You know those goals in life that seem far away? We’ve all had them. Often when a goal seems insurmountable, we tend to put off trying to accomplish it. That is until the voice at the back of our mind starts telling us more insistently to get started toward our goal.
At that point, we very well may begin our journey. The fact that we actually get started often revs us up. We may find ourselves with an overwhelming sense of excitement about the goal, and suddenly everything seems to fall into place. We set our sights on the prize, and we start the journey.
At first, the journey is exciting. We can see our goal in the distance, and we know we are ready to attain the goal.
After some time, though, we lose speed. We find ourselves huffing and puffing as we start up what feels like very steep hills toward our goal, and the goal is suddenly not easily seen in the distance.

At this point, we wonder what on earth we are doing and if we will ever reach our goal. We begin to doubt ourselves and wonder if we should have started the journey in the first place. What were we thinking?! And what on earth is happening? Where did all that enthusiasm go? Will we ever make it to our goal?
This, Enlightened Reader, is what is called the Middle Mile. It’s that point in the journey when you suddenly feel overwhelmed and may even feel like you’re sinking in quicksand faster than you can walk. At this point, you look forward and your destination/goal seems hopelessly out of reach. Yet, at the same time, when you look back, you are too far from the beginning to stop.
What is the solution at this point?
Well, you can rest for awhile. Take a sip of water and regroup. But at the end of the day, you have one of two options. You can turn around and go back and not reach your goal, or you can take a deep breath and get back on the road to your goal and keep going. At this point, you might as well continue to move forward, because it’s going to take you just as long to return to the beginning.

I assure you as you continue slogging toward your goal that your way will become easier. The goal in the distance will also come into clearer focus. And then one day in the not-to-distant future, you will see your goal in sight. Before long, you will arrive at your goal. At this point, celebrate and congratulate yourself for a job well done!