Spiritual Coaching

Julie Bawden-Davis is an Impart certified medium and healer specializing in Spiritual Coaching, Past Life Readings and Healings. She is a Master Channeler, who is author of the Channeled Masters Series. The Channeled Masters Series consists of books written from various groups of individuals speaking from within the Light on specific topics. Those who have passed on and loved what they did here on Earth still wish to share their words of wisdom and advice. The books feature spiritual coaching and are designed to enlighten, inspire and encourage. She is also author of The Channeled Insight Series.

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I’ve found that a common source of discontentment for people is living in expectation. It’s an easy trap to fall into.  Before …

We often hear about our inner child. In fact, much is done to access our inner child and to love him or …

Have You Fallen into The Conditional Living Trap? If you answered yes to the above question, congratulations, you’re human. And you’re living …

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Do You Need Spiritual Coaching to Help You Find Your Way?

  • Feeling stuck or like you’re on the verge of something big, but just aren’t sure what “it” is or how to access your life purpose?
  • Have you been seeking enlightenment and everything in your life has changed, especially yourself?
  • Are you trying to make sense of what you know is the most profound experience of your life?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Ascension! I’m glad you found me. When you have a spiritual awakening and begin climbing the ladder of enlightenment, many areas of your life slow down, while other areas speed up, and while it can be exhilarating and inspiring, it can also be confusing.

I know, because I’ve been there. I’ve always talked to “dead” people and have seen and heard from Angels since childhood, but it wasn’t until adulthood that I felt led to develop and use my spiritual gifts to help others, including with spiritual coaching.

Welcome to Spiritual Ascension

As is common before a spiritual awakening and the resulting desire to help others, I experienced a cataclysmic upending of my personal life. It generally takes such major shakeups to awaken us to what can be and what we need to say goodbye to. While the new beginnings are exciting, closing chapters and even books can be difficult. But such endings are necessary roads to becoming who we wish and know we are meant to be.

Following my spiritual awakening, I began actively channeling from The Light/The Other Side. I started with passed on loved ones and moved from there to Angels, Guides and Ascended Masters, including famous people now in the Light.

My spiritual journey soon made it apparent the gifts I was meant to bring to the world. This included written and oral communications from the Other Side about the Other Side. I soon discovered that I am a Master Channeler able to hear and share messages from just about any entity.

I have spent my career as a journalist and professional author. Once I began my Ascension, I started writing channeled books, articles and blog posts, including The Channeled Masters Series. Those who have passed on and loved what they did here on Earth still wish to share their words of wisdom and advice. The books in this series, channeled from various groups of individuals in the Light, feature spiritual coaching about specific topics, and are designed to enlighten, inspire and encourage.

During my Ascension, I also studied to become a certified healer, medium and psychic, and began doing spiritual coaching, readings and healings. I found that I have a great many gifts developed over numerous past lifetimes and that it was time for me to step up to the “spiritual” plate, so to speak. As a Past Life Intuitive, I also do past life readings, regressions and healings.

My mission is to impart information and messages from the Light that heal, enlighten and inspire, so that people can achieve their dreams and learn to embrace and trust their Soul Journey/Higher Plan, leading to living a joyful life.

Seeing and Hearing from The Other Side Since Childhood

As I mentioned, I’ve talked to, seen and sensed “dead” people since I was a child. My first memory goes back to when I was 7. My family and I were on a road trip and were spending the night at friends’ homes along the way.

I was lying in my sleeping bag after everyone else had gone to sleep one night during the trip when someone began calling my name. At the time, I only had my experiences at church to guide me, so I thought it was the Holy Spirit. I kept that experience to myself, as I did throughout my pre-teen years. Once I became a teenager, however, I began sharing some of the things I saw with my receptive friends.

It was when I was 22—not coincidentally a number I’d been drawn to since a young age—I was literally saved, thanks to a message I received from my Guardian Angel, who I came to find out a few years later is my Uncle Kent. He is my father’s brother and “died” many years before I was born in this lifetime.

