Dreams can help you understand your life more clearly. At the same time, they can point to awakenings. At other times, they may not mean a whole lot.
So, how do you determine when a dream is something to pay attention to, and when to just let the dream go?
Designed to answer your questions about dreams, read on to learn about lucid dreaming and its significance, dreams as premonitions and visitation dreams.
What are Lucid Dreams?

Just what are lucid dreams? They are those dreams that occur when you know that you’re dreaming. In fact, if you need to or want to, you can stop dreaming and wake up and go about your day. Sometimes, they are so fun or interesting that you wish to continue. You may, in fact, wake up and take a sip of water or go to the bathroom and then go back to the lucid dream to see what happens next, much like you would put a movie on pause and go away and come back.
Are lucid dreams of significance? Yes, they generally are. How significant will depend on what’s happening in your life. Here are a few reasons for lucid dreams:
- You are flexing your creative muscle. You are playing around with the what-ifs that make for fabulous stories in the form of writing or painting or music.
- Your third-eye is opening. Lucid dreams represent your third-eye in action. It is a way for Spirit to show you what you know in your mind’s eye in living color—literally.
- You have a present-day challenge or problem to work out. But as is often the case with dreams, you won’t see the challenge exactly as it is presenting in “real life.” Rather, you’ll see a composite of the challenge or a version of the challenge. But if you look closely, you will see that you are playing out various eventualities in your lucid dreams that can then inform your decisions and actions in the here and now.
- You are in need of some entertainment. Frankly, some lucid dreams, especially those playing out as a movie that you want to see to the end, are Spirit’s way of entertaining you and showing you that miracles can and do happen.
Have You Had Premonitory Dreams?

Have you had dreams about occurrences that then come true? Or something similar comes true? If you have had this experience, it can be a bit unsettling. For who wants to envision a bridge collapsing or an earthquake quaking the very foundations of your life and that of many others?
Here’s the thing about premonitory dreams. They may be a bit unsettling, but they are a good sign in a number of ways. Here are those ways:
- They indicate that you are gifted and tapped in when it comes to accessing spiritual messaging.
- They act as a guidance system. When you dream of premonitions that seem highly unlikely they will come true, and yet they seem very real, they are often a sign of things to come. Something else in your life aligns or mirrors what you’ve dreamed about and does come to fruition.
- Spirit is trying to talk to you. Spirit wishes to communicate with you and will then give you premonitions via dreams as a way to say, hey, wake up! Literally. For they would like to speak to you when you’re awake about your life in the here and now and your life purpose. Giving you a “crystal ball” view of what is about to happen in your life is their way of becoming a part of your daily conscious reality.
If you wake up after having what seems like a premonitory dream, don’t panic. It generally doesn’t mean that the world is coming undone or a typhoon will soon hit. At least not in the literal sense.

But these dreams do often point to areas of your life where change is brewing. And they may very well preclude big and little changes in your life that soon come to pass. So, think of them as a heads up.
When you dream something that does actually come true, while this may seem ominous and feel like a burden, know this. You were meant to see what you saw to prepare and inform you, not scare you. Keep this in mind. Also keep in mind that those sorts of premonitory dreams that come true aren’t as common as those that represent something else.
To decipher those dreams that represent something else in your life, look around you for similar, familiar-feeling patterns. You’ll soon spot the message, or at least part of the message, interwoven in your dream.
Have You Had Visitation Dreams?
Perhaps one of the most profound experiences you can have while “sleeping” is to have a visitation dream. With such a dream, which is really not a dream, you experience the visitation of someone in the Light. Quite often the visit is from a passed on loved one who wishes to communicate with you. The person could simply be saying hello and letting you know that he or she is okay, or there could be a message involved in the dream.
When you have a visitation dream, you feel as if you are talking with the person, and in fact, you are. You are interacting with the person’s essence/soul. The person may look like he or she did when alive, or similarly. Or the person could present as an angel. Earth Angels, for instance, may look like the person you knew with Angel wings.

Often what happens with a visitation dream is that you awaken from sleep to see someone beside or at the foot of your bed. The person likely appears very ethereal, and it may be hard to see features clearly. The person may be hazy and surrounded by light. In such cases, you will make out some features, and then your mind’s eye (third eye) will make out the rest. That will inform you, for instance, if you are looking at Aunt Margot.
When a visitation dream occurs, it is natural to be startled at first. Or you may feel a beautiful sense of calm and peace. How you react is perfectly fine for you. Rather than second guess what you did or didn’t do, just thank the person who came to you for coming.

Visitation dreams often occur when a person is crossing over into the Light. As the person becomes one with the Light, he or she stops to say “goodbye.” But the goodbye is far from “goodbye.” The person’s Spirit and Soul Essence never dies, but is with you always.
In fact, the person may very well visit you again once in the Light. You can encourage this, if you so choose, by requesting that it occur. For instance, if you have a decision to make, you can ask that your mother or father or brother or sister come to give you an answer. The person may not answer you directly, but after analyzing what occurred, you will likely come to a conclusion as to what was communicated during the visit.
Meant to soothe and even heal, visitation dreams are a quite lovely gift from the Light. Request one, and you are likely to get one.
Dreams as Guideposts
Paying attention to your dreams can act as guideposts as you make your way in the world. If you are aware of what has occurred during slumber, you will likely be more aware of what goes on in your day-to-day life.
Those dreams that bring with them visits from passed on loved ones, life guides, ascended masters or angels, as well as dreams with messages can be profound. When you have dreams with meaning, take heed of their messages and cherish and be grateful for them.