Do You Have Faith in Your Divine Plan?
We’re often asked by Spirit/The Universe to have faith as we travel our path. We’re told that all will work out well if we just have faith and enjoy the journey. While that all sounds great, it’s one of the most difficult things we are asked to do.
Why? Well, because we are human. And when humans are told that everything is going to work out swell as long as we keep taking next indicated steps, we tend to stop moving forward and instead start asking questions.
The conversation with Spirit/The Universe goes something like this: “Okay, fine, I get that I need to have faith and that all will work out as long as I keep going. But before I can go on in a comfortable and assured manner, I need to know a few things.

1) When is what I want to happen going to happen? You want me to keep moving forward. But I want you to tell me at what point this, that or the other thing or person is going to appear along my path. It’s only fair!
2) This thing that I really, really want and that I’m heading toward—or so you tell me—seems like a bit of a stretch. That being said, I’d like to know just how this is going to come to fruition. Just how are you, Spirit/Universe, going to get me what I want? I can keep moving forward if I know the how behind things. I’m sure you can understand my need to know this!
3) Who is going to help me along the way to obtain what I want? There must be individuals along the way who are going to help make my dreams come true. But I’ve been looking around and there isn’t anyone in sight. Therefore, it’s necessary before I take another step to know just who you are going to corral to help me achieve my goals. Certainly, you can see why I would need this information! After all, you don’t want me to miss the person when they appear!
The above questions all make perfect sense on the one hand. But on the other hand, you know in your heart that all of these questions are the antithesis of faith.
What is faith?
True faith is the belief that all will work out in your very best interest in the ABSENCE of any proof or reassurances. And yes, numbers 1-3 are all about proof. Proof that what you want is going to come to fruition just as you want it to and when you want it to.
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, that’s just not how faith works. And it’s not how achieving your goals and dreams works either. The only way to what you wish for is on a road of faith with no guaranteed roadmap in hand.
Instead, you want to close your eyes and put one foot in front of the other, knowing that each step, each stumble, are all divinely timed and orchestrated by you.

When you reach your destination and open your eyes, the view is going to be more beautiful, more infinite and more inspired than anything you could have ever imagined.
And when you do reach that apex knowing you made your way on the fuel of faith alone, and you see in person that your grand, secret plan was indeed grand, there is no better destination.
So, go ahead and set out on your faith journey. I promise you that it will be the most challenging, most incredible trip you’ve ever taken.