Now that we’re officially in the dark and stormy days and nights of winter, gardeners find a funny thing happening to their green thumbs—they start twitching. In many areas of the country, the weather outside may make gardening impossible, but that doesn’t still the desire to feel dirt on our hands and watch plants grow.
The good news is that we can grow houseplants indoors at any time of the year and any time of the day or night. And this week, which began with National Houseplant Day, is the perfect time to enjoy some horticultural therapy with indoor growing.
The secret to a successful indoor tilling experience is to choose the right plants in the first place. The family-owned business, Costa Farms, which grows indoor and outdoor plants, has a collection of 400 indoor plants known as the Exotic Angel line. Here are a few of the eye-catching, easy-to-grow members of the collection.
Commonly known as the wax plant because of its thick waxy, fragrant flowers, this vining plant is easy to grow indoors. It makes an ideal hanging basket plant, as its stems readily trail. You can also grow it upright on a trellis. The variety pictured here has unique twisted foliage that is particularly eye-catching.
To have luck growing hoya, avoid overwatering. Let the first 2 inches of soil dry out before soaking. You are better to err on the side of dry with this plant, as overwatering will quickly lead to fungal disease and root rot. In order to flower, the plant requires medium to bright light. You can grow it in low light, but you won’t get many flowers. Fertilize every three months with a well-balanced organic fertilizer.

Purple Passion Plant
Known botanically as Gynura aurantiaca, the foliage of this beauty resembles purple velvet tinged with iridescent green. The leaves are also ultra-soft to the touch. The plant grows upright initially, eventually trailing as it matures. Once it starts to trail, grow it in a hanging basket or on a trellis.
Provide purple passion plant with medium to bright light and keep the soil moist but not soggy. Prevent the plant from becoming leggy by regularly pinching off growth tips. Feed the plant every three months with a well-balanced organic fertilizer.

Ponytail Palm
If you want a specimen palm for your indoor garden that adds architectural interest to your home, then a ponytail palm is for you. This plant is a slow-grower that will be happy in the same container for quite some time and can be grown just about anywhere in the home.
For best growth, place ponytail palm in bright light. It can tolerate medium light, as well. Avoid overwatering. The plant stores water in its trunk for dry spells and is prone to rot if the soil is kept moist. Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil has dried out. Fertilize the plant monthly during the spring and summer with a well-balanced organic fertilizer. If the leaf tips brown, simply cut them off with scissors. This generally occurs when the humidity is low.

Known botanically as Alternanthera ficoidea, this plant lights up any space with its tiny, bright green leaves. The plant can be grown in many areas of the home and is a good choice for terrariums.
Alternanthera grows best in bright light. Keep the soil moist, as the plant wilts easily if it is allowed to go dry. If you do drought the plant, water thoroughly and it should spring back. Feed once every three months with a well-balanced organic fertilizer.

Julie Bawden-Davis is a garden writer and master gardener, who since 1985 has written for publications such as Organic Gardening, Wildflower, Better Homes and Gardens and The Los Angeles Times. She is the author of seven books, including Reader’s Digest Flower Gardening, Fairy Gardening, The Strawberry Story, and Indoor Gardening the Organic Way, and is the founder of