The Clairs
How does Spirit talk to you? Do you just know things? Do you hear things? Do you feel things? Do you smell things, even? You may be aware that I am speaking about the various “clairs.”
Many of us know Clairvoyance, where a person sees Spirits/Angels/Passed on loved ones out there or in the mind’s eye. Did you also know that there are other clairs that can help us get messages from the Light/Other side?
Here is a rundown of the various clairs and how you can use them to communicate with spirit.
Claircognizance refers to “Clear Knowing.” This is also known as intuition and gut instincts. Of all the Clairs, claircognizance is the most widely accepted and acceptable. At the same time, claircognizance is often hard to identify and to trust.
When you just know something is about to happen, or your intuition tells you something will happen or something has happened or you should do or not do something, that is claircognizance at work.
At times, the messages coming from your claircognizance may seem to be common sense responses to life circumstances. At other times, however, you may just know something that seems to defy reason. For instance, you may randomly think of something or someone and then the person contacts you or the thing you were thinking about occurs or presents itself to you.
It is during such times that you may discount what you thought and think of it as “good luck or coincidence.” For instance, it was a lucky “guess.” But if you examine what occurred, the luck involved doesn’t work statistically.
I Knew It!
Let me give you an example. A year or so ago, I was sorting through my mail, and I “randomly” thought, I’m going to be getting a jury summons soon. There was nothing in my mail about juries or summons, and I hadn’t gotten one for awhile.
The fact is jury summons were the furthest thing from my mind when I began checking my mail. And yet, I thought I would soon be getting one. Two days later, a jury summons arrived in the mail.
So, if you have had similar experiences, where you seem to randomly think of someone or something and then what you thought occurs, that is your claircognizance at work.
What to do with claircognizance? First, it’s a good idea to trust it. For claircognizance can help in many ways, including keeping you safe, helping you be prepared, guiding you in making good decisions, giving you a higher knowledge overview of a situation and teaching you to trust your own abilities.

How Claircognizance Helps
There are many circumstances when claircognizance can be of considerable value. This includes in a wide variety of professions, including first-responder jobs like law enforcement, firefighting, search and rescue and paramedics. Additionally, claircognizance plays an enormous factor for those people in the medical and scientific professions, such as nurses, doctors, veterinarians and scientists.
While medical professionals and scientists certainly use written and discovered and tested knowledge when making diagnoses or hypotheses, claircognizance plays an integral part for such professionals in the coming up with diagnoses and treatment plans in the first place. How many times have you heard of medical miracles where medical professionals have decided to take a course of action due to a gut feeling.
You can thrive in many professions using claircognizance, such as in business and real estate and investing. This clear knowing can save you and enlighten you and even make you more successful.
What to Understand about Claircognizance
The main lesson to take away with claircognizance is that you can trust yourself and have faith in yourself and faith in the messages coming from Spirit. That is often easier said than done. We tend to think that things just randomly pop into our heads, and when they don’t seem logical, we discount them.
Keep in mind that the more you can trust your claircognizance and respond accordingly, the more messages Spirit will give you via your thought processes. And the more faith you’ll have in all.
Clairempathy refers to “Clear Feeling.” Empathy, as you likely know, is the ability to feel what others feel, including empathizing with those feelings. It is our ability to step into the shoes of another and feel what he or she feels and have compassion for what the person is experiencing.
How can clairempathy help you? Because sometimes it may feel like a burden. You could think of it like that, or you could think of it as a blessing. How many times have you wanted to understand someone or a circumstance or an experience better? Clairempathy allows you to do just that.
There are many professions that call for strong clairempathy. These include the helping professions, including psychology and counseling and medical professions such as doctors and rehabilitative care specialists and hospice workers and caregivers and trauma counselors. The field of social work also calls for clairempathy. Certainly, there are other professions that could use some clairempathy, like lawyers.

