If you’ve followed my teachings for a period of time or have had spiritual coaching sessions with me, you have heard me speak or write about anticipation versus expectation.
By this I am referring to striving as much as possible to live in anticipation of what is to come, rather than slipping into expecting certain things to come to pass.
The trouble with expecting is that life doesn’t often go as we would expect it to, does it? And when it doesn’t, well, we get cranky or depressed or exasperated or frustrated or disillusioned. In fact, it’s the disillusionment that can be especially damaging. Why? Because it leads us away from our soul calling and from the sheer joy we can find in life if we just allow ourselves to experience it.
The best way to truly enjoy life is to simply anticipate what the Universe brings your way via the script you and your Higher Self and Life Guide wrote for you. And speaking of scripts, what about this? What about waking up every day wondering and waiting to see what is going to happen next in your own personal movie?

If you think about it, when you sit down to watch a movie—unless you’ve done some research on the film—you really don’t know what’s going to happen. That’s often why we watch movies—to see how the story unfolds and what the various characters will do. It is an exciting, anticipatory feeling, wouldn’t you say?
So, what if you looked at your life and lived it like you are starring in your own movie? You’d feel more anticipation and curiosity, wouldn’t you? And when the various characters in your own movie walk onto the set, it’s going to be exciting to see what they will say and do.
Of course, there will be the people who act as the “villains,” and then there are the people who come to help, and then the people who come to rock your world. The fact is that if you are living your life like a movie, all of these occurrences you anticipate, and that is a really fun way to live.
There will certainly be trepidation at times—especially when your life becomes suspenseful—but it will be far from mundane, I assure you.

So, go ahead and try living your life as if you’re starring in your own movie. With no idea what is going to happen next and next and next. Remind yourself that you wrote the script, and that you knew exactly what you were doing when you created that script.
Sure, you will learn lessons along the way, and face challenges. There will also be times when everything is shrouded in mystery and you have no idea what is about to happen or which way to turn. All good movie scripts have those elements!
You’ll also experience moments of overwhelming gratitude and sheer delight as you head along your soul path movie.