Archangels are higher order angels responsible for myriad tasks within the Universe. These tasks include intervening on the part of us humans on the EarthPlane.
Archangels are the protectors, communicators, healers, and surveyors, who help keep order within the Angelic Realm, The Light, and here on Earth.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael’s main function is as the protector angel. That isn’t to say, however, that he or any of the other Archangels can’t serve other purposes than their main functions. For the most part, however, Archangel Michael will come to you when you need protection of some sort.
This could be physical protection, or it could be emotional protection from others, and even from yourself. By the latter, I mean that when we are feeling particularly glum/desolate, he is often by our side to buoy us up and encourage us to take a positive, rather than a negative step.

If you are feeling vulnerable or afraid or uneasy or anxious, you can call on A. Michael to “save the day.” An encounter with A. Michael can have you feeling safe and protected. All you need do is trust him and allow him to take over for you—if even temporarily—and listen to his guidance.
A. Michael will guide you out of even the most terrifying circumstances, if you let him. And as mentioned, those terrifying circumstances could be emotional. You may feel as if you are ready to fall into an abyss of emotional desolation, for instance. If this is the case, ask A. Michael to come and swoop you off the cliff and to safety.
As mentioned, A. Michael is our supreme physical protector. A sort of Spiritual Superman. I said back in the Chakra series that my clairaudience saved my life when I was in my early twenties. It was, in fact, an order from A. Michael that I heeded via my clairaudience (clear hearing) that made it possible for me to be here today to share this message with you.

At the time, I was working my way through college with a part-time job as a weekend bookkeeper at a drugstore. When I went in one Sunday morning, all was quiet, as it usually was back then on Sundays. I went up to the office and opened the safe to take out the money from the day before. My job was to count and record the money and prepare it for deposit.
I began by taking the money out of the safe and putting it next to me on the desk. Then I started counting one of the drawer’s receipts. Suddenly, however, I heard very clearly, “Get out now!”
Though I immediately wondered if I was hearing things, because I was all alone in the office, something told me to heed the words. So, I grabbed my purse and left the office. There were two doors to go through to get out of the office. When the second door closed not more than 20 seconds after I’d heard the warning, a giant crash shook the staircase I was descending.
When I got downstairs into the drugstore, I asked the manager if he’d heard a crashing sound. He hadn’t, but he happened to look up at the windows to the office where I had been sitting less than a minute before. He cried, “There’s a leg dangling from the ceiling!”
It turned out that the store had been hit by the “rooftop bandits.” This was a group of thieves who would spend Saturday nights cutting a hole in the roof of the store above the office, which they would break through on Sunday mornings when all was quiet and there was only one manager on duty. Then they would tie up the office person and steal the money from the safe. They would have had a bit of a problem with me if I hadn’t heeded A. Michael’s warning, however, as they and the roof landed directly on my desk.
Of course, I was shocked, but I was overall utterly grateful that A. Michael had warned me, and that I had heeded his warning.
There have been several other times A. Michael has saved me over my lifetime, and each time I am glad I have listened.
That being said, if you hear or feel or know that A. Michael is beside you, or a strong, loving force of some sort is with you, heed any warnings, no matter how silly or overreactive you may feel you are being.
A. Michael is our protector angel, and he takes the job very seriously. When you feel at a loss and upset, or even just a little bit sad, call on him to give you his mighty encouraging energy. I guarantee you that you’ll feel a little, if not a lot, better.
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel comes to us when we wish to access our soul purpose. When we wish to tap into what we came here to do on a soul purpose level.

If you are wondering why you’re here, call on Archangel Haniel. Some have called A. Haniel the Archangel of Intuition. Most likely, because our intuition is closely tied into our Higher Self—that part of us always in the Light that knows why we are here and what we plan to do.
If you are looking for direction as to next steps in your soul journey, or even your life journey, call on Archangel Haniel.
Many also refer to A. Haniel as the Archangel of Joy. Once again, this aligns with her being the Archangel of Soul Purpose, for we experience great joy in our lives when we access our Soul Purpose. There is no more joyous place to be than in tune with our Higher Self and Soul Purpose and feeling the rightness of it.
You may also have heard of A. Haniel as the Archangel of Compassion. Indeed, she is this as well, and we could call her the Archangel of Passion. For both of those attributes could most certainly fall in line with accessing our Soul Journey and the stops along the journey. We have passion for that Soul Journey, and we have compassion for others when we are following our Soul Journey path. Often a lot of compassion comes from walking into our purpose and passion, as many of us who work for the Light are interested in healing ourselves, as well as healing others. And you must have a lot of compassion when doing this.
Archangel Haniel is happy to come to you when you are feeling blue, as well. As mentioned in the first installment of this series, all of the Archangels in the Light come here to serve. So, if you feel like calling on her, she will readily come to you.
When you have an epiphany about why you are here and what you are meant to do, Archangel Haniel also invites you to call on her to help you celebrate. If she isn’t already present, do call on her, and she will help you with a grand celebration of finding your way on your Soul Purpose path.
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel is generally thought of as the Messenger Angel. He comes to you when there are messages for you to hear from Spirit. This could be passed on loved ones who wish to deliver messages, or it could be the Archangels themselves, or ascended masters, or it could even by a message from your Life Guide, or your Higher Self. We do at times send the angels to talk some sense into our lower selves. Archangel Gabriel can assist with all such messaging.