Can You Have Too Much Clairempathy?
At the same time, too much clairempathy can cause one to have a difficult time truly helping. For instance, an experience of feeling how people who have been victimized feel can morph into a drive to do for others what they may want to learn to do for themselves.
The lesson with your clairempathy is to first identify and acknowledge the gift and then learn to use it to help assess situations, at the same time letting go of the feelings once you’ve accessed what you needed to see and experience.
This letting go then allows you to make an unbiased, objective decision or suggestion. This process includes learning where you end and someone else begins. It teaches you boundaries as much as it teaches you compassion.
Clairaudience refers to “Clear Hearing.” This is the ability to hear what Spirit has to tell you. Generally, you hear the voices in your head, but you may hear the voices outside of your head, as well.
I am particularly clairaudient and have been since I was a child. My first recollection of hearing from Spirit was when I was lying in a sleeping bag at the age of 7 in a house my family and I were visiting. When everyone settled down, I was still awake, as is generally the case, since I’m a night owl. I heard someone saying my name several times. Now I know that was likely a Spirit living in the house.
I have also been writing since I was very young. I regularly write down channeled messages from Spirit. That has been the case with The Channeled Masters Series I’m writing. Each book is based on a specific subject and includes inspirational messages from “dead” masters in each subject. Like the first book in the series pictured below, Channeled Writing Tips from 111 Literary Masters.
Clairaudience is a particularly useful skill, if you can master it. You can be told information directly from Spirit and have conversations. First, however, you have to get out of the way of your own thoughts. By that I mean that you need to get to a confidence level where you know what you are hearing is not you, but someone else. And then you have to trust that the messages will continue to come to you via clairaudience.
We’ve all thought that we were “hearing things.” And with those thoughts, we often convince ourselves that we are talking to ourselves in our own heads. While this certainly can occur, if you hear something that seems very random or out-of-the-blue, it most likely isn’t your wild thoughts. Rather, it is a message from Spirit for you. Instead of discounting the message, try listening to what has been said and what will be said once you tune in more. Then see what the message means to you. You could even use your claircognizance to do so!

How Clairaudience Helps
How can clairaudience help you? In many, many ways. You can hear messages from Spirit about important things they wish to share with you. Those could even be warning messages not to do something. You can write channeled messages using clairaudience, and you can use clairaudience to have conversations with passed-on loved ones, your Spirit Guides, Angels and other entities in the Light.
Clairaudience is also widely used in the production of music. As a matter of fact, the Musical Masters included in book #3 of the Channeled Masters series, Channeled Music Tips from 77 Musical Masters, do often allude to having been clairaudient while on the EarthPlane creating music.
Clairsentience refers to “Clear Feeling.” This is the ability to feel messages from Spirit. Of all the Clairs, clairsentience can be rather overwhelming at times. For instance, a particularly clairsentient person in a mediumship situation may feel the heart attack someone had before he or she died.
Those who are clairsentient also feel the energy of others. This makes it particularly difficult to be in crowded situations. And the lower the energy in a particular place, the more a clairsentient person will feel. Particularly low vibrational situations can make a clairsentient person feel suddenly fatigued and depressed. If you are clairsentient and you are in contact with a low vibrational or even dark location, you may even become physically ill yourself.
On the other end of the spectrum, those who are clairsentient can feel when others are feeling particularly healthy and energized. If someone has a spring in his or her step and is walking beside someone who is clairsentient, the person is likely to mirror the other person.

How to use clairsentience?
How do you use it to translate messages coming from Spirit? While it’s not as direct as hearing or seeing messages from the Light, you can learn to identify your various feelings and translate them into a form that you can understand.
For instance, when you feel pain in a part of your body when someone mentions a passed on loved one, it’s likely that the person died due to an injury or illness related to what you are feeling. Your accessing this and sharing it provides a confirmation to the person that the loved one is with him or her, and this can be very comforting.
In the same respect, when you are clairsentient, you can learn what your feelings mean in terms of messages for you coming from the Light. For instance, I know of someone who has sciatica that flairs up when she has been “overserving.” By this I mean serving others at her own expense in terms of time and energy and sleep and self-care. The sciatica is always her message to slow down and take care of herself.
When you are clairsentient, and with all of the Clairs, you learn to identify what various messages mean for you. You add to your personal Psychic Dictionary for yourself. In the beginning as you are accessing the various clairsentient messages, you may want to jot down what you ascertain they mean. When you begin to see a pattern, you have your answer. Your aches and pains, you may learn, are often not your own.
Subcategories of Clairsentience
There are two subsets of Clairsentience. Clairolfaction (clear smell) and Clairgustation (clear taste.)
Tasting and smelling are visceral actions that fall under the umbrella of Clairsentience.
Though both of these senses work a bit differently–you smell and you taste–the concept with both is the same. If you suddenly smell something that reminds you of someone or a different time or place, that is generally a message for you. This is the same with taste. If you suddenly taste something that reminds you of someone or another time, that is also a message.