On that fateful day, Uncle Kent told me to leave the office where I worked while in college as a bookkeeper counting money. After I heard Uncle Kent tell me to leave the room, I left quickly, which was a good thing, as armed robbers came crashing through the ceiling in a hole they had cut in the roof the night before, landing on top of my desk. Had I not moved, I would have been killed or maimed for life.

As this example illustrates, I use my strengths in clairaudience, claircognizance and clairvoyance to connect with individuals and entities in the Light. This allows me to get accurate and significant messages for you.

Past Life Readings, Healings and Regressions

($125 for the first 60 minutes, and then $50 per hour thereafter)

I connect people with their past lives and lend insight as to how those lives relate to this life. You will find out what occurred in those past lives so that you can be enlightened as to how those past lives are affecting your life now. In some instances, this may be a repeating relationship pattern or a phobia. Guided by Spirit, I heal and redirect past life experiences holding you back in this lifetime.

Many people who have experienced a past life “rewrite” find it has profound, far-reaching and life-altering benefits. They also find that many questions are answered for them, in terms of activities and pursuits to which they gravitate and those tasks, experiences and people in life they find challenging. In addition to problematic past lives, the reading taps into powerful and positive past lives. You will receive a written or verbal message from yourself in a powerful past life. The message will contain vital information for you now in this life that will help you fulfill your life purpose and achieve a life full of abundance and meaning. This opens you up to infinite possibilities for advancement and unlocks the ability to live a life of joy and fulfillment.

Past Life Regression

($125 for the first 60 minutes, and then $50 per hour thereafter)

You will be guided into a meditative state and will travel back in time and experience a significant past life. During the regression, you will be guided to ask for and receive messages from that past life that will help you in this lifetime. After the regression, I will give you further insight as to what you experienced and how it relates to this lifetime and what you are experiencing now.

Couples Past Life Readings

($200 for the first 60 minutes and then $75 per hour thereafter).

I do past life readings and regressions for couples. These past life sessions give those in significant relationships the opportunity to understand one another and their relationships better and make improvements and grow even closer. I access powerful as well as problematic past lifetimes for the couple, which lend insight into how they can create a more meaningful and lasting relationship today.

Spiritual Coaching/Readings

($125 for the first 60 minutes, and then $50 per hour thereafter)

I provide spiritual healing and guidance through spiritual coaching and readings. I believe that within everyone is the power to live a life of fulfillment, peace, and tranquility. Just as every individual is unique, so is the path to that best self. I can help you figure out what you came here to accomplish and the next steps to reach your life purpose goals. Whatever you truly want to do with your life, spiritual coaching with me will help you determine your soul/life purpose.

All my readings are driven by Spirit and what is best for you in this time and place. No reading is ever the same, just as no person is ever the same, nor are your circumstances the same from one day or one season to the next.

Channeled Messages Reading

($125 for the first 60 minutes, and then $50 per hour thereafter)

Using a variety of tools, as dictated by Spirit and customized just for you, I will answer your current burning questions about your life, including your relationships, career, and life purpose. During the session, I may channel written and/or voice messages from passed on loved ones, your Higher Self, Life Guides, Angels and/or Ascended Masters. I may also be guided to use oracle cards and the pendulum during the reading.

Channeled Written Letters

($150 per 4- to 5-page letter written on stationary of your choice, or we’ll let Spirit choose!)

Our loved ones in the Light are constantly communicating with us. They have so much to share in terms of thoughts and sentiments they weren’t able or willing to say while here on earth. They also have much wisdom they would like to pass on from the Light in relation to enhancing our lives now. Often, their insight and vision into our lives is quite profound and moving.

If you would like to hear from a passed on loved one (including animals), or your Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Higher Self, or whomever you would like to hear from, I will write a letter for you from the person/being.


($125 for the first 60 minutes, and then $50 per hour thereafter)

I am an Impart Certified Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki® II Practitioner, in addition to a Kinetic Energy™ Master. I work with the Angelic and Elemental Realms (Mother Nature, Mother Ocean, Fairies, Elves, Sprites, Gnomes, and plants) and various Ascended Masters when performing healings.

