If you’re looking for an eye-catching houseplant that does well in a wide range of lighting conditions, try growing Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema). This easy-to-grow plant tolerates just about every indoor condition, says Costa Farm’s garden expert Justin Hancock. “Chinese evergreen is one of the toughest indoor plants you’ll find, yet it’s also one of the most beautiful.”
You’ll find a wide variety of leaf patterns and colors in Chinese evergreen—from rich green, to green and white, to silver patterns and even red. “When Aglaonema gets enough light, it also blooms with cute, calla-lily-like flowers,” says Hancock.

In addition to being a pretty addition to your décor, Chinese evergreen is one of the top houseplant indoor air-cleaners.
To successfully grow Chinese evergreen in your indoor garden, keep the following growing tips in mind.
Provide proper lighting. Chinese evergreen can grow in bright light but does best in low to medium light. Place the plant too close to a southern or western window and the leaves may scorch. It grows well in an eastern or southern window or other areas of the home that have medium to low lighting.

Fertilize regularly. Every month, feed Chinese evergreen with an organic houseplant fertilizer. In addition, top-dress the plant every six months with a ½-inch layer of worm compost. Doing this enriches the soil, giving the plant vital micronutrients.
Add humidity. Chinese evergreen require between 50 to 60 percent humidity. You can raise the humidity level around the plant by misting several times a day and/or adding a humidity tray. Grouping plants together also raises the humidity level for all of them.
Watch the temperature. Aglaonema is susceptible to cold and drafty conditions. They prefer to be in rooms that remain around 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pests. Chinese evergreen is susceptible to mealybugs. If you find these white, cottony bugs on your plants, spray them with isopropyl alcohol and rinse off once the alcohol dries.
Julie Bawden-Davis is a garden writer and master gardener, who since 1985 has written for publications such as Organic Gardening, The American Gardener, Wildflower, Better Homes and Gardens and The Los Angeles Times. She is the author of seven books, including Reader’s Digest Flower Gardening, Fairy Gardening, The Strawberry Story Series, and Indoor Gardening the Organic Way, and is the founder of HealthyHouseplants.com.