Some examples:
You suddenly smell lilac, and you know you aren’t near any lilac bushes, or anyone with lilac perfume on. However, your grandmother loved lilacs. That is a message from your grandma. Spirits are able to not only communicate with us via our eyes and our ears and minds, they also will give us messages through our sense of smell.
So, everytime you smell lilacs, you can be sure that your grandmother is near. She may also have a message for you. For instance, she comes through with the lilac smell to make you pay attention and think of her, and then if you look around or listen, you may then get the message she is trying to convey to you. Perhaps, for instance, you haven’t checked your email for awhile, and there is an important message there. In this case, grandma is taking care of you!
Now an example of clairgustation, which refers to clear taste. Yes, Spirit can actually give you tastes in your mouth that remind you of another person or another time. When I refer to another time, I’m referring to another time that then does remind you of another person or persons.

Let’s say you suddenly have the taste of mints in your mouth, and your father always gave you mints. That may very well be your father with a message for you. The message may just be, I’m here! Or the message may be deeper. You can tell if the message is deeper with both clairgustation and clairolfaction, and all the other Clairs, when the message just won’t go away.
If you taste the mints in your mouth and say, “Hi Dad!” and the taste goes away, it was likely he was just saying hi, and wants you to know he is always near whenever you need him. But if you say hello, and the taste persists, there is a message that he would still like for you to get. To get the message, simply get into a meditative state, when possible, and allow the message to come to you. Pay attention via all of your Clairs, and the message is likely to come through for you.
Psychometry can be used for more than locating missing persons. It can also be used to get information about a person. For instance, your grandmother may have passed, and you have a necklace of hers. You can hold the object and see what messages come forth. It could be that your grandmother would like you to wear the necklace, or give it to someone else, or clean it up, or repair it. Or it could simply be a way of your grandmother saying hello.
When you touch items for messages, if the item has been worn, used or owned by more than one person, you may get messages about a prior person, rather than the person who just owned the item. For instance, if the necklace has been passed down through generations, you could get a message about your great, great grandmother, rather than your grandmother.

If a stranger once owned the piece of jewelry, you could also get messages about the stranger. Let me give you an example. I was given a necklace by someone to get a message about her mother, who was the last person to own the jewelry. However, when I grasped the necklace, I saw a Native American woman riding bareback on a horse, galloping through tundra. It turned out that the person’s mother had bought the necklace at an antique store and was told it was quite old.
How can you use psychometry? You can use this Clair to communicate with passed on loved ones. When you grasp an item that was theirs, you will likely get a hit of their energy, and you may feel something or know something or see something or even hear something of significance.
You can also use clairtangency to determine if you would like to bring an item into your home. For instance, say you are shopping and you find a piece of furniture that you like the looks of. Close your eyes and touch the furniture and note your first feeling when you do so. Is it a good feeling? An anxious one? Or maybe neutral? Listen to those messages and act accordingly. If something gives you a bad feeling, there is a reason.
Clairvoyance refers to clear seeing. This is a quite common Clair often portrayed in movies and on TV. In such instances, a person can see a spirit/passed on loved one.
While the seeing of a spirit or passed on loved one is often portrayed as a “thing,” such sightings aren’t as common an occurrence as you might think. This has to do with the vibrational rate of the Light and the ability of those in the Light to form a solid mass that can be readily detected by the human eye.
Clairvoyance refers to clear seeing. This is a quite common Clair often portrayed in movies and on TV. In such instances, a person can see a spirit/passed on loved one.
While the seeing of a spirit or passed on loved one is often portrayed as a “thing,” such sightings aren’t as common an occurrence as you might think. This has to do with the vibrational rate of the Light and the ability of those in the Light to form a solid mass that can be readily detected by the human eye.

By this I am referring to the fact that once a person passes into the Light, they become as one with a much higher vibrational frequency. It is therefore difficult, but not impossible, for them to come back down to the low vibration of earth and form a solid mass for even a short period of time. That is why if you see a spirit with your human eye, the image will often be unclear, wavy or grainy and disappear as quickly as it came.
Your Mind’s Eye
More common when it comes to clairvoyance is seeing things in your mind’s eye. Spirit/souls will often flash messages into your mind in the form of images or even scenes that play out while you watch. This is often how I get messages about something that happened. I will see it in my mind’s eye like a movie. These images, whether in your mind or outside of yourself, are coming from your third eye, which is your seat of clairvoyance.
How Clairvoyance Works
Clairvoyance can also occur when you see messages as you go about your daily life. For instance, you may see angel numbers, which give you messages, or you may see colors, which also portray certain messages. Another way to get messages is via license plates. Regarding the latter, I have a funny story for you. I was once a little peeved at someone who I would soon be seeing at a meeting. It was a disagreement that we hadn’t yet ironed out. When I got in my car to leave for the meeting and looked at the license plate on the car in front of me, it read, “Oh, Be Nice.” As soon as I saw that, I started laughing. By the time I got to the meeting, my irritation had dissolved.
How Clairvoyance Guides You
Clairvoyance can be a very useful Clair to have at your disposal. The message you see can be very clear, like my example above, or it may need a little translating. Either way, the visual aspect makes it possible to fairly quickly obtain your message. Sometimes it may just be that a passed on loved one came to say hi, but at other times, it could be something more.
I’ll give you another example. One night, I woke up to see a man standing at the foot of my bed holding a large book. It was my life guide, Evan, with my Akashic Records. That turned out to be a message for me to have a talk with him about what turned out to be an important soul purpose mission.
That being said, when you see something you instinctively feel is a message, don’t discount it. Instead, take a closer look at the information coming to you for what I promise are nuggets of wisdom.
I’ll give you another example. One night, I woke up to see a man standing at the foot of my bed holding a large book. It was my life guide, Evan, with my Akashic Records. That turned out to be a message for me to have a talk with him about what turned out to be an important soul purpose mission.
That being said, when you see something you instinctively feel is a message, don’t discount it. Instead, take a closer look at the information coming to you for what I promise are nuggets of wisdom.
How to Use the Clairs to Communicate with Spirit
Once you’ve identified your main Clairs, it helps to see if you can work toward bringing them together in a way that you are able to better access messages from Spirit.
Of course, this is all trial and error. Yet, if you focus on first thoughts—what you think of first is often the message—you will find that there is very little error involved. In fact, you will find that you come to answers more quickly and that you get more messages.
A Matter of Trust
This is all, as you may be suspecting, a matter of trust. Most importantly, trust in yourself to pull it all together and access the messages by first trusting that the messages are coming to you.

It can be as challenging or as easy to access messages as you wish to make it. If you trust and allow, which are two inextricably linked concepts, you will find that the messages come flowing to you faster than you might be able to process them. But that’s okay. The fact that you are accessing them and acknowledging them is often enough.
Trust that you will understand and remember the messages that you are supposed to remember and understand. It’s okay if some get “lost in translation” or never even make it to translation. Just know that the messages you are supposed to hear will come back around again and again until you see, feel, hear, know or sense them. (Much like an overdue bill that keeps coming back until you pay it!)
Pulling the Clairs Together
How could this work? This pulling the Clairs together to better enable you to access messages? An example is often helpful, so here is one.
Say you are thinking that the mailman may soon arrive. (You’ve used claircognizance to ascertain this). Then you see in your mind’s eye a card with your name on it. (You’ve used clairvoyance to access this.) Then you hear, it’s a card from a certain locale or a certain person. (You’ve used clairaudience to access this.) Then you feel anticipation and excitement. (You’ve used clairempathy, a subset of clairsentience to access this.) Then you think the news must be good. (You’ve used claircognizance to access this.)
I think you see where this is going. Is this a building blocks sort of thing? Yes, it most certainly is. While you may at times get an epiphany and download of lot of information at once, more often than not you’ll get your messages in bits and pieces that you must then put together like a puzzle. That is often the case.

If you feel as if a message is trying to come to you, but you’re just not sure what it is, or if it is even coming, consider getting into a meditative state and allowing the information to flow to you.
While you can sit and try to clear your mind and see what comes, you can also enjoy an activity that helps you clear your mind. Such hobbies tend to be repetitive and peaceful, allowing your mind to clear and wander.
Some good meditative hobbies/activities include:
- Gardening
- Driving
- Showering
- Staring at a candle or a waterfall or at a beautiful view, such as the night sky
- Painting
- Virtually anything that gets you into a peaceful state of being
When you get into a meditative state, you will feel the shift. You’ll feel lighter and more focused, yet a little spacy in terms of the EarthPlane. At this point, simply ask for any messages to come to you and make sure to jot down or record anything that you get. Then analyze the messages further once the downloads stop.
Thank you for this wonderful description of the “clairs!” I am writing a spiritual life history. I grew up in a family of spiritualists and want to write a list of all the ways we experienced spirit communicating with us. Your list is extremely helpful, although there are others unique to my family and some others I have picked up along the way. Yes – “TRUST” – is the challenge I face now that all the “real” mediums in my family have passed on!
Julia, You are very welcome. I’m very glad to hear the description of the clairs is helpful to you. A spiritual life history sounds like a wonderful project. I’d be interested in hearing about the other types you mention that are unique to your family, if you care to share!