While I do give traditional energy healings when Spirit dictates, often my healings rewrite and heal past life issues. If there are recurring emotional and/or physical issues in your life that haven’t been healed by other means—even past life regression or awareness—then a Past Life Rewrite Healing may be your answer. The healings also call forth powerful past lifetimes that inform your now and can empower you to step into an exciting, fulfilling future.

House Clearing

($150 – $350, depending on square footage; done remotely)

You can be in a good place spiritually, yet if your surroundings are fraught with unwelcome entities and negative imprints, you will still feel unsettled and even anxious. A home filled with spirits and imprints of negative past happenings is far from “sweet.” I remove spirits and imprints from your home so that you can live a peaceful life and enjoy your haven.


(Held throughout the year— Contact me for scheduling. Classes vary in price from $30 for single sessions to $333 for multi-week healing classes.)

How to Use a Pendulum

For centuries, pendulums have been used for divination and dowsing (searching for underground minerals and water). In Europe, using a pendulum is officially considered to be a science. People have used pendulums for everything from detecting allergies to determining a baby’s gender to locating underground mines and tunnels during wartime. The art of using a pendulum is easy to master, and they’re fun to experiment with! This class teaches you how to use a pendulum so that you can get answers from Spirit/the Light regarding your life. You will practice using your pendulum following instruction.

How to Channel Written and Voice Messages

Channeling through writing and voice is a skill that many people can master. This class teaches you how to get into a meditative writing state and how to tap in and “download” messages coming from the Light. During the class, you will channel messages from the Light and share them, if you wish. We will cover how to determine if the messages are channeled and ensuring they are coming from the Light. We will also discuss how to use your channeled messages, including through readings and for publication.

Energy Healing (Remote and Hybrid)

If you would like to become a healer and heal yourself and others, I teach classes that enable you to do that. Classes are held over several months’ time and include instruction, as well as practice healing. You will be a certified healer at the end of the class. I am a Reiki Master and Kinetic Energy Master™ and teach both forms of healing.

Psychic and Mediumship Development

If you would like to become a psychic or medium, I teach classes that enable you to do that. Class includes instruction and practice with other students.

Past and Parallel Lives

Most people currently on the Earth at this time have experienced past and parallel lives. This class introduces you to these concepts, as well as includes a past and/or parallel lifetime regression.

Oracle Card Reading

Learn how to read Oracle cards, so you can get messages for yourself and others. Class includes instruction and practice with other students.

Energetic Translation System-Using Your Clairs

Spirit has several methods of communicating with us, including clairvoyance. Learn how to access messages from the Light using your Clairs and translate them. Also learn which Clairs are your strongest. Class includes instruction and practice with other students

Professional Speaker

With 30 years of professional speaking experience, I am available to talk to your group regarding a wide variety of spiritually based topics. These include accessing your inner author, how to channel written messages, and how to live your best possible life. Book signings follow presentations.


I own and run the publishing company Roses Are Red Publishing. This is a boutique publisher of spiritual books. If you’ve written a book you feel strongly about and would like to retain more creative control than you would with other publishers, contact me with a brief synopsis of your book and your qualifications. Include why you feel your book should be published and how you feel your book will help the “Greater Good.” My services include developmental editing and ghostwriting, as well as publishing.

Book a session with me by emailing, calling or texting 714-771-2999.

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The Channeled Insights Series

Wondering what life is like on the Other Side?

Channeled from the insights of Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho) and other Ascended Masters in the Light, this book takes you on a tour of the LightPlane. Discover the hierarchy on the Other Side, how decisions are made, and who has the final say. You’ll also find out what it looks and feels like in the Light, including where souls go to rest and learn.

Become acquainted with those souls with whom we eternally commune, including soulmates and life guides, and how past and parallel lifetimes fit into the scheme of things. See also how the Light converges with the EarthPlane in our quest to become enlightened, and what you can do to make the most of your time here.

The Channeled Masters Series

 The Channeled Masters Series consists of books written from various groups of individuals speaking from within the Light on specific topics. Those who have passed on and loved what they did here on Earth still wish to share their words of wisdom and advice. The books feature spiritual coaching and are designed to enlighten, inspire and encourage.