At the same time, Archangel Gabriel can be called upon to help you speak to others and get your message across. Perhaps there is something that you’d like to say to someone, but you aren’t sure how to go about saying it. Archangel Gabriel can help you form the words. He will also help you with the delivery of the words, so that they “go down easy,” and he can even help you know when the time is right to say the words.
If you are thinking that Archangel Gabriel is all about helping with communication in all its forms, you would be right! He is available to help you with any type of communication, including emails and letters and even text messages and voicemail. Call on Archangel Gabriel whenever you wish to deliver a message in the most eloquent way and in the most understandable way for all.

Archangel Gabriel is also often present when you have dreams—especially premonitory or visitation dreams. He comes to help facilitate visitation dreams, and he may be the one who gives you the premonitions that appear in some dreams.
So, yes, do call on Archangel Gabriel when you want to communicate in whatever form you wish to communicate. This includes through artistic means of communicating, such as through music, art, writing and dance.
Archangel Raphael
Often thought of as the Healing Angel, Archangel Raphael comes to us when we are in need of healing, or when we feel compelled to request the healing of others. So, if you wish to elevate healing in yourself or healing in others, call on Archangel Raphael.
The color often associated with Archangel Raphael is green. If you see flashes of green, or are thinking of green, or green begins to present to you in your world, you may very well be hearing from A. Raphael. If this does occur, think about what might need healing in your life.

Does your body need healing? Your mind? Your emotions? Your attitude, even? A. Raphael can be called upon to help you heal anything within yourself, as well as situations.
Can A. Raphael help heal others? Perhaps. If you are sending healing wishes to another, A. Raphael can most certainly deliver the healing energy, with one caveat. The person must be willing to receive the healing energy or healing words or advice or encouragement. If the individual wishes not to do so—either on an EarthPlane or energetic level—he or she is using the right to stick to free will. That is his or her prerogative. You need only send the healing, as you are guided, and then let the mailman (A. Raphael) deliver the message.
How else can A. Raphael help you in your day-to-day living? Well, for one, if you call on A. Raphael, he may very well help you with your day-to-day thriving! He may help you thrive, rather than just go about your day. This can indeed be a good thing, as they say.
How should you call on A. Raphael? However you see fit. Let him know what you need, and he will be right by your side.
As was mentioned, A Raphael can also help to heal broken hearts/wounded emotions. So, if you are feeling “blue,” ask for his healing green energy to come and envelope you and make you feel better. It may very well work for you!
Lastly, Archangel Raphael wishes for you to know that when he sends healing to you, it will likely spill over to others. That’s a good thing! You’ll be doing the world an even greater service when you ask for his healing blessing.
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is often referred to as the Angel of Wisdom. Indeed, Archangel Uriel is quite wise. And perhaps even better, when you tap into Archangel Uriel, you can soak up some or a lot of that wisdom. Archangel Uriel is the angel that allows us to tap into the Light and what is occurring in the Light amongst our Higher Selves and others in the Light. It is by tapping into what is occurring in the Light that we are able to increase our wisdom.

If you are hearing from Archangel Uriel or are feeling compelled to know more about this angel, that is an indication that you are on a path of accessing great wisdom via your Higher Self, and that there is a treasure trove of great wisdom waiting for you. You need only ask Archangel Uriel to help you access that wisdom.
How, when, what you access via Archangel Uriel is always divinely timed. But just know this. When you are supposed to access certain information and meet certain people who help you access that wisdom, you will. When Archangel Uriel comes calling, wisdom follows.

Deep inner knowing and understanding is the hallmark of a visit from Archangel Uriel. Ask for a visit from Archangel Uriel if you are going to sleep for the night or are in meditation. You will be shown great wisdom when you ask this. It may be you are shown something that you have strived to know or understand for a very long time. In fact, those age old questions that you have yearned to know the answers to Archangel Uriel can often answer—at least in part, and at least in a way that resonates with where you are at this moment.
If there is something Archangel Uriel would like you to take away from this message—if nothing else—it is that the wisdom you require to navigate this lifetime is all stored in your Crown Chakra where it can be initiated and activated at any moment in time. You need only ask. If you would like to ask Archangel Uriel to help with do this, then just make the request. You will be amazed at the epiphanies and inner knowings that await you.
Archangel Metatron
Today, we’re visiting with Archangel Metatron. Of all the Archangels, we could call him the Multi-Tasker Angel. He has a variety of purposes and can be called on for many reasons.
Archangel Metatron is one of the Archangels who is very much of this Earth. In fact, he has walked the Earth in human form on several occasions. He did this, as many angels do, to experience the “trials and tribulations” of being human, and therefore can help us when we most need it. At the same time, he understands what it means to be human—and what it means to be Angelic. That makes him extremely tapped into all that is needed on the EarthPlane when we are in human form.

