Do you tend to squeeze your dreams a little too tightly?
By that I mean, do you have dreams that you want so badly to come true that you hold them close?
When something means a lot to us, we tend to hold it tight. There are a variety of reasons for doing so. Here are some of those top reasons:
1) We want the dream to come true so badly that we hold it tight to protect and keep it safe.
2) We aren’t ready to share our high hopes and dreams with the world. It’s just not time. So, we’re doing some introspection; some thinking on just what we truly want as we hold the dream close.

3) We have let our hopes and dreams out before to roam the universe, and they were dashed! In fact, our heart was smashed to smithereens, so it’s safer to just hold the hopes and dreams tight where we can make sure they are safe.
4) We’re afraid if we let the dreams go and let them fly into the universe, they just won’t come true. By holding them close, we hold out hope that what we so want is possible.
So, what to do if you find yourself holding your hopes and dreams just a little too tightly?
The answer is just let them go!
But it couldn’t be that simple, could it?

How about letting go of your hopes and dreams by gently presenting them to your Higher Self and Life Guide and trusting them with your heart’s desires?
After all, your Higher Self—that part of you always in the Light—and your Life Guide are the ones who helped you develop those hopes and dreams in the first place. They know all about them, and they know the various components that will help make those hopes and dreams a reality.
So, go ahead and let go of your hopes and dreams. Let them fly—right into the waiting arms of self, where they will surely be set free and come back to you fulfilled.