are getting the picture here. We all get messages from our Life Guide throughout our days. About big things and little things and everything in between. Our Life Guide is right beside us guiding us. It’s a matter of being aware and paying attention, and when things do happen, knowing that it was our Life Guide.
When you feel that you have heard from your Life Guide in one form or another, you have. As you piece together all the various messages, they will often begin to show you a theme. It could be that all the messages point to you just staying on course, or being more patient, or trusting yourself.
The more you tap in and believe and know that you are communicating with your Life Guide, the stronger those messages will become. Remember that no message is too “small.”
As I mentioned prior, our Life Guides have their own distinct personalities. That is how you will also know you are hearing from yours. Some Life Guides are very bossy, while others are more smooth and mellow and behind-the-scenes, and some can be quite dramatic. The personality type of your Life Guide will make perfect sense for you and how you operate.
My Life Guide is behind-the-scenes and will gently remind me of things. He also does a lot of sighing if I’m in a snit for some reason, and he does a lot of smiling when things are going well. That works for me.
Other Types of Guides
There are many other types of guides who show up at one point or another in our lives to help guide us. Often such guides come for a specific purpose. For instance, we are starting a project and require their assistance or have entered a new chapter in our lives. Here are some of the most common additional guides.
We all have Creativity Guides. Even those who feel as if they “aren’t all that creative.” For you see, creativity comes in many guises. Whatever work, hobbies and pursuits you involve yourself in take creativity.
You may not be van Gogh, but you very well could be MacGyver when it comes to being resourceful and ingenious in the face of difficult situations. These include fixing and building items that make your world and the world of others easier and more pleasing.
Now that we’ve got out of the way the fact that creativity—or the chance to use this skill—permeates our lives, we can talk about how you can talk to your Creativity Guides, and why you would want to.
In many ways, Creativity Guides make things easier, more inspiring and more fun.
You know when you’ve come up with an idea that makes your life easier or more aesthetically pleasing or just plain fun. Often, the idea suddenly comes to you. That suddenly coming to you is your Creativity Guide (or Guides) inspiring you and guiding you as you embrace the ideas.
So, what can you do with your Creativity Guides?
Well, create, of course! Tune into your Creativity Guides and start creating! In whatever way you like to and are inspired to create. That could be while you’re cooking, organizing, writing, crafting, exercising, playing a sport, problem solving, making music, creating art, and even the way you put together and analyze your finances. Your Creativity Guides want and desire to help you create, so let them!
How should you tap into your Creativity Guides?
The best way to tap in quickly and easily is to do so when you’re presented with a challenge or a need to do something. When you are presented with such an opportunity, call in your Creativity Guides and ask for some creative guidance as to what steps to take to meet your challenge or complete your project.
When you do this, wait for a moment in silence. In that in between time of listening after you ask the question and before you move forward. It is in that space that you will hear inspirational guidance. Once you hear it, act. Or if you aren’t in a position where you can currently act, jot down the ideas. Let them flow. You’ll be surprised and delighted by what you do or what you write to do. I assure you!

Here are tips for encouraging your Creativity Guides to make themselves known.
Try this exercise:
1) Get into a comfortable spot and bring along with you something you love. That could be a pillow, or book, or candle, or cup of tea, or a piece of candy. Something that makes you smile.
2) Go ahead and admire the object, or use it, drink it, eat it. As you do so, feel into the feeling the creator of that particular object had when creating it. Close your eyes and allow the feelings to come from the creation of the tea, candy, candle, etc.
Every object has energy attached, and it is possible to close your eyes and feel how the creator felt when the object was thought of/created. It may be a feeling of joy, or giddiness, or wonder, or exhilaration. This is not an “easy” task, even though it sounds easy. This task requires that you allow the energy of the object you love to come through. When it does, as mentioned, you will feel it.
If you are clairvoyant, you may see the person weaving or sewing or writing or creating on a white board for a split second, or you may just know that’s how the person felt. Whatever way you arrive at this information works.
3) Now that you’ve felt the feeling of creation from a favorite object, you can be open to the feeling of your Creation Guide coming to you with an idea. Close your eyes and ask that your Creation Guide(s) comes and feel into how that feels. You will likely feel a similar feeling as you got from step 2, but different, for it will be your Creation Guide communicating with you.
4) Feel the joy of creating. Note how the feeling feels. For instance, do you feel excited? Ecstatic? Curious? Note how you feel.
5) Ask for some sort of a sign that you have touched base with your Creation Guide. This could be if you have a candle burning that the flame burns brighter or goes out. Or a wind picks up outside. Or you get a slight shiver. You’ll know when it happens that your Creation Guide has confirmed.
Once you have the confirmation, ask for a project, idea, flash of inspiration, and note what you see. This is the seed of your project to come, should you continue to listen to your Creation Guide. You may even find yourself writing volumes about it, or beginning to create, or preparing to do so. Whatever happens, make sure to thank your Creation Guide(s)!
Compassion Guides
We all have compassion guides. And thank goodness! The world and people could always use a little more compassion. Look around at the world, and you may think that some people aren’t tapped into their Compassion Guides. The truth is, you’re probably right. That’s why it’s so important for those of us “in the know” to tap into these compassionate/empathetic spirits.
As their name suggests, Compassion Guides help us to be more compassionate. They also help us to be empathetic. Compassion refers to being compassionate about the plight/feelings/pain/discomfort, etc., of others, while empathy means you can feel those feelings in others.
If you recall your Clairs, those who are very empathetic tend to rate high on the Clairempathy scale. This refers to being able to feel the feelings of others and understand at a core/soul level how others truly feel. It is clairempathy and compassion that make the world go ’round, so to speak.
Without compassion, the world would be a rather rough and abrasive place. You may be thinking that the world does seem that way at times. In truth, it can seem that way often. Especially when you are particularly high on the empathy and compassion scale. Rather than looking at this as a “bad” thing, think of it as a good thing. Without your brand of compassion and empathy, the world would be even less compassionate and empathetic. So, the more compassion you offer the world, the better the planet will be.

How do our Compassion Guides fit into all of this? They whisper in our ears when it’s time to be empathetic and compassionate. Or they tap us on the shoulder, or push us toward someone in need, or nudge us to stop and truly notice someone or a situation. This could be a stranger, or it could be a friend or loved one. For those in our sphere often need a lot of compassion, wouldn’t you agree?
Should we dole out compassion just because? We could. We could also be strategic about it. How we show compassion to others is entirely up to us. There are no rules and regulations—no “right” way to do this.
Just know this.
When it’s time to be compassionate, your Compassion Guide(s) will let you know. You will feel at a heart-soul level, a tugging sensation that pulls you to take note and possibly forgive and sometimes to also forget. The bottom line is, you’ll know.
As you may have noticed, of all the Guides, our Life Guides know us the most intimately. In the same regard, they know all our plans for ourselves in this and other lifetimes.
Our Life Guide is here to buoy us up and guide us, and yes, sometimes chastise us. But when they do so, it’s generally in a “good way.” They always have our back—literally and figuratively—and they will never let us down. Ever.
Enjoy knowing that your Life Guide is there for you, no matter what! Go ahead and have a conversation with him or her. Your Life Guide is always waiting to hear from you and guide you and give you advice—all based on your plans for yourself.