Call on Archangel Metatron when you are feeling unsure. He is the Angel of empowerment for you physically, as well as mentally and spiritually. It is Archangel Metatron who will walk with you through your ascension journey, if you call on him, and it is A. Metatron who helps jumpstart everyone’s ascension journeys.
Archangel Metatron is also a protector angel. In fact, he often works with Archangel Michael to protect us and shepherd us from danger. If you are feeling in peril or feeling as if you could be soon, call on Archangel Metatron, and he will come immediately to your assistance.

As I mentioned, Archangel Metatron helps with our ascension journeys. He can, as mentioned, even take our hands and walk us through each stage of ascension. I have found him to be kind and wise and ever so powerful when it comes to helping us seek, find and embrace our soul purpose and journey. If you are unsure of your soul purpose or wish for more clarity about your soul mission, call on Archangel Metatron. He will be happy to sit down with you and help you work your way through your Soul Ascension Syllabus, so to speak.
You may have also heard about Archangel Metatron in terms of sacred geometric patterns and Metatron’s Cube. This is something else that A. Metatron oversees. Like I said, he is quite a multi-tasker! In fact, he communes with great philosophers and wayshowers, including Aristotle and Archimedes. They hang out in the Light determining the meaning of all things mystical and metaphysical in relation to time and space.
The next time you are meditating, ask A. Metatron to take you on a short tour of the interior of his cube. It’s quite a mind-expanding, and yes, mind-blowing experience, metaphorically speaking, of course!
When you are feeling stuck, A. Metatron is happy to help you unstick yourself. In fact, he is as happy to guide you when you are feeling blue as he is to guide you when you are feeling glad. Call on Archangel Metatron for anything that you are moved to call on him for, and he will be happy to answer!
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel, the Archangel of peaceful relationships and peace in general.
Does Archangel Chamuel pray for peace? In many respects, he does. For he knows that when there is peace—when we come from a place of great peace—we do make decisions that are best for ourselves and one another. And peace does lead to tranquility. And tranquility is something that many of us on the EarthPlane do seek. Peaceful, tranquil relationships, including with ourselves, and peace and tranquility with the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

How often do we need to call on A. Chamuel? Well, that will depend. On how peaceful we feel with life and what we are doing and even what we are saying. When we find ourselves in a bit or a lot of strife, and do feel on edge and unsettled, and even angry, it’s helpful if we call on A. Chamuel to swoop in and give us some support and some well-needed peace. What better antidote to feeling unsettled is there than a good “shot in the arm” of peace?
What else can you do when “communing” with A. Chamuel? How else can he be of service to you? There are a variety of ways, but most specifically, let’s discuss how he can help you access what is really bothering you about situations in which you find yourself troubled. By that I am speaking of digging a little deep to find out what is “eating at you.”

There are often times in our lives when we find ourselves upset about this, that or the other thing. We may look at the upset with an objective eye—or at least we feel it is objective—and think, what on earth is the problem here? Why am I so mad or upset or sad or angry, etc., about this, that or the other thing? Certainly, what I’m seeing in front of me is not all that bad. And yet, I can’t seem to feel better about this, that or the other thing, no matter how much I counsel and reason with myself.
There are often reasons hidden in our feelings, in our perception of things. If we dig a little deeper with the help of A. Chamuel, we can often unearth the hidden reasons, the hidden triggers that are making us feel certain ways. When we unearth the real reasons for our reactions, we can often look those reasons “straight in the eye” and by doing so understand them. Then the problems, our strife, does dissipate naturally. Or we can shelve the problems where they belong and pull them out and deal with them in a more rational manner when we’re ready. A. Chamuel is a champion at helping us dig out the hidden meanings and hidden reactions, so do call on him when you aren’t sure why you are reacting or acting the way you are.
Is there more A. Chamuel could do for you? Not surprisingly, there is! A. Chamuel, like many of the Archangels, does have his specialties, but if you are guided to call on him with help in other areas of your life, then by all means, do so! Most likely, you have known A. Chamuel in many lifetimes, and he has helped you with many types of challenges. So do take advantage of that special relationship!
Now that you have been introduced to the Archangels, you know who to call on when you need assistance